People do not Understand Science, yeah I'm talking to you Creationist so bring it!


Active Member
As with al my posts, debating is welcome.
I'm frustrated with the average persons understanding of what science is. A prime example of this is letting creationism into the classroom of science.
Science is a systematic way of gathering knowledge through testable explanations and predictions. The "scientific method" is the hallmark of gathering data and knowledge. The data MUST be empirical and measurable for it to be considered scientific.
One must be as objective as possible in an attempt to exclude biased and extraneous variables.

This is a basic guideline to gathering data.
1. Define a question 2. Gather information and resources (observe) 3. Form an explanatory hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner 5. Analyze the data 6. Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis 7. Publish results 8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists).
All of this is subject to peer review.

Now explain to me how creationism fits into this. It doesn't so it should be kept out of science class.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
'yeah but god created everything including science' ..............................thats the kind of comment you will get back .:wall:

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
As with al my posts, debating is welcome.

I'm frustrated with the average persons understanding of what science is. A prime example of this is letting creationism into the classroom of science.
Science is a systematic way of gathering knowledge through testable explanations and predictions. The "scientific method" is the hallmark of gathering data and knowledge. The data MUST be empirical and measurable for it to be considered scientific.
One must be as objective as possible in an attempt to exclude biased and extraneous variables.

This is a basic guideline to gathering data.
1. Define a question 2. Gather information and resources (observe) 3. Form an explanatory hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner 5. Analyze the data 6. Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis 7. Publish results 8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists).
All of this is subject to peer review.

Now explain to me how creationism fits into this. It doesn't so it should be kept out of science class.

...okay, cool. Keep it out of the classroom. Likewise, keep science out of things that creationists deem 'unknowable'. To creationists (that I know), it's okay to not know something. That's really the whole of the debate. You want to 'keep it science' in the classroom (...and politics and and). We want to keep it 'unknown' in the affairs of love and hate and blah blah.

'Mystery' is not a scientific term, we get that. And, why do you care if when in a scientific setting I say the materials being studied are from God? Do you 'own' the rights to clinical settings? Why are you the enforcer of rules? Aren't those bad?

Maybe I'll use indents and stuff to look more scientific when speaking to you?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
...okay, cool. Keep it out of the classroom. Likewise, keep science out of things that creationists deem 'unknowable'. To creationists (that I know), it's okay to not know something. That's really the whole of the debate. You want to 'keep it science' in the classroom (...and politics and and). We want to keep it 'unknown' in the affairs of love and hate and blah blah.

'Mystery' is not a scientific term, we get that. And, why do you care if when in a scientific setting I say the materials being studied are from God? Do you 'own' the rights to clinical settings? Why are you the enforcer of rules? Aren't those bad?

Maybe I'll use indents and stuff to look more scientific when speaking to you?
you really do chat a hell of alot of shit


Active Member
Eye: Ok, no need to attack my writing style since I'm on a smart phone that isn't too smart.S

Ill tell you why I care. I care because religion holds back science. Early scientist were jailed for speaking out against the truth. Now creationist are trying to weasel their way in to science. Do you want you pharmaceutical researchers to start saying "well I know the drug works because he/she has faith that it works. Fuck that!

Some food for thought. Why do we no longer believe you get people get sick from their "evil" reads and actions. Why do we no longer believe that lizards are made in fire? These were mysterious along time ago and couldn't Be proven.

Also I done see scientist going to Sunday school and complaining about the teachings going on. The only reason you are ok with something being unexplainable by science is because it fits into your beliefs. Thats called a bias. Note that good science tries to eliminate bias. This is why we own the clinical setting.

Please I would like to hear about how science hinders religion. How does it unsightlyoppress religion. Its not like you have any research


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Eye: Ok, no need to attack my writing style since I'm on a smart phone that isn't too smart.S

Ill tell you why I care. I care because religion holds back science. Early scientist were jailed for speaking out against the truth. Now creationist are trying to weasel their way in to science. Do you want you pharmaceutical researchers to start saying "well I know the drug works because he/she has faith that it works. Fuck that!

Some food for thought. Why do we no longer believe you get people get sick from their "evil" reads and actions. Why do we no longer believe that lizards are made in fire? These were mysterious along time ago and couldn't Be proven.

