

Well-Known Member
Anything flat white colored will refelect light....Some things better than others....Even white paper will work in a pinch....But Panda Plastic would be your best bet....A small space can be covered for under $20.
i have heard great things about panda plastic and would like to try it out - maybe next time!


Well-Known Member
first- people read and here things and never really understand where or how that piece of information came from or how the person came by it.

Not me, i want to know about everything and about how, where, when and by whom

So when I hear how foil is bad for coating grow areas I want to know who said it and why.

and here is the answer

foil is SUPPOSED to reflect back on to the plants a concentrated beam of light so strong its almost like a laser beam and it burns the plant......FUCKING SHIT

if that was true all the people who cook chicken in their ovens would be dead


however it does work but not as good as BRILLIANT WHITE EMULSION PAINT

why brilliant white emulsion paint I hear you ask

well the answer is

a few years ago researchers and scientists doing work on space travel and the likes discovered an element (don't ask me what it is)that is able to reflect light better that they ever thought possible

so it was used on the shuttle and other space things

but then they found other uses for it and they allowed the patent to be public which meant anyone could use the discovery

so it is used in paint and because emulsion paint is water based and contains no harmful chemicals it is very good for domestic use

and so there you have it,,,brilliant white emulsion paint is better than anything else for coating the walls of your grow space because it reflects back about 90% of the light

if you do not fully understand how light works and how we see and how the eyes and brain act so we can see things then I suggest you find out

but second best is foil,

some people say it is because it is very difficult to get the foil to go flat on to the wall that it creates little dimples and it is these dimples that can create the hot spots, this is NOT true, there is little dimples but they do NOT send little beams of light (because heat is after all radiation and so to is light, we are talking at the science level here)

there is a good argument that it does burn but that is theory and in theory most things are true, in reality however things are very different (more)


Well-Known Member
first- people read and here things and never really understand where or how that piece of information came from or how the person came by it.

Not me, i want to know about everything and about how, where, when and by whom

So when I hear how foil is bad for coating grow areas I want to know who said it and why.

and here is the answer

foil is SUPPOSED to reflect back on to the plants a concentrated beam of light so strong its almost like a laser beam and it burns the plant......FUCKING SHIT

if that was true all the people who cook chicken in their ovens would be dead


however it does work but not as good as BRILLIANT WHITE EMULSION PAINT

why brilliant white emulsion paint I hear you ask

well the answer is

a few years ago researchers and scientists doing work on space travel and the likes discovered an element (don't ask me what it is)that is able to reflect light better that they ever thought possible

so it was used on the shuttle and other space things

but then they found other uses for it and they allowed the patent to be public which meant anyone could use the discovery

so it is used in paint and because emulsion paint is water based and contains no harmful chemicals it is very good for domestic use

and so there you have it,,,brilliant white emulsion paint is better than anything else for coating the walls of your grow space because it reflects back about 90% of the light

if you do not fully understand how light works and how we see and how the eyes and brain act so we can see things then I suggest you find out

but second best is foil,

some people say it is because it is very difficult to get the foil to go flat on to the wall that it creates little dimples and it is these dimples that can create the hot spots, this is NOT true, there is little dimples but they do NOT send little beams of light (because heat is after all radiation and so to is light, we are talking at the science level here)

there is a good argument that it does burn but that is theory and in theory most things are true, in reality however things are very different (more)
I applaud your not just taking explanations at face value and your desire to get to the bottom of things. It is a noble and life-long pursuit to think critically and be skeptical. At the risk of flogging a dead and decaying horse but for the sake of open discussion, I noted some fallacies in your argument.

I believe you are mistaken in your oven analogy since you use heat, not light to cook. Specifically the transfer of heat to what you are cooking. Aluminum foil is a very good conductor of heat (it heats fast and cools fast), which is usually bad in a grow room. Strike 1 on foil.

While unlikely, the dimpling of the foil could create a situation where high intensity light could be focused on the plant creating a hot spot. You are again confusing heat with light - they are not interchangeable since heat radiates and light waves ricochet around like mad. Is it unlikely for aluminum foil to cause hot spots? yes. But it is possible. Strike 2 on foil.

And speaking of creasing and dimpling, this is also bad since it does not diffuse the light properly and makes for a very bad reflective surface. Strike 3 and aluminum foil is out of there!

properly hung mylar is usually the agreed upon "best" reflective surface for grow rooms. But reflectance is just one criteria for a grow room surface. Other criteria could include cost, ease-of-use, clean-ability, and potential-for-reuse to name a few.

Having said all that, I think we agree that the bottom line is sure you can use aluminum foil for your grow room. But why would you when flat white paint, and many other readily available and designed for the purpose products are so much better.

I would also add that I could easily be mistaken in my understanding of how heat and light behave under the above-mentioned conditions and welcome more enlightened explanations.

PS - the NASA ingredient.. where you thinking of thermalite maybe?