Big Island Bag Seeds - First Stealth/CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
make sure its nice and humid too. ur seedling should be growin.. try moving the lights away an inch then after its 3rd and4th nodes u lst


Well-Known Member
scrog as well as some lst and a couple or prunings would make your plant a short bush and could be ideal 4 ur set up may help u yield a liittle more. look up fimm and also topping. and scrog if ur not familiar with it


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for something to put a screen together with at my house, but I will definitely be getting one. Thanks. No pics atm, my phone got wet at the beach yesterday and still won't turn on lol... :neutral:


Well-Known Member
use like a closet rack or make a screen using yarn or any other type of soft string. the yarn or w.e u get for string would be mint 4 lst im sure u know. just dont use fishing wire


Well-Known Member
Day #7 Still lookin' good. :bigjoint:
2012-01-17 19.21.28.jpg2012-01-18 07.12.08.jpg

I'll be constructing my screen for a bit of ScrOG action today. Will post pics as the time nears, for now, cheers!

Edit: The first picture was taken yesterday (Day #6).


Well-Known Member
Day #8 Still impressed with the growth and color. Tiny little (very tiny) new growths in the middle. This is also my yarn/wood SCRoG. It does look crooked, but it fits perfectly into my misshapen container. Thanks for checkin' this update out! :weed:
2012-01-19 18.07.49.jpg2012-01-19 07.08.11.jpg


Well-Known Member
nice job making that screen. it will work well later on in your grow. see if u can make a contraption that will allow u 2 rise the screen another 7-10 inches. brackets or something securely attached to ur grow box. also see if u can get the light on the top left corner and the light on the bottom left corner on the 1st pic more centered above the plant just not close to the plant. as it gets wider u spreading them out wouldnt hurt


Well-Known Member
nice job making that screen. it will work well later on in your grow. see if u can make a contraption that will allow u 2 rise the screen another 7-10 inches. brackets or something securely attached to ur grow box. also see if u can get the light on the top left corner and the light on the bottom left corner on the 1st pic more centered above the plant just not close to the plant. as it gets wider u spreading them out wouldnt hurt
I was curious about what height I should have the screen at but you answer my question! In the picture I am merely holding the screen up, that is not where it will end up. I will attempt to adjust my lights once its "daytime". Thanks again, so for you've been my first grow coach haha! Appreciate it man!:bigjoint:

Day 9.jpgDay 9-1.jpg

Oh yea, it's daytime again and it's Day #9! Lots of tiny little new growth in the center, not sure if it's visible in the picture. I have a fertilizer (I don't want to spend any money on fertz yet) leftover from a vegetable garden and I plan on using it. I do wonder when I should begin to introduce it to my little plant? It's quite a strong formula at 15-30-15 (Miracle Gro Bloom Booster Flower Food) it also has other nutrients in small quantities. It is a water-soluble fertilizer. I assume it is too early and I risk burning my plant out possibly even with a greatly watered down portion. I have no experience with fertilizer and am curious. I suppose today is read-up day:hump:


Well-Known Member
+rep brotha ... well ya the height of the screen is up to you. seeing u dont have much room in ur current grow box keeping the plant very short is key. i personally never scog but im going to on my next grow real soon so ive been doing tons more research. the best way to do it is by letting the screen get completely filled by the plant b4 u tie down all the tops that grew above the screen . let a bunch of under growth grow up as new tops as the original tops catch up. some people repeat until there is a top coming out of every hole in the screen (which we should do) and some let 4 or 5 tops grow. u should get multiple tops with nice size buds. diesel strains give big dense buds, so expect some good ones. with a couple of more lights ill help you yield an oz dry outta this 1.


Well-Known Member
ya people would say no, but do it like u intended to greatly watered down . not to heavy of a feed. also i highly recommend grabbing some hydrogen peroxide. all it is is water with extra oxygen molecules init. add it to both unfertilized and fertilized waterings it has no negative effects. it provides more oxygen to the roots which makes ur plant grow better. also get unsulphred molasses great carbs for plants bigger buds and nice tastes. then ill pm u a message in the future on another thing to add. most ferts contain molasses and peroxide and the secret fert that ill pm u. they just want u 2 buy it cuz of name brand when u already have most of the shit in ur crib. you can research what ive said b4 u try anything but ill assure u. im on point and 1 more thing . get more 2700k light 20 watts or greater since ur 12-12 from seed u need a 3:2 or 4:1 ratio 2700k to 5000k asap.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I'm limited to this box for this grow and probably one or two afterward. A dry O on my first tiny box grow would be GREAT! That would pay for the box and everything involved and more right off the bat. I do plan on picking up some more lights today but am curious as to how I should invest my money. I understand that I can use many CFLs, but that may cost me more seeing as I'll have to find more sockets for the bulbs. I have been unable to find anything stronger than 42w (which is now sold out) at Home Depot. I've been to other stores and can find no bulbs stronger than 23w. I have 4 bulb sockets atm, one is filled (and will stay filled) with a 42w 2700k CFL. I have 2 5000k 14w CFLs in two other sockets and nothing else. I would say that I don't know what kind of lighting is more beneficial to someone growing 12/12 from seed, thus, I have posted. Thanks for reading:weed:!

EDIT:LOL! Answered my post before I even posted it! Golden man, thanks! So much useful information!


Well-Known Member
Wow!!! I didn't read this post til I got home just now. I picked up two 23w 2700 bulbs making the total amount of wattage in the box atm= ~94w. I have one open socket that I can fill with a 14w 2700 bulb (making the total= ~108w) but feel it is unnecessary at the moment. Either way, you read my mind on that one.