Also I done see scientist going to Sunday school and complaining about the teachings going on. The only reason you are ok with something being unexplainable by science is because it fits into your beliefs. Thats called a bias. Note that good science tries to eliminate bias. This is why we own the clinical setting.

Please I would like to hear about how science hinders religion. How does it unsightlyoppress religion. Its not like you have any research

...not trying to be harsh. I was being sarcastic about 'life as a clinical setting' :) Think about it this way, there's no weight to science because of a single particle. There's no weight to spirituality because of a single particle. Neither exist in the truest sense. Neither have been proven. I think both sides should keep up their research. Why shut one side out? Makes zero sense to me.

The point I am making is - what you do in the realm of the scientific is appreciated by all. It benefits all. Sometimes, it fcks 'all' up. Same goes for the spiritual. It can go too far. And sure, we could list examples all day - on both sides of the argument.


Well-Known Member
...okay, cool. Keep it out of the classroom. Likewise, keep science out of things that creationists deem 'unknowable'. To creationists (that I know), it's okay to not know something. That's really the whole of the debate. You want to 'keep it science' in the classroom (...and politics and and). We want to keep it 'unknown' in the affairs of love and hate and blah blah.

'Mystery' is not a scientific term, we get that. And, why do you care if when in a scientific setting I say the materials being studied are from God? Do you 'own' the rights to clinical settings? Why are you the enforcer of rules? Aren't those bad?

Maybe I'll use indents and stuff to look more scientific when speaking to you?
Science does stay out of creationism, until creationism pretends to use science. The rest of the time there is no need for science, just basic reasoning and skepticism. Also, creationism doesn't claim "we don't know', It claims what we do know, 'evolution' is wrong, and then goes on to say we know many specific things, like the age of the earth and the fact that god created galaxy upon galaxy so he could have a special relationship with one species of primates on one planet. We are speaking of course of young earth creationist, and not some self stylized version or one that replaces god with aliens. Technically Deism can be creationism, but obviously that is very different than what is being forced into our classrooms.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Science does stay out of creationism, until creationism pretends to use science. The rest of the time there is no need for science, just basic reasoning and skepticism. Also, creationism doesn't claim "we don't know', It claims what we do know, 'evolution' is wrong, and then goes on to say we know many specific things, like the age of the earth and the fact that god created galaxy upon galaxy so he could have a special relationship with one species of primates on one planet. We are speaking of course of young earth creationist, and not some self stylized version or one that replaces god with aliens. Technically Deism can be creationism, but obviously that is very different than what is being forced into our classrooms.

...I see what you're saying, but how is it holding anything back if cern exists and functions. It's the 'apparent' leading edge of technology. It is an attempt at proving mass to complete the theory, correct? If not, science must accept a different reality - the one behind it. They are teaching toward this science in classrooms now, wouldn't you say? I mean, this is just my experience so far, this is what I've been able to make of it.


Well-Known Member
Eye: Ok, no need to attack my writing style since I'm on a smart phone that isn't too smart.S

Ill tell you why I care. I care because religion holds back science. Early scientist were jailed for speaking out against the truth. Now creationist are trying to weasel their way in to science. Do you want you pharmaceutical researchers to start saying "well I know the drug works because he/she has faith that it works. Fuck that!

Some food for thought. Why do we no longer believe you get people get sick from their "evil" reads and actions. Why do we no longer believe that lizards are made in fire? These were mysterious along time ago and couldn't Be proven.

Also I done see scientist going to Sunday school and complaining about the teachings going on. The only reason you are ok with something being unexplainable by science is because it fits into your beliefs. Thats called a bias. Note that good science tries to eliminate bias. This is why we own the clinical setting.

Please I would like to hear about how science hinders religion. How does it unsightlyoppress religion. Its not like you have any research

why would scientists go to sunday school which mainly teaches of god and nothin but that to stop them from teachin that in school? last time i checked sunday schools are church ran so thats like throwin pebbles at a brick wall


