The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual


Well-Known Member
look like root rot in the dwc and you should try the lucas formula it works wonders in dwc
i would put some hygrozyme and a lil h2o2 get them roots back healthy
I wouldn't add hygrozyme if there is a root rot. Hygrozyme is a breeding ground for root rot. They are better as a preventive than an treatment. Other wise do use the h2o2.

Edit: Take my advise with a grain of salt. I am an soil grower I believe that Hygrozyme is much better with organics or soil, coco or sunshine mix rather than using with hydro methods. I am just starting my first hydro method which is a Hempy Bucket and I don't use the Hygrozyme. Check my journal on my sig.


Active Member
Well I need to do something to get my plants back perky and growing. IDK why they don't grow. I start with rapid rooter and put them in 4" rockwool when I see roots come out of the rapid rooter. Is that a problem? What should I do instead of that?


Well-Known Member
i think thats your problem rapid rooters and then in rw where as rw needs to be ph'ed @.5.5 thats what it says on the lable
next round try just one or the other and hygrozyme will eat off the dead roots just read the lable it tells you how to use it just go half strength thats what i did
when i was in dwc to correct the problem and it worked just my .02cents


Active Member
i think thats your problem rapid rooters and then in rw where as rw needs to be ph'ed @.5.5 thats what it says on the lable
next round try just one or the other and hygrozyme will eat off the dead roots just read the lable it tells you how to use it just go half strength thats what i did
when i was in dwc to correct the problem and it worked just my .02cents

What do you mean one or the other? How am I going to put a clone into 4" rockwool, that space is like 1.5 inch big compared to a 1/8 inch clone.. ?


Well-Known Member
if you clone in rw then get the bigger on to put the smaller one in they fit trust me


Active Member
if you clone in rw then get the bigger on to put the smaller one in they fit trust me
Oh, so just get smaller rockwool that is just like rapid rooter? Same process just use all rockwool instead of rapid rooter? I'll do that.
hygrozyme for chemical, mychos for organics. pretty sure it just helps the roots intake for the most part, wanna say its a catalyst but dont take my word for it


Well-Known Member
hygrozyme can go either way but all in all it helps with the roots and add a root supplemt also with either (superthrive or thrive alive) it helps
with hormones and root growth


Well-Known Member
Like OG said... Pick one the rapid rooter or Rockwool. I personally prefer the rapid rooters they work faster and breathe better. 4inch rockwool is crazy for dwc I think. use the smaller ones. 4inch -6inch rockwool is better for flood and drain systems IMO


Active Member
My 5 veg plants are looking better today. They are not as droopy and stuff so I think they're going good now.

I switched out my 10 buckets that i put in last week.

I set ppms at 350 with:

6mL Grow
4ml Micro
3mL Bloom
5mL Calmag
15mL Aquashield

I only put 2.5 gallons water in the buckets this time so I hope they grow good now.

I totally remodeled my bud room, enclosed it in more and put more fans for air circulation. Got $150 in humidifiers in there to keep it 50% +


Active Member

Wa I'm getting sick of this shit. My whole operation is dying and IDK what the fuck I'm doing.

My soil OP is doing okay. Re-did basically everything in that room and re-did everything in every other room hoping that I could get better humidity, air ventilation, oxygen, etc.

I'm putting my 15 sick plants into soil in a few days, i just put them in straight water buckets for a couple days today.

I got my 5 other plants that I put into bud awhile ago and they just don't grow. Pain in the ass IDK what I'm doing wrong.

Found some slime in those 5 and my 10 vegging plants which are doing good I think. I just dumped 5ml h2o2 in there the other day and they are fine.

Today I put my 5 plants in straight h2o2 water for 2 hours then I put them in straight hygrozyme for 2 hours and then I put

7mL Micro
7mL Grow
7mL Bloom
10mL Calmag
10mL hygrozyme

They're all around 750 ppms now which is about the same as before. Hoping to see more growth or anything but this just sucks ass.

I hope that my 10 new ones are going to be done right. So far so good on those, plus I got 5 more that I'm going to put into buckets tomorrow, so hopefully my shit will be straight soon. Wish I had someone to help me rawr...

Here's some pics of my soil room, it got small cause I took 2 lights out but now I'm working on getting 2 more lights and a bunch more plants in there, there's like 30 in there right now I think. I am way behind schedule cause of this hydro setup. It's killing me.

All I got in my veg room.. Trying get clones off friends to get back on track.

I closed in my bud room for my hydro better, hopefully that helps alot.

I think they're getting droopy now cause I messed with them all day, hope they rise tomorrow.

If anyone could tell me what's wrong with this, that would be nice.. I dumped calmag and tiger bloom in it today to see if it would do any better. I dumped nitrogen in it last week.

My 10 hydro are doing good I think. Roots are growing and stuff..



Well-Known Member
looks like ph issues...not to sound like a ass but i think you should master one before trying to tackle two methods
jjust my .02cents


Active Member
looks like ph issues...not to sound like a ass but i think you should master one before trying to tackle two methods
jjust my .02cents

Been doing soil for years.. I have no problems with soil, just those two plants because I fed them with retarded shit twice on accident.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to hydro- less is more
I saw you were feeding 750 ppm. that is likely what fucked up your girls.
Feed less.


Well-Known Member
Man, that garden looks ruff. I hope its a legal grow, those are not worth risking a felony.


Well-Known Member
I'v got an idea for you. take one of your girls in dwc and feed her 400 ppm of just the GH flora series, ie the "keep it simple" drain to waste feed chart. Stop with the cal mag, hygrozyme, or ANYTHING ELSE.


Active Member
I'v got an idea for you. take one of your girls in dwc and feed her 400 ppm of just the GH flora series, ie the "keep it simple" drain to waste feed chart. Stop with the cal mag, hygrozyme, or ANYTHING ELSE.
Thanks for the tip but I need calmag cause I use RO water but I am just keeping it simple now and just hope they don't die.

Also, I am all legal, so don't worry.