Making my hash with paint thinner(mineral spirits)


Active Member
so ive let all my stems and shake from a hp soak in paint thinner, also known as mineral spirits that i bought from home depot, called recordasol, and i put it through my silk screen, now im letting it dry in a glass dish, but i was wondering, is this really the right way to do it, my buddy who works at the paint section in home depot said im going to get rediculously high, but i think he was talking about the residue from the mineral spirits hahah, i dont really want to fuk my brain up, so maybe you guys could give me some insight

Thanx, Jonathan


Well-Known Member
HOLLY FUCK! that just sounds crazy!!!..think about it man ur guna be smoking hash that was made with PAINT THINNER!!!!!! i have never in my life heard of someone usein paint cold water is the only way ive ever heard of hash being made..


Active Member
wow, yea it looks like everybody is sayin the same thing, but i searched it all over the place and alot of people have used it, it does sound kinda crazy, but funny thing, my dad assumed i was making hash with it when i was buying it, but its really for my graff, meh has anyone tried this, or am i misssing a step?


Well-Known Member
wow paint thinner sounds dangerous but i guess it is no more dangerous then using butane or isopropyl alcohol.


Well-Known Member
i dunno man..just make sure u dry it out real good!im not saying hash is good for ur lungs,nothing is..but paint thinner just sounds to intense!


i wouldn't use paint thinner or denatured alcohol they put stuff in it deliberatly to make you sick so you wont ingest it.

i think what you might be reffering to is making hash oil using a solvent.
i have done this before using everclear 100% alcohol from the liquor store
the alcohol will evaporate leaving the oil from the plant.
if you use mineral spirits you will get the oil but will also be left with a lot of residue from the mineral spirits this is'nt stuff you want to smoke


Active Member
serious, do you guys think its a sufficient amount of residue that could do some harm, because im pretty sure everything leaves residue, even water does


Well-Known Member
i know a dude who tried this and went blind. and because of this he couldnt work, so
his ol' lady left him, started sellin herself and got all strung out on meth, then
the state took their kids and put them in a home, and the aspca put their dog to sleep.
So its your call on smoking paint thinner man.


Well-Known Member
i know a dude who tried this and went blind. and because of this he couldnt work, so
his ol' lady left him, started sellin herself and got all strung out on meth, then
the state took their kids and put them in a home, and the aspca put their dog to sleep.
So its your call on smoking paint thinner man.
lmfao!!! please tell me thats a true story!!! seems to good to be


Well-Known Member
serious, do you guys think its a sufficient amount of residue that could do some harm, because im pretty sure everything leaves residue, even water does
i think ur lungs/body could handle a water residue better than a paint thinner residue!!!


Active Member
are u guys joking, like that story sounds a little ridiculous, people huff this shit daily, i can see all the shit extracted in it, but its drying out at the side of my house, but i live in canada and its really cold, so barely any has evaporated, has anyone used this method?, does anyone know about chemical residue?


Well-Known Member
that story is sorta true but it wasnt from paint thinner hash that dude went blind. but seriously dude soak a rollin paper in thinner, let it completely dry, and then roll a doobie, and if you dont die, come back and tell us about it.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't use paint thinner or denatured alcohol they put stuff in it deliberatly to make you sick so you wont ingest it.

i think what you might be reffering to is making hash oil using a solvent.
i have done this before using everclear 100% alcohol from the liquor store
the alcohol will evaporate leaving the oil from the plant.
if you use mineral spirits you will get the oil but will also be left with a lot of residue from the mineral spirits this is'nt stuff you want to smoke

yes this man is right!!!!dont smoke it i have.i was very stoned when i went to the shop,mineral spirits and 100% alcohol were next to each other,,,i grab the wrong one oppps:spew:


Well-Known Member can't be serious, its paint thinner.

Warning from
Product Label: Hazard: Danger! Vapor Harmful. May affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness, headaches or nausea. Causes eye, skin, nose and throat irritation. Warning. Use of this product will expose you to benzene which is known to cause cancer and to toluene which is known to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Notice: Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational over exposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. Precautions: Keep away from heat and flame. Prevent build up of vapor by opening all windows and doors to achieve cross ventilation. If you can smell even a week solvent odor, there is a real fire risk. Vapors may spread long distances. Do not use this product for any use that requires quantities of product to be spread over large surfaces (more than 4 square feet). The potential for fire and health effects increases dramatically. For any use that requires spreading over a large surface, use a non-flammable product. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not breath vapor or spray mist. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eye watering, headaches or dizziness or if air monitoring demonstrates vapor/mist levels are above applicable limits, wear appropriate, properly fitted respirator (NIOSH/MSHA approved) during and after application. Follow respirator manufacturer's directions for respirator use. Close container after each use. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wash thoroughly after handling. First Aid: If you experience difficulty breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical assistance immediately. In case of eye contact, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention immediately. For skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician immediately. Spillage. If spilled, contain spilled material and remove with inert absorbent. Dispose of contaminated absorbent, container and unused contents in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Keep out of reach of children. (#2035 metal can container)


Well-Known Member
thats the msds sheet on Mspirits. ya that makes me wanna run right out and poison myself. wouldn't that be fun in the the ER to try and explain. if you could???
use booze..
thats made to go in you...
theres a lot of good published info. much better then
"my brothers cosines uncles dad twice removed that OD'ed on some crazy shit he did told a neighbor befor da dude moved to the state pen. use thinner man great stuff...... what was I saying.....?"
get it?


Active Member
so essentially what you guys are saying is that i shouldnt do this, unless i want to fuck my brain up, haha, ive read alot, i heard acetone is used alot, and unlike acetone and turpintine mineral spirits, especially low odor mineral spirits leave no residue according to alot of the results that came up in my searches on it, man im so 50/50 on this, i dont know what to believe. Im pretty well educated, go to school and all, so my smarts are kinda important, but im not sure what kind of paint thinner u guys are talking about as there are many, and ive heard of acetone being used in a similar process. thats for all the responses, and funny stories aha


Well-Known Member
imo thats fucked up, i work with volatile chemicals everyday, and if your gonna be doing n e thing with paint thinner, you mise well just put that shit in a bag and start huffin,