Well-Known Member
Well religion has held science back a lot, but I think everything needs some checks and balances...if people used science for everything it could be used for I think there would be a lot of other issues to arise...I mean almost anything can be accomplished with science these days and with the proper clearances to do the proper testing and use the proper materials I think humans could combat every ailment known...we can grow new organs and clone people now...but there are repercussions to these actions, and I think that is the usefulness of religion. Sometimes things need to be held back. I myself am not religious, but if a belief in god keeps you from harvesting a new kidney from your own homemade human cloner then please jesus stop this madness. Have you seen the movie Gattaca? Well there are places that do genetic testing and build babies...they take your eggs and sperm and create life, and then they pick out all the bad parts from this union and you can even choose if you want a boy or a girl...just seems wrong to me on a basic human give people full power over life... Some people can handle that kind of power, the problem is that the people that could properly handle it aren't interested in having people that shouldn't have that kind of power are the ones that seek to obtain it I think everything would spin wildly out of control if we didn't have some baptist bombings every once in awhile. Religion is doing just what it was meant to in the first place....I don't understand why people care so much what other people believe in...I mean if you don't believe in god then keep on not believing, but it isn't your "cross to bare" to make sure the rest of the world sees the bullshit of religion for just that...believe what you want, I just don't want to pick my next baby up at the human market with a label on it's ass...


Active Member
why would scientists go to sunday school which mainly teaches of god and nothin but that to stop them from teachin that in school? last time i checked sunday schools are church ran so thats like throwin pebbles at a brick wall
I'm not saying send science into Sunday school but if we were to teach evolution in church it would be the same as teaching creationism in science class. We


Active Member
Missnu : I care what other people think bc if you tell someone its ok to believe in flying spaghetti monster, then what point do you say "ok thats just too stupid to believe in".


Well-Known Member
Religion is childish. Believing in Gods is childish. At some point you have to grow up and deal with reality so the rest of us don't have to clean up after your childish mess you create because of your beliefs. You religions people cause war, cause hate, cause divide. You slow scientific progress and delay needed research like that of Stem Cells. You infiltrate politics and destroy common and logical sense. You are a clear problem toward progress. We dealt with the dark ages of Religion and were pushed back hundreds of years in technology because of it.

The idea of believing in some character who died and came back to life is Stupid and Childish at best. Believing somebody built a damn ark and stuck 2 of every animal on it is beyond being completely asinine. Even by todays standards it's absurd to think we could ever accomplish something like that. Religion truly shuts off the logical thinking of individuals and turns them into Jesus zombies. The idea that Moses spoke to some God and parted a sea, give me a break. We are way too tolerant of religion in this country. People should be locked up for brainwashing their children with this nonsense.

You Christians constantly CRY about everything. You think you are under attack yet you want to push your childish BS beliefs into politics, on money, in our anthem and in our schools, you have no problem with that. You constantly rewrite history and it's a struggle just to keep the facts out there without you contorting them for your own beliefs or desires. If you were a smaller group of people we would simply call you a cult, if you were an individual believing in this rubbish we would put you in a straight jacket. But because there's enough of you, gullible enough to believe in this crap we call it a religion.

You dismiss all the other hundreds of religions because to you, they are obviously absurd. You know nobody goes to heaven and gets 72 virgins, you know that cows should not be worshiped as Gods or we don't come back as insects. All those things seem laughable to you don't they? Well they should, and so should your own religion.

I want to make it clear that I am not calling anyone stupid. Believing and doing stupid things does not make one stupid. It makes you gullible, and that is a trait we are supposed to have. We are supposed to have followers who don't question things. Ironically this is just part of evolution and survival, pack mentality, however we are quickly moving past the need for that.

The only difference between an Atheist and a Christian is the belief in one LESS religion.


Well-Known Member
As with al my posts, debating is welcome.

I'm frustrated with the average persons understanding of what science is. A prime example of this is letting creationism into the classroom of science.
Science is a systematic way of gathering knowledge through testable explanations and predictions. The "scientific method" is the hallmark of gathering data and knowledge. The data MUST be empirical and measurable for it to be considered scientific.
One must be as objective as possible in an attempt to exclude biased and extraneous variables.

This is a basic guideline to gathering data.
1. Define a question 2. Gather information and resources (observe) 3. Form an explanatory hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner 5. Analyze the data 6. Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis 7. Publish results 8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists).
All of this is subject to peer review.

