URGENT!! opinions needed


Active Member
i wish it were so, but no april fools pranks here:

also; macc and newweed; quit fucking arguing on my thread, i was/am looking for advice, not bullshit, i have enough of that as it is.
well being careless in the first place is a no-no.oviously if you had people over and a plant sitting out several know that you grow,house left unlocked,so good luck but unless you change your habits you are absolutely going to get caught and you deserve it!!!!!good luck fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well being careless in the first place is a no-no.oviously if you had people over and a plant sitting out several know that you grow,house left unlocked,so good luck but unless you change your habits you are absolutely going to get caught and you deserve it!!!!!good luck fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry dude... no one deserves to go to jail for a weed plant .... IMO
kinda harsh to tell him he deserves it...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we might want to distinguish between "deserving it" and "asking for it."

No one deserves to go to jail for pot. But you can bring it on yourself through carelessness.


Well-Known Member
I don't care where you live...city/country/suburbs....KEEP YOUR DOORS LOCKED WHEN YOU HAVE A GROW GOING ON...all the time for that matter. Everyones fine until they get screwed. Sounds like you learned a valuable lesson