URGENT!! opinions needed

Hong Chong

Active Member
How about your buddies girl or your buddy even jsut knocked the shit over accidentaly or were foolin around and snapped him right in half and jsut threw him out and agreed to say nothin about it? Other than that I'd say it was kids who were roamin around blazin and saw a plant through a window and decided to make a quick jack, if it was kids they would'nt have a reason to stick around and keep snoopin, especially if they don't know if someones in the house which would make sense, a cop would most definitely stick around if he seen one plant, thats not jsut suspicion, there would be nothin to investigate, thats an easy warrant i would think?


Well-Known Member
it takes time and money to get a warrent and unless they had a case that they were building they wouldnt give a shit if they dont knwo anything about him already then hes prob not a problem so they go after bigger shit


Well-Known Member
WoW! I cant believe you guys are paranoid. If it was a cop or someone who was going to give it to a cop, it doesn't matter they would have to account how they got the plant and then convince a judge to issue a warrant. All this shit cost money for the city and state, and they will not come after you unless they are sure you are growing pounds and selling them.(have you sold to any undercover's?LOL) Also, you went to jail for a roach? Must have been something else to that, because Ive been caught with an Oz, a 1/4 Oz and blunts and never went to JAIL, only got a fine for the Oz.

I tell you what you should do is, put another plant in the window, hide in the other room and wait with a bat or a 9mm pistol or a pellet gun. And when they walk they stupid ass back in your house, you light they ass up!(just dont use the 9mm, only shoot it to scare them. Dont want to trade a self-defense with a manslaughter.) believe me, you have no problem with the law, the only problem you have is that someone knows that you grow weed and they might be planning on coming back when your not there to look around and hopefully find more plants or other valuable stuff.


Well-Known Member
WoW! I cant believe you guys are paranoid. If it was a cop or someone who was going to give it to a cop, it doesn't matter they would have to account how they got the plant and then convince a judge to issue a warrant. All this shit cost money for the city and state, and they will not come after you unless they are sure you are growing pounds and selling them.(have you sold to any undercover's?LOL) Also, you went to jail for a roach? Must have been something else to that, because Ive been caught with an Oz, a 1/4 Oz and blunts and never went to JAIL, only got a fine for the Oz.

I tell you what you should do is, put another plant in the window, hide in the other room and wait with a bat or a 9mm pistol or a pellet gun. And when they walk they stupid ass back in your house, you light they ass up!(just dont use the 9mm, only shoot it to scare them. Dont want to trade a self-defense with a manslaughter.) believe me, you have no problem with the law, the only problem you have is that someone knows that you grow weed and they might be planning on coming back when your not there to look around and hopefully find more plants or other valuable stuff.


Well-Known Member
WoW! I cant believe you guys are paranoid. If it was a cop or someone who was going to give it to a cop, it doesn't matter they would have to account how they got the plant and then convince a judge to issue a warrant. All this shit cost money for the city and state, and they will not come after you unless they are sure you are growing pounds and selling them.(have you sold to any undercover's?LOL) Also, you went to jail for a roach? Must have been something else to that, because Ive been caught with an Oz, a 1/4 Oz and blunts and never went to JAIL, only got a fine for the Oz.

I tell you what you should do is, put another plant in the window, hide in the other room and wait with a bat or a 9mm pistol or a pellet gun. And when they walk they stupid ass back in your house, you light they ass up!(just dont use the 9mm, only shoot it to scare them. Dont want to trade a self-defense with a manslaughter.) believe me, you have no problem with the law, the only problem you have is that someone knows that you grow weed and they might be planning on coming back when your not there to look around and hopefully find more plants or other valuable stuff.
this guy is an idiot....
assuming it was a couple of dumb shit kids... and they stole it.. and on the way back cops see them and they ask them where where they got this POTTED marijuana plant... do u think A they will not tell or B tell the fuckin cops they got it out of the house to save there own ass.

thats probableaobable cause, and is PLENTY to give a copthe right to walk into your house (announced or not) without a warrant...

the people who think they have all this freedom are the ones you see on cops saying that the popo cant come in cuz they "didnt give them permission" its the same with your car.. if they see/smell/sence anything.. it gives them the right to search your car.. if they dont have probable cause then they have to ask to come in or ask to search your car.

i dont know where this idea that cops dont give a shit... if they make a bust.. one plant or 100 it still makes them look good.. they are not going to pat you on the back and go naw its ok and let you go.

i still dont think it was cops who took your plant but.. some people really dont know the law