Now explain to me how creationism fits into this. It doesn't so it should be kept out of science class.
your a bit behind i think dude , mainstream "science" is very very quietly about to begin "concluding" that the delicate balance that all our lives hang in is not just by chance , but that in order for such a complicated life system to exist , it had to be "done" it didnt just "happen" . Most mainstream scientists off camera will admit that darwins chit is very flawed and that in order for the universe to exist it has to have been "CREATED" . God the Father gave us Jesus and raised him from the dead after he died on the cross and was dead for three days dude , there are historical accounts , do you really think that if you were a roman guard and you were told, "stay awake and stand guard , make sure you don't let anyone steel the body ", do you really think that you woulda slacked off and fell asleep? Heck no you wouldn't fall asleep , they didnt fire you from work back then you know. Also after God brought The Saviour Jesus back to life , Jesus went and talked to his homies ,he even let one of them feel his wounds , he went and preached and people saw him ascend up out of this earth and in to heaven. Open your eyes please before you are REALLY decieved.
I believe in Jesus and he saves me from my sin , and I smoke weed and seriously don't think it's sinful .but if it is I will be forgiven , and if Jesus was like , dude you gotta stop smokin bud , then i would stop, gotta be Jesus or God though.


Well-Known Member
Well religion has held science back a lot, but I think everything needs some checks and balances...if people used science for everything it could be used for I think there would be a lot of other issues to arise...I mean almost anything can be accomplished with science these days and with the proper clearances to do the proper testing and use the proper materials I think humans could combat every ailment known...we can grow new organs and clone people now...but there are repercussions to these actions, and I think that is the usefulness of religion. Sometimes things need to be held back. I myself am not religious, but if a belief in god keeps you from harvesting a new kidney from your own homemade human cloner then please jesus stop this madness. Have you seen the movie Gattaca? Well there are places that do genetic testing and build babies...they take your eggs and sperm and create life, and then they pick out all the bad parts from this union and you can even choose if you want a boy or a girl...just seems wrong to me on a basic human give people full power over life... Some people can handle that kind of power, the problem is that the people that could properly handle it aren't interested in having people that shouldn't have that kind of power are the ones that seek to obtain it I think everything would spin wildly out of control if we didn't have some baptist bombings every once in awhile. Religion is doing just what it was meant to in the first place....I don't understand why people care so much what other people believe in...I mean if you don't believe in god then keep on not believing, but it isn't your "cross to bare" to make sure the rest of the world sees the bullshit of religion for just that...believe what you want, I just don't want to pick my next baby up at the human market with a label on it's ass...
Science is rational, religion is irrational. Are you saying that we need the irrational to hold back rational progress? How could one want to withhold the cloning and harvesting of human organs that would save millions of humans and improve their quality of life? Why leave it to chance whether your baby will inherit genetic diseases, be malformed, born with some form of mental retardation or illness? If we are able to eventually manipulate the genome to the point where we can eliminate these negatives, and throw in positive traits (I want a boy who is tall, intelligent, handsome, athletic), what could be negative about this process? You may choose to leave these things to chance, but why wish to stop others who don't? If there was to be any checks and balances, it should be rational morality checking rational science, not irrational religion doing so. You may not be a theist, but your reasoning sounds very similar...


Well-Known Member
your a bit behind i think dude , mainstream "science" is very very quietly about to begin "concluding" that the delicate balance that all our lives hang in is not just by chance , but that in order for such a complicated life system to exist , it had to be "done" it didnt just "happen" . Most mainstream scientists off camera will admit that darwins chit is very flawed and that in order for the universe to exist it has to have been "CREATED" . God the Father gave us Jesus and raised him from the dead after he died on the cross and was dead for three days dude , there are historical accounts , do you really think that if you were a roman guard and you were told, "stay awake and stand guard , make sure you don't let anyone steel the body ", do you really think that you woulda slacked off and fell asleep? Heck no you wouldn't fall asleep , they didnt fire you from work back then you know. Also after God brought The Saviour Jesus back to life , Jesus went and talked to his homies ,he even let one of them feel his wounds , he went and preached and people saw him ascend up out of this earth and in to heaven. Open your eyes please before you are REALLY decieved.
I believe in Jesus and he saves me from my sin , and I smoke weed and seriously don't think it's sinful .but if it is I will be forgiven , and if Jesus was like , dude you gotta stop smokin bud , then i would stop, gotta be Jesus or God though.
I've never seen so much BS written in one paragraph in my entire life. You are so damn brainwashed I fear it would be futile to even begin to argue with your nonsense.