Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
no, i never grew or smoked straight BSB. the ever so kind fairy blessed me with some on the last visit... maybe i should try a couple. I just gave seven plants away tonight, so i have room to start a couple new ones... I have no idea what to try... i have so freakin many and i wanna go with something different. i might try one of my own.... i mixed a blueberry and NYPD by accident a while back when i first started and didn't know males from females. hahahaha

maybe a lemon qleaner or a P10... both crossed with CB, of coarse!!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
im in the same boatas you man, i can only realistlcy flower 5 plants in my space....having all these genetics and nowere to grow em kinda burns lol
all of cavemans gear sounds and sofar is pretty bomb...the BMF is one of my new fav smokes, deff lookin forward to soem pheno hunting in that line


Well-Known Member
What temps did it take to purple or does it do it regardless?

5 of 6 bb are showing tiny protruding tap roots. Didn't get to cloning. Need to get my laptop to go over all the tips and pics better

Which asshole here was it that HC said was growing with leds?

When do they come down dizzle? Want to see what you think of those.


Well-Known Member
BMF will show purple regardless, I'd say. In the round that I grew it, the temps never dropped low enough to make my Cheese purple up, but BMF-- WELL. Let's just say she had some nice ass hues!

Drinking coffee, smoking Cheese. Hope everyone is good in here.

edit: Oh, and Diz, tonight I bake! :) :weed:

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
BMF will show purple regardless, I'd say. In the round that I grew it, the temps never dropped low enough to make my Cheese purple up, but BMF-- WELL. Let's just say she had some nice ass hues!

Drinking coffee, smoking Cheese. Hope everyone is good in here.

edit: Oh, and Diz, tonight I bake! :) :weed:
yea same with the BSB , my temps are about 85ish and shes purple as hell lol

theres still mail sittin here i forgot to mail (cough cough) lol my bad LOL ... it will be outgoing today or tom tho haha.....ffs i gotta find soem motivations somewere :)

is it momma bobos recipe?


Well-Known Member
I'll second that also.... my bsb purped up right from the start like yours. wasn't to cold either.... she only got better and better as time went on!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good to know. HC showed a pic of bmf that looked red though.

My light came. Accidentally mailed it to my house rather than my safe address :/ stupefied PayPal. Now I'm a little paranoid. Need to order my ventilation but Gotham no longer has the 6in inline fan and filter combo on eBay.


Well-Known Member
Is that better than the 4in that Gotham sells? Cooltubes are 6in so would save the space of a reducer.

Does romulon smell in veg or is it the c99 bud? Had the bud for days but only today did my room smell fruity. Didn't have time to check plants or seeds. Running work errands. Will plant bb seeds tonight


Well-Known Member
Plugged in the light on 50% setting. Very yellow and very bright. The bulb/fixture was making a whistle or maybe high pitched hum. Was afraid of bulb exploding. Good bit of heat at 50% at couple inches. Might be right about needing cool tube. Unfortunately the dimensions of the batwing aren't the way I was expecting so light has to be turned 90 degrees from plan. Don't think it's best for coverage .

Got the bb in coco. 5 out of 6 showed tap root. I assume the sixth is the one that didn't ever sink.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haven't been wireless for about a month (router fell one to many times) and now the connection on my laptop is sketchy...maybe it will work for a while today lol. New router top of the list

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there Voidman looks like your coming right along, that's cool! Lot of dialing in initially and then a little bit of dialing in for all of the rest of the time lol. Kool beans about the BB germing....it doesn't matter at all whether they sink or not in water, I keep mine in for 24 hrs, and it doesn't always matter if they don't crack. I have had a couple lately that didn't crack after 48 in paper towels but they still came up anyways.

Happenin dizzhole : ?) Your Cindys are getting flipped next week! All of the tops have rooted and just waiting for some females to show. Males are all showing first so it's a bit of a sausage fest lol. I hate this part when the preflowers are there but not quite showing yet. Plant structure is great and they are starting to kick it in, timing should be perfect for flowering. Keep fingers crossed everyone for some females haha. Apollo's are all good and working on their second and third node. Big fans already!!