Well-Known Member
Hemlockstones sorry man but u have no idea what you are talking about. u dont know what it takes to be able to walk into a house. I know law enforcment inside and out. and you have let the media do just what they want with the threat of law enforcment... scare the shit outta you


Well-Known Member
All the cops has to say is that he smelt a strong oder of pot coming from inside your house, and guess what, Theres his probable cause. He doesn't really have to smell it, he only has to say he smells it. I wouln't worrie to much about it. From my own experiance, the police don't go making up stories about smelling things to bust into a house unless you have many priors for possession with intent to sell. If it's gonna happen. It will take a few days to get everything in order. Keep yours eyes peeled, The police tend to stake out a home for a day or two before a search warrent is issued and they come busting in at 4:00am. Even if someone gave them the plant, they only have hearsay, they need some proof. Be smart. Get an exit stratagy ready. If you hear them coming, grab your shit and hit the back door. It wouln't be a bad Idea to invest in Police scanner from radio shack. They talk in code, but you would hear your address said before a raid is conducted. But I'm sure you have nothing to worrie about. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
ok man you can trust the guy who says "put weed plants in your windows and wait with a 9mm and shoot at whoever comes in"

THAT guy sure seems to know the law :-)

im gonna go find this NORML video about this kind of stuff...your rights and shit. you and new weed man can sit down and check it out


Active Member
All the cops has to say is that he smelt a strong oder of pot coming from inside your house, and guess what, Theres his probable cause. He doesn't really have to smell it, he only has to say he smells it. I wouln't worrie to much about it. From my own experiance, the police don't go making up stories about smelling things to bust into a house unless you have many priors for possession with intent to sell. If it's gonna happen. It will take a few days to get everything in order. Keep yours eyes peeled, The police tend to stake out a home for a day or two before a search warrent is issued and they come busting in at 4:00am. Even if someone gave them the plant, they only have hearsay, they need some proof. Be smart. Get an exit stratagy ready. If you hear them coming, grab your shit and hit the back door. It wouln't be a bad Idea to invest in Police scanner from radio shack. They talk in code, but you would hear your address said before a raid is conducted. But I'm sure you have nothing to worrie about. Keep us posted.
Cops cant do that,are they trained to detect the odor of marajuana ?Is the human nose capable of distinguishing that from a skunk? Not in the big book of law!If a drug dog and cops happend to walk past your house and the dog detected the odour than maybe if not a good lawer would get it thrown out.

But back to kush's story,me thinks its something harmless like the chick knocked your plant over felt guilty got rid of the evidence then deny deny deny.Like fuck you said she knew...Doubtfult it was anyone else if your in that rural a neiborhood ...unless you have a lot of traffic.... Than it could be anyone.

I mnyself have walked into many a growhouse where the owner would think you dont know but the signs are there.Like one of my friends place you couldnt tell for shit less you went into the master onsuite.No smell anywhere but there .He had carbon filters out the ass and his growroom was stealth as hell.Fake wall no door... Was so cool his wall actully worked like a garage door folded up and when it was down all the wood trim hid everything.


Active Member
if a cop were to simply go into ur house and take your plant the most that would happen is that they would look for a reason to obtain a search warrant. but because he would have taken the first one without a warrant they could not use that plant as reason for a warrant. from where u said u lived as long as you don't have a lot of recent offenses i wouldn't worry


Well-Known Member
ok man you can trust the guy who says "put weed plants in your windows and wait with a 9mm and shoot at whoever comes in"

THAT guy sure seems to know the law :-)

im gonna go find this NORML video about this kind of stuff...your rights and shit. you and new weed man can sit down and check it out
First off that was a joke about the 9mm, if you would just read on.

Ive had my run ins with the law and someone bringing the cops something and saying they got it from your house or car is not probable cause, THAT right there leaves them open for a law suite if they do not find anything. If they do find something it will be thrown out of court. If you havent learned anything then you should have been paying attention to old mafia cases, THIS IS THE REASON THEY HAVE TO BUILD A CASE FIRST. So take that little book and read it because I bet that you will not find anything giving law enforcement probable cause to come in your house and/or obtaining a warrant from HEARSAY. And as far as your car; if you weren't so fucking scared, there is a reason they ASK you to search your car, Just try saying NO then they will HAVE TO obtain a warrant.

TRUE STORY: Two guys in my city were caught with 100 pounds of marijuana because someone tipped off a cop, the two guys beat up the cop and fled. They were later caught and charged with possession of 100 pounds of marijuana and assault on an officer. Well a month later the MARIJUANA charge(First Degree Felony) was dropped because of improper search and seizure, they only received 6 months probation for whipping the cops ass.

