Drying herb...?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, if wether or not slow drying with a oven set on like 25 - 30* so its just warm is alright? and how much could it possibly effect the THC?

If you dry this way but still cure like normal? Can it be done without having to many bad side effects?

Or is it clearly bad for it? And just the old hang upside down and wait trick the best?


Well-Known Member
the oven works but its not going to end up too good from what everyone tells me. i tried it on a few small buds and i was dissapointed.


Well-Known Member
i took off a sample bud last night to test from one of my plants and 2 quick dry it i put it on the radiator in a brown bag, let the moisture dry off for a few hours then stuck it 15 mins infront of a fan, rolled a spliff, wasnt really dry kinda damp, very very sticky but got me baked non the less


Active Member
Drying too fast makes the end result taste and feel quite harsh. I actually use a humidifier during dryig and find it makes for a more even distribution of moisture throughout the buds once curing is complete. Estimated ideal humidity conditions: 45%-55%. It takes longer but it's a more satisfying result if you have the time.


Well-Known Member
I popped a nug or 2 on top of my areogarden hood. Worked. Didn't make it real harsh, still tasted fine. Try your ballast, or other lower heat items thats already running (A tube TV could work. even my LCD puts out a bit of heat.)
Pop a nug by the exhaust fan of an Xbox, that should dry it out fast, but not too fast.


Well-Known Member
when situations have arisen and called for desperate measures, we have ground and microwaved bud before. could've been worse.