The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip but I need calmag cause I use RO water but I am just keeping it simple now and just hope they don't die.

Also, I am all legal, so don't worry.

Cool, glad your legal. Me too :)

You can add a little well/tap water to your RO to get to about 50 ppm. If you use the cal mag, only go 1ml per gallon.


Well-Known Member
hey i would just use some tap water and start from there and try the lucas on that gh nutes it works im tellin ya
but i woul start with just plain water it look likes tooo much nutes like your ppm or ec is way to high


Active Member
I got two plants about 3 feet tall from a friend who felt bad for my struggles.. I hope I don't fuck these up. I got them in straight water with sledgehammer flush until morning so I can put them in bud on my own nutrients. I'll take pics tomorrow, they call it "low rider"


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Some of your DWC plants are showing small deficiency issues of the past, but they look fine to me. Make sure you're keeping the ph near perfect while it swings and keep your rez temps at 60-70.. which I don't see anything cooling your rezes.


Active Member
what about your dirt girls? they make it.
They're all still alive but my 5 plants are pretty much dead and haven't grown in like 4 weeks I don't know what the fuck to do. My dad keeps saying their nutrient lock out so IDK what to do and the smae problem with my other 10! I found the ph was at 4.8 cause my PH meter was off so I fixed that but now they aren't growing either omfg I just I knew what to do


Active Member
I always keep them around 6.0 pH every day and shit, this is getting fucking stupid.

What can I do to just make my roots grow?

Can't I just stop with all my nutrients and give them Ph'd aquashield for a week?


Well-Known Member
I always keep them around 6.0 pH every day and shit, this is getting fucking stupid.

What can I do to just make my roots grow?

Can't I just stop with all my nutrients and give them Ph'd aquashield for a week?

No,you cant do that.

If you need to slow things down and regroup, just raise the lights and feed lightly. Was your ph fucked up through all of this?


Active Member
No,you cant do that.

If you need to slow things down and regroup, just raise the lights and feed lightly. Was your ph fucked up through all of this?
They were below 5the yesterday I fixed it. My 10life small ones are 300ppmlooking and they got purple stems everywhere and some are turning yellow and shit. Please help me


Active Member
Alright, enough of this bullshit. I am growing DWC and I'm going to be fucking good at it and that's all there is to it.

I remodeled my whole fucking apartment, I even bought a fucking door cause I put another wall up in my veg room.

I'm getting all my environment shit down by tomorrow. I got a whole new bud room and a whole new veg room, way better ventilation in both and i'm not getting below 50% humidity in either room. well in the bud room its 40-50%

I don't know why the fuck I keep failing but I am getting this right. I got my 10 plants that I thought were doing good turned into a peice of shit. I added water and humboldt grow in the buckets today and I flushed 2 of them last night. I also added hygrozyme.

My 5 peice of shit plants I was about to toss in the trash but I decided to just fill the buckets with sledgehammer and well water and let it go for the night. Tomorrow I'm going to take it out and run straight aqua shield and well water for a few days.

I got 7 plants going into buckets tomorrow, too.

Here's pics of all my shit. They fucking suck ass but I think the 10 clones are going to come back and my 7 clones i'm putting into buckets better not fail.



Active Member
Here's the plants my buddy gave me yesterday. These fuckers are huge, buddy.

My lemon haze is going pretty nice. Got 2 of these



Well-Known Member
they look good but i see that your ptting the rapid rooters in th rw cubes again


Active Member
they look good but i see that your ptting the rapid rooters in th rw cubes again
Ya I had already cloned before people said otherwise. I bought all the new stuff for it but haven't cloned yet. My dad doesn't even want to try it, he says it works just fine.

I went to my buddies house last night and he's got straight up trees. He gave me 2 of his plants and the others were twigs compared to them and he had the rapid rooters in just like I do.

He's getting like 14 oz a plant every time


Well-Known Member
Dude all you do is bitch like a sister!!! We are trying to help you here and calm the heck down and regroup and figure out what the case really is. Why don't you just pick a rockwool or rapid rooters and try that out and I am sure they will make a big difference. Everyone's system is different plus your friend that is growing trees with rapid rooters in rw has probably had problems with them in the begining until he figured how to use it properly. Instead of using rapid rooters why don't you use the RW plugs that are made to fit in that hole? I am pretty sure that is the problem and they look fine!!!! just a few errors as long as you fix it and find the problem now then the rest of the growing will be green don't worry about the yellowing on the bottom they will never turn back green. Once the plant is in shock it will take time to recover so let it do it own thing and quit messing with it too much. Use the KISS method. What are you feeding it now?

Edit: Sorry to be blunt, I just don't like whiners. "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger"


Well-Known Member
I can't really see well in the picture, but If I see correctly a few leaves have yellow spotting on the green leaves, that could be spider mites. Check under the leaf with the yellow spotting.


Active Member
Dude all you do is bitch like a sister!!! We are trying to help you here and calm the heck down and regroup and figure out what the case really is. Why don't you just pick a rockwool or rapid rooters and try that out and I am sure they will make a big difference. Everyone's system is different plus your friend that is growing trees with rapid rooters in rw has probably had problems with them in the begining until he figured how to use it properly. Instead of using rapid rooters why don't you use the RW plugs that are made to fit in that hole? I am pretty sure that is the problem and they look fine!!!! just a few errors as long as you fix it and find the problem now then the rest of the growing will be green don't worry about the yellowing on the bottom they will never turn back green. Once the plant is in shock it will take time to recover so let it do it own thing and quit messing with it too much. Use the KISS method. What are you feeding it now?

Edit: Sorry to be blunt, I just don't like whiners. "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger"

Sorry but I'm just trying to do this properly and having every which problem every which way. The problem with that is my dad is half the operation so half the shit I say, he says no and then we get fucked up shit. I'm trying to follow everything by the threads I read and people tell me but some variables have been off. I bought all the stuff to do straight rockwool but my dad would rather use his method with rapid rooters because he gets 100% success rate and he doesn't want to keep fucking up clones when we don't have enough plants as it is.

I came in today and the 10 plants were purple everywhere and yellowing so he bitched out and just aggrivating me so I am just irritated about this shit. I just want to grow some weed and get higha higha babehh...

I have spider mites in my soil bud room but I'm trying to control them, that would suck if they carried to my hydro rooms.. It's a whole different building. I'll get rid of them tomorrow.

What do you say I do with the 5 plants I got there that haven't grown in 4 weeks and are now dying? You expect me to relax :(

I got them in sledhammer for the night, what do you say I do to them in the morning?

In my 10 plants that are almost 2 weeks old I have this in them:


5mL grow
4ml micro
3ml bloom
5ml calmag
10ml hygrozyme

I have like 2.5 gallons in the buckets.

I'm going to run straight water and sledgehammer for an hour and then put all that back in a higher dosage. They're at like 350ppm now - I will put them around 450 tomorrow, right? They were 250 yesterday cause I added RO water to them, because I thought maybe they turned purple cause there wasn't enough water. So, I added some grow in today so I hope that fixed the problem.


Active Member
How long are you supposed to run sledgehammer on sick plants before you put nutrients in them? Or do you run straight water for a few days at any point?

Any advice on DWC growing would be helpful man..