The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
dunno why pride shutdown i use to prefer it to ufc with the 10min 1st round n yellow cards for not fighting hard enough! and them tournements with no weight class!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
zuffa brought most out to own mma really and get best fighters in one comp. all money money nowadays. but ufc is alot better with the new fighters from pride and the others


Well-Known Member
i got ufc 1 mate fisrt site the due goes down and the other kicks him in face u see his teeth flieing out lmao 1st fight 1st ufs menta
only rules wer no biting or eye gouging or kicking in the nuts(but u could punch em() even head buts lmao no gloves

one blak dude wen i with 1 propper boxing glove on lmao like he was in streetfighter LOL got his ass wupped


Well-Known Member
zuffa brought most out to own mma really and get best fighters in one comp. all money money nowadays. but ufc is alot better with the new fighters from pride and the others
yeh they own strikeforce now too dana is one rich dude fuk why dint i think of that wen i was like 3

lmao im rabbiting again soz these fukin tablets make me buzz then crash

u donwloaded that or wat?


Well-Known Member

What everybodys plans today? Im smashing someones head in, if I can set him up. The cunt won't leave his house. Went down last week and 1 - His lives in a dodgy scheme and there are cameras everywhere and 2 - When I chapped his door, someone held a kid up to the window. I don't care about the money, well I do but I know I aint getting batters up time
cant do it wer the kids are m8


Well-Known Member
BB is still on the boys sig's. BB got plugged big time on here yesterday. I reckon some mod seen it and told potroast and hes looked through this thread and removed an ads in sig


Well-Known Member
We are getting monitored Guys. My post are being changed. Fuck you American Bastards
thats bullshit american tards man wtf go eat summor hamburgers ffs


was ttally gunna say summet then of world wide significance but for the life of me i cant remember