Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey HC has the night to himself!! Thinking I'll get a jump on this weeks trimming and do a couple up tonight. Better put some coffee on haha


Well-Known Member
I have never really worked with any other mediums for cloning other than rapid rooters and rockwell cubes. Thinking that it will take a couple of weeks and maybe three before they get a nice set of roots. It's really hard to tell just by looking at them, sometimes they look great and have no roots and sometimes just the opposite. Give it a couple of weeks and then try and take a peek somehow : !)
Not too encouraging there :( need to put them into flower really soon for my goal, and for room. I'm wanting to try that root juice. How long before you do anything like that?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Not too encouraging there :( need to put them into flower really soon for my goal, and for room. I'm wanting to try that root juice. How long before you do anything like that?
what are you using? you should build a bubble cloner, easy to make and 95-100% clone rate


Well-Known Member
coco like I'm growing in. I have a water pump and an air pump sitting unused. Just the air pump is noisy :( Problem with the bubble cloner is room. Right now my cups are sitting on top of my new light fixture with plants below the fixture. How much light do I need for a bubble cloner? Not sure where else I could set one up

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
a night of gettin stone douta yur dome....soudns good lol
Yeah baby you fuking got it!

I ran over and picked a dish of dinner (meatloaf) she made and came home and ate it, now I have one of T's Lush, OG x (Lemon Larry OG x Chemdawg) in front of me all gutted and ready for manicure. My headstash I leave on the branches until dry but everything else gets trimmed up nicely, dried and out

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
man those look pretty fuckin kewl! cant wait to see em go boom

man my BSB is off the hook..the buds look like purple gummy grapes with pistils lol, undersides are a nice bright red/pink....nice work mango! how long these flower for? i forgot what you told me last time lol


Well-Known Member
Just read your post in Diz's thread that Psychild got rolled... shitty shitty. You know what happened? Did I also read that he spent 1.5 weeks in holding, too?? When is this fucking plant not going to be outlawed... it's downright retarded at this point.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if he got snitched on then thats pretty fuckin gay....im with Bobo on the retardation factor here....its a fuckin herb lol govt treats it like we grow guns ffs ... should be legal to kill a snitch anyways LOL

leagalize weed and snitch killin!


Well-Known Member
hell if we're all in for the snitch killin we don't need to legalize weed! hahahahaha

I am all for the snitch killin idea!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks. What room mate issue did he have? No growing with room mates that's as good as telling someone.

If they made it legal there couldn't be snitches.

I need to get to moving on encrypting my computer

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member

Trimming up a C4 right now with Return of the King on the tele,,,,soo, an observation lol...Gollum looks an awful lot like the dude from La. on Cnn who is one of their democratic stratagist what the hell is his name???