Amber Glass BHO

alright, had a couple trolls down thumb and leave some shitty comments on my vids....i know your here, man up and post under your RIU name...fuckin pussies with 50 different screen names
I didn't dislike it, but the one you posted on the 31st seemed to either auto budder or you whipped it wayyy to much. You probably could of got an amber glass if you just let the butane evap with out whipping it like that. But then again you never know....could of just been the strain. Idk how dude said you were vaccing to hot...that doesn't make sense. You want your bho at molten state when vaccing.
I didn't dislike it, but the one you posted on the 31st seemed to either auto budder or you whipped it wayyy to much. You probably could of got an amber glass if you just let the butane evap with out whipping it like that. But then again you never know....could of just been the strain. Idk how dude said you were vaccing to hot...that doesn't make sense. You want your bho at molten state when vaccing.
well....from my experience so far...amberglass isnt pure, i mean watch the vid i posted on jan 16....that is some clear lookin glass no? still full of butane...and it sat on the skillit for a couple hours, no whip, spread in a thin layer, till it stopd bubbling,
Idk how dude said you were vaccing to hot...that doesn't make sense. You want your bho at molten state when vaccing.
im starting to think heat is the only way to really release the butane...cause when i used the foodsaver on low heat, it turned out the same as with the mightyvac at 25HG on low heat, like literally no to me that means heat is more of a factor then the vac...
I swear I've been trying to say for you to purge higher temps like 130-140. And you saying amberglass isn't pure....not really sure how to respond to that. Do some research?
im starting to think heat is the only way to really release the butane...cause when i used the foodsaver on low heat, it turned out the same as with the mightyvac at 25HG on low heat, like literally no to me that means heat is more of a factor then the vac...

Some of the best errll I've seen are never vac purged. If you purge well enough on a double boiler, there should be no need for a vac unless it A, autobutters, or B you're doing a big run. can't even back your info up, because you have none. You're just like "ohhh your wrong....why don't you prove it"'s chemistry dumbass. A volatile gas will be released from a viscous substance easier when heated up. This means you can achieve just as good of a product with a low and slow purge.

So bubble...if my stuff is WAY underpurged....that means that this stuff is too??? Really??

7084a249.jpg can't even back your info up, because you have none. You're just like "ohhh your wrong....why don't you prove it"'s chemistry dumbass. A volatile gas will be released from a viscous substance easier when heated up. This means you can achieve just as good of a product with a low and slow purge.

So bubble...if my stuff is WAY underpurged....that means that this stuff is too??? Really??

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hard to say just by lookin at it, put some fire on it!

EDIT, and thats not the same stuff in your video it looks....
We're done. More fucking assumptions, you know nothing. Peace.
good im glad were done, but as soon as you make another batch, do the video on how you purge 3 grams in 30 minuted with just heat, and dont forget to put a torch on the finished product, im not even talkin shit bro, im genuinely interested PEACE
Just for you bubble...just for you buddy...

I even made a little thread for you to help figure out why your shit looks so whack...I'll keep you posted.
DAMN, this thread took a shit while I was out of the country.

Love it when mods call members trolls... not.

Ill post some amber glass from Toronto later.
Amber Glass ISO (not BHO) from Toronto
What??? You're not smoking that whole thing are you...?!?! Looks like almost a half gram!

Edit: @str8sativa, looks like the stuff they sell at the clubs. I could be wrong...but do you think it would be possible to melt that down back into a shatter? If so...then there could still be some trapped tane in there.