The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
So robbie in essence ur a freeloader innit? U simply cant be trusted??? U say ur guna send shit say youhave sent it say that aww fuk hasent it arrived then blank me for 2 weeks you shown ur colours aint ya pal if anyone has any repect or trust for u its prolly gone who can trust sum1 like you!!

hey lads whov ive sorted shit with have i offered to pay or trade everytime??? #

and moron random shit is what makes forums fun now go reorder sum cd songs and say ther your mixes u wanabe noffink u think coz u been here longer than me u can talk down to me? are u mad?

Mate im telling you NOW your fucking with the wrong geezer mate , im a respected member on here MORE RESPECTED THAN YOU by the way !
Guys off here have MET me , guys on here have had GEAR off me , so as for me being a freeloader then hahaha you dick , your weed was shit , i gave you abit of credit and told you it got me stoned but for like 10 minutes ! all spliffs worth lol .... so yeah im guessing you sending me a joints worth of some shitty weed makes me a freeloader dont it ......
Talk all the shit you wanna but dont be suprised when a van pulls up at your door ... im not talking about cops m8 ... fuckin smack head , i know plenty of people who smash skag fucks up for fun .....
Ex smack head my arse theres no such thing ... look at your fuckin foot for fucks sake ... whats up you rattling and need to vent it on here bro ... u joke


Well-Known Member
anyway thats all i have to say ... your soooo fucking bright you cant even spell check your own signature , your spelling is worse than a 4 yr old .... keep biggin yourself up mate ... like i said before see where it gets ya ... im not the only one whos fed up of you and not just in this thread !

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
and jock shit seem s worse wen u on a downer. u make things worse then they r in head. which puts stress on ya self.
hanging ent eva right either. u got week or two too put together a solid defence. wanna check simular cases online if can n go from there and speak lawyer. oh theres couple smart feckers here who no way more then me on this type shite. sure as rest lads come on here u will get plenty advice. they r a piss taking lot tho so u will need a thick skin or at least not take everything to heart.


Well-Known Member
lol course mate u bring anything to my familys home ur a fukin tool coz ul get cut up mate thats the point a van full u aint got the minerals to do it yourself coz ur a pussy,

yeh i am a ex junkie and the point is you lied why did u not say i aint sent it?

I dont care if your more respected than me since when is it a contest? Its priciple mate plain and simple nothing else can u not comprehend that?
Oh and yeh turn up at my door when i cant walk? Thats a real mans man innit tell u wat wen im better well have it me and u will meat half way one pal each and il fukin tare u a new arsehole mate u just see
and u think im joking? U want my deps for what ive done?

And i aint fucking with you your fucking with me and ur no geezer your a wrongen

soon as this gets better mate
hold on a minute .... i cant type properly from laughing so hard at your pitifull smack head existance .... wow you hack programs and have a SERVER ... fuck me i think im going to cry with jealousy .... so your a pirate and your now trying to grow weed........... and failing ....
Why dont you fuck off and stop bringing this forum down , go hang about with ya pirate mates and ya shop lifting buddies , maybe chase the dragon or sumit ... bro you need to get the idea NO ONE LIKES YOU !
as for my 1 pot grow pmsl ! its yielding more than your last 8 plant grow combined .... go on bring the excuses ...


Well-Known Member
wow you got logs of msn how fucking cool are you ... i dont give a fuck about chedz he wont take offence .. i said he bigs his grows up and the exo cheese ... he wont deny that , he loves braggin about his grows and his yields and the exo so fucking what !

its not my place to name name , but if you dont know you clearly cant read aswell as spell , try looking at the forums you post in , doggies nuts crew dont like you , uk boys dont like you , your a wannabe, trying to get people to like you by sending stuff WOW .... i sent you a sample of hash i couldnt give 2 fucks if you believe me or not , i have plenty more for myself anyway ... stuff ive sent to others has ALWAYS got there , i could quite easily say that your lying and got the hash , you just want to bash my name ....

Im sure the lads here aint daft and know who to believe


Well-Known Member
deleted all posts concerning it dont look good

PM robbie just read it and reply plz

TTT LOL couldnt u get it any bigger


Well-Known Member
deleted all posts concerning it dont look good

PM robbie just read it and reply plz

TTT LOL couldnt u get it any bigger
thing is i havnt been active .. hence everyone asking where ive been or where i am , and 2nd thing is how many times did i have to tell you I SENT IT ... your saying thats all you wanted to hear , your heard it about 10 times , this all started cus of your rant on MY grow journal bro ! you should of sent me a pm if you didnt want it all open


Well-Known Member
thing is i havnt been active .. hence everyone asking where ive been or where i am , and 2nd thing is how many times did i have to tell you I SENT IT ... your saying thats all you wanted to hear , your heard it about 10 times , this all started cus of your rant on MY grow journal bro ! you should of sent me a pm if you didnt want it all open

MATE seiously if u havent noticed my head is toitally FUCKED ask anyone here BUT il man up and admit yes i was wrong to do that fair enough my bad il remove it

ive dlleted all my posts u do the same buddy put this shit behind us and get bak to the whole reason were on this forum

yeh my spelling suks ass but my hands are shaking a lot i have t rouble making a joint

and im on here because i cant walk bruv seriously il do a utube vid of the pain i am in mate seriusly i can walk to the toilet i just went din inn the loo gash in me arm of the pot toilet roll holder ffs
