Yellowing New Leaves !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont know if i am just being sketchy but it seems like the newest leaves are more yellow than green. they are about 8 days into flower and about a month old. Is this normal? It is happening to both of my strains, and the ph is 5.8 and i did a flush before flipping to flower. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I assume when you say PH of 5.8 you are using hydro...we needs pictures and need to know wtf you are using for nutrients and the PPM...and any other relevant information which you may think would help us diagnose the issue :)


Well-Known Member
Yea it's normal to expect some yellowing at transition stage.. You need to up the nutes right now and add N for two more weeks. Happy growing. =)


Well-Known Member
Make sure your soil is not alkaline, they look fine but a little environment stressed. What's the temps and the Humidity in there? They also look hungry why did you make that flush prior flowering?


Well-Known Member
the soil has no lime, i tested the runnoff water and its still 6.6-6.8 in every case. I didnt do so much of a "flush" all i did was when transplanting i used just water, but alot of it. the temps stay from 75-82 at the max and 66 with the lights off humidity stays around 50%

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I'm having the same issue and it's the first time I've seen it. It came up very fast and I went to 12/12 yesterday and from MH to HPS. Mine are in dwc and even within the same res, there is at least one plant that shows it and at least one that does not. In what I assume to be the most advanced case, the veins are dark and the leaf yellow. I feed Humboldt Master A&B and Humboldt Sea Mag and Sea Cal. I just fed a hefty dose this am so that might fix it.

I would like to think it is just from transition but I have transitioned many times and never seen it. One thing that could be different is that I usaully feed when I go to 12/12, and this time the feeding was 24 hours later. I'm wondering whether to foliar feed something but not sure what. I don't want to overfix what might not be a big deal.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pics but calmag never hurts. Don't use epsom, try Dolomite instead or Calmag Plus. Btw the run off PH isn't the PH of your soil.. The way to measure it is getting RO or distilled water which is neutral (7.0) and a bunch of your soil. Mix at a 1:4 ratio, 4 being water of course, then you can use the meter and get a proper reading.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Thanks for the tip . I only assumed by checking the runoff you would see close to the ph of the soil.
There is no hydro shop around here for me to pick up cal mag, is there something else i should try ? I gave them a heavy feeding of nutrients to see if it helps. It doesnt seem to be getting worse or better .

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Well I have something bizzarre going on. I mentioned last page that I also have suddenly yellowing leaves. After making that post and reading for 20 min, I went back in and they were all droopy - looked like death. Now understand this is the same strain I always grow, same nutes, same process same everything, but I've never seen anything like this. So I go to the hydro store to get some foliar iron spray and when I get home, they look much better. No more drooping and unless my eyes deceive me, less yellowing.

I may never know what did this but now I'm wondering if those with the yellow top leaves (3.5 of 6) will ever recover and produce? The hydro shop guy says he doubts it. As I was driving home I thought, ditch the whole grow and start over. Now that I see some improvement, I don't know what to do.