Nice pic stoney! Smoke sounds nice too!! My BSB are more pink but there were some wicked purple phenos lol. Well done man, talk to ya!

Whats happening Psychild, what's going on brudder Brobo!! Coffee and cheese sounds like a nice combo : !). I have been doing BSB on the bottom of the bowl and Kush on the top lately....doesn't take much haha. Talk to yas :)

Hey Robbie mate how's it going. I'll bet that scrog is looking mighty fine! Feel free to throw up a pic here of it if the mood strikes ya. Someone else has to pick up the slack while I'm cameraless lol. Yes I do have a harvest coming up...starting the middle of next week. Bunch of different stuff, never miss an opportunity to say whats coming out lol so here goes....prolly in this order 2 Blueberry, 2 Lush, 1 LCC, 1 DOG, 2 C4 and 2 BK x MK. The Bubba Master Kush looks like it will go 10 so a couple more weeks for them. Oh and a headstash plant comes down this weekend at close to 10 weeks, an Ubber Kush x Chemberry a very special plant, wispy buds but as pretty as any I have ever seen. Ubber frosty lol, one of the frostiest and nicest smelling plants in my garden. Compliments of cof on that one.

Well I have to split for a while and get back to work and my daughter is coming over this afternoon for coffee so it will be stealth mode for a little while here pretty quick lol


Well-Known Member
damn HC, you some some prime cuts all coming dow in a row!!!!!! wish i was a high fly on the wall!!!!

how are the BK x MK's lookin/smellin... i haven't heard ya talk about em much.

enjoy the father daughter time bro!!!! you're a lucky guy, that she lives so close and you get to see her so often!!!! keep warm bro!!!

oh yea.... WTF??? no snow yet!!! i thought I got snow in the winter.... guess not!!!

RP.... this is a nice bed of buds!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I put the bean in a cup of coco, will keep it moist and shall see. They're on top of my light where it's 87 degrees. Looks lik3 winter is nearly behind us, I'm losing my free ac. 71 degrees today. Feels great out. Makes me really wish I'd gone led.

Any comm3nt on the sound from the bulb?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Sucks about the pc and intraweb bullshitty shit. If yur males are showin then yur girls will shorty after that :) thats one thing i dig about the C99, the presexing action lol...you should end up with a decent amount of girls and deff a keeper male if you wanted one.

Nice on the Grape Apollo! if you get super wide fans those are gonna be the Gorilla Grape phenos.

Your BSB is lookin great right now , its deff not the pheno you told me to keep, this one is a BR pheno ..... i got one of the SB phenos still in veg tho, gonna bush it out and cut from her instead of flippin the whole plant :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That's what I'm talking! Friiiiggen niiiiiiice man!!!!

How's it going stoney. Yeah I don't know what the dealio is with the snow here either lol. We got 8" a few days ago...then it rained and most of it melted, then it turned sub zero and the whole state is a sheet of ice. Crap ass riding is what I hear. I guess it's down in Texas and Mexico these days ho hum. Your right I am fortunate to have my daughter live so close. She lives about a half hour away and the university is 20 min from me. After her 4 years she is going out west to school (very avid snowboarder) for a couple of years and then coming back to the east coast to get her doctorate. In a couple of years she won't be around these parts. Enjoying it while I can!

Aev asked me about the BK X MK a few days ago and I gave him a description, you should be able to find it. Thick layer of frost on those pregnant bitches haha!

Good luck with the beans Void and no advice on the sound of your light. My ballast makes a little noise but not the light. I think seeds need a little more than ambient lighting...they need something to shoot for.

Going up in a few to put the glass on the C99s Dizzle wish me luck lol, really itching for some girls the tops are all rooted nicely and just waiting for sexual conformation lol.