Another Asshole Ruins The Party


Well-Known Member
Watching the news this morning, drinking my coffee, when we hear there has been a shooting in a close by suburb. Pretty nice area so we are interested to hear more of the story. Shooter caught, investigation, blah blah blah is all the news has to say as usual. So my wife goes to work this afternoon only to find out that the victim is her boss. Well the guy has already done time for trafficking and according to my wife just loves to talk about the pounds of kush he keeps stashed at his house. Story is that a guy that used to work there and had smoked with the victim on several occasions was hard up and decided to make some "easy money" as the thieves like to call it. Turned ugly. I'm sure this will look great for the cause. Violence in a nice area over marijuana. Another asshole ruins the party for everyone.
Edit : victim is said to be in stable condition.


bud bootlegger
No kiddin man. Yet another reason to not legalize.
Don't get me wrong I'm happy nobody is dead but dude kinda had of coming. And he's making the rest of us honest people look like fucking criminals.
i don't understand the thinking about legalization here though??


Well-Known Member
The only reason marijuana is so valuable is the fact that it is illegal and in high demand, It would work the exact same way if alcohol was illegal, the prices would skyrocket, and demand would be incredible. Legalization is the answer, the plant has been growing for thousands of years without us, who are we to say its not allowed to exist anymore.
The only reason marijuana is so valuable is the fact that it is illegal and in high demand, It would work the exact same way if alcohol was illegal, the prices would skyrocket, and demand would be incredible. Legalization is the answer, the plant has been growing for thousands of years without us, who are we to say its not allowed to exist anymore.
I agree, in a perfect world it would have always been legal and it would be like $10 an lb!


Well-Known Member
No kiddin man. Yet another reason to not legalize.
Don't get me wrong I'm happy nobody is dead but dude kinda had of coming. And he's making the rest of us honest people look like fucking criminals.
It has been stated already, but I will reiterate.

This scene did not play out under re-legalization.

Scenarios such as this are PRECISELY why cannabis should be re-legalized.

Prohibition is what makes cannabis valuable. Prohibition, not re-legalization, encourages violence.

As far as 'dude kinda had it coming' is concerned: Nobody deserves to be shot for being stupid.

The villain here is the shooter, not the victim.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i honestly don't think this issue has jack to do with legalization except for making it harder to accomplish.

whether the dude was bragging about weed or the closet full of ipads he has, he was going to get jacked. i'm glad he's in stable condition because no one deserves to die at the hands of a scumcunt theif, but what did he think would happen flapping the gums like that?

the weed has nothing to do with the story, though. people who have shit and tell everyone about it don't have shit for long. too bad that's not how it will be told in the news.


Active Member
Cars are legal, people steel them all the time using violence. Its not about whether what is being stolen is legal or not, but if the person thinks they have the right to take it.


Well-Known Member
Its a shame people have to keep their plants secret, whether legal/illegal
It'd be nice to be able to share your little hobby/big hobby with people
But at the same time the queen doesnt go around talking about how much jewelery she has
oh wait she does... but we don't have the grenadiers guarding our stash


Well-Known Member
I hear there is a job opening for a manager somewhere? :D

EDIT: Oh wait I missed the part of the victim being in stable condition...


Well-Known Member
Its a shame people have to keep their plants secret, whether legal/illegal
It'd be nice to be able to share your little hobby/big hobby with people
But at the same time the queen doesnt go around talking about how much jewelery she has
oh wait she does... but we don't have the grenadiers guarding our stash
The 1967 Jewel House was built in the west wing of the Waterloo Barracks. It contained a combined strongroom/display area in the basement extending out into the Broad Walk (parade ground) in front of the Barracks, and an upper floor displaying plate. The entrance was in the west front of the barracks, with the basement chamber entered through the ground floor chamber, down 49 steps, past untreated concrete walls, and through a massiveChubb strongroom door. The vault was said to benuclear bomb proof, and to contain electronic beams and steel shutters for security. The items were displayed in a series of glass cases arranged in a circle, around which visitors proceeded clockwise, under the supervision of the wardens. There was a raised gallery at a distance of 2-3 yards from the cases, for viewing at a more leisurely pace.The Jewel House was built 1966-67 and designed to cater for one million visitors annually. However, as by the 1980s the Jewel House was regularly visited by twice that number of people, a new Jewel House was planned. This was constructed 1992-94, also in the Waterloo Barracks, which was fortunately large enough, having been built to accommodate 1,000 men. The new Jewel House is single-level, on the ground floor of the barracks - doubtless because the threat of nuclear attack having receded, the need for a subterranean vault was less. The Jewel House was funded from the visitor receipts, and cost £10m. The display area is three times the size of the old Jewel House, and more efficient crowd management techniques meant that it is capable of handling four times the number of visitors, at 2,500 an hour. This is achieved largely through the use of a moving pavement.
New security and display technology was also incorporated, including fibre optics to light the displays, and the jewels are protected by 2-inch-thick (51 mm) shatter-proof glass. The cases are of brass and contain inert materials, and filtered air. The jewels rest on French velvet.
A dedicated control room was constructed in the barracks, from which soldiers monitored the Jewel House and the wider Tower of London. Improvements to the Tower of London, especially covering fire safety and security, cost an additional £4.5m, and took three years to complete.
But it's horrible you should have to be so paranoid and secretive over all your possessions for fear of someone else's covetousness. Granted, he shouldn't have been bragging but in general we are all feeling unsafe- we lock our front doors. I hope the victim recovers and learns from the experience. I agree prohibition makes weed more valuable and a commodity to fight over, but crime committed over it will make the governing bodies not want to legalise it for the simple association without thinking through why people are shooting each other over it. There was a sad shooting not too far from me a few weeks ago, too...


Well-Known Member
Cars are legal, people steel them all the time using violence. Its not about whether what is being stolen is legal or not, but if the person thinks they have the right to take it.
A motor vehicle has inherent value. Legality is irrelevant.

Cannabis has wildly inflated value because of Prohibition. Remove Prohibition and you remove the pressures which make a plant artificially valuable.