Hong Chong

Active Member
the laws are different everyhwere, whoever is sayin cops cant do shit cops need dogs to sniff and search, you havent had any serious run ins with the law or else you would know that they dont need dogs and shit to search your house if there is a dope plant in clear view, if a cop can see that shit he can call for a warrant and do whatever the fuck he wants, jsut like if you were growing dope in plain view in your garden, cops arent just gonna pass it by if they see it. I dont know where the fuck you all are from but if you got dope in plain view, its gettin taken by cops or thieves. And newweedman or whatever, your talkin bout probable cause if someone tips off police.. people are always tippin off police...its called crimestoppers, and then police build a case on you and scope your shit out but this has nothin to do with someone tippin off cops..


Well-Known Member
Just lock up your grow room and be done with it bra... if by now no ones come knocking at your door about it, its probably not gonna happen... and its probably not a good idea to leave a plant chillin in your kitchen in the first place anyway, even if your rommates know and are cool with the fact the you grow...


Well-Known Member
the laws are different everyhwere, whoever is sayin cops cant do shit cops need dogs to sniff and search, you havent had any serious run ins with the law or else you would know that they dont need dogs and shit to search your house if there is a dope plant in clear view, if a cop can see that shit he can call for a warrant and do whatever the fuck he wants, jsut like if you were growing dope in plain view in your garden, cops arent just gonna pass it by if they see it. I dont know where the fuck you all are from but if you got dope in plain view, its gettin taken by cops or thieves. And newweedman or whatever, your talkin bout probable cause if someone tips off police.. people are always tippin off police...its called crimestoppers, and then police build a case on you and scope your shit out but this has nothin to do with someone tippin off cops..



maybe where you are my friend, but here our narcotics force is well funded and can afford it; besides, they make their money back on property seizures.


Well-Known Member
Different police departments do things differently. Different communities have different standards.

The fourth amendment and other procedural considerations may help you escape prosecution by excluding improperly seized evidence, but may not restrain overzealous officers from ruining your life for a little while.

It's not like the search and seizure laws somehow alter the laws of physics like Kryptonite. ....


You said you're in California. Are you a legal medical grower? If so, WTF are you worried about? The DEA isn't coming after you for one male plant.

Also, don't leave pot plants in front of the window, or the door unlocked. Definitely don't do both.



Well-Known Member
the laws are different everywhere, whoever is saying cops cant do shit cops need dogs to sniff and search, you havent had any serious run ins with the law or else you would know that they dont need dogs and shit to search your house if there is a dope plant in clear view, if a cop can see that shit he can call for a warrant and do whatever the fuck he wants, jsut like if you were growing dope in plain view in your garden, cops arent just gonna pass it by if they see it. I dont know where the fuck you all are from but if you got dope in plain view, its gettin taken by cops or thieves. And newweedman or whatever, your talkin bout probable cause if someone tips off police.. people are always tippin off police...its called crimestoppers, and then police build a case on you and scope your shit out but this has nothin to do with someone tippin off cops..
YOU really dont know shit, a cop cant look in your window and say what something is, it has to be taken to a lab and tested(which cost MONEY). And in order for it to be tested the cop has to have it in his possession which means he will have to take it from your house and prove why he came IN YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT you dumb shit. There for they will not waste their time on a plant that a cop or anyone else says LOOKS like marijuana, you have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PRIVACY JACKASS. I dont know about you but Ive seen a lot of plants that look like weed, and I also have seen alot of people who look like regular old people but turn out to be cops so I dont fuck with them because I dont know for sure. ARE YOU A COP STUPID!


Well-Known Member
dude you really are stupid.. you need to shut up...

they dont need it in their hand they dont need tests in labs they dont need a dog...
(although it would help later in court)
you OBVIOUSLY have NEVER had a run in with the cops and everything you have learned about the legal system seems to be from other teenage stoners while you're high...

and yes (gasp) cops KNOW what weed looks like! omg! shocker i know.. not just people who grow it haha. if they see a roach in ur car they dont have to take it to the lab before they can search your car haha... they go hey.. thats probable cause.. this is my job.. this guy more than likely has more shit on him so i will give him a hard time.

same as if they see a weed plant...i know in your eyes they might all look the same (im not really sure why you are on this forum if you cant distinguish 'weed' and other weeds) but regardless....

you WILL be in jail soon with out a doubt if you think all that is true... cops can say they saw anything, say they smelt anything, dogs can be make to false alert. and for one plant.. yes the department can seize all your shit (car, house, any cash)to easily pay for this "expensive" warrant. i dont know why you think all police departments are too broke to afford a search warrant..
good luck... you're going to need it