Balcony - 5-6 hrs Direct Sunlight So Far


Active Member
Big Devil is looking nice, interested to hear the weight off that little thing when it's done! Keep it up!
i wouldnt consider it that nice but thanks ;) i think, once dried, i might get 4 big joints out of it. thats worth about as much as all the 3 seeds together, so im not gonna complain ;)

but yea, will see if i can actually get an accurate weight. im kind of reluctant to buy a scale. maybe i can ask a friend or so.

ive bought some jiffy pots with a clone dome recently, so i started another big devil seed 2 days ago. still waiting for it to pop. this is actually my first try growing straight from the jiffy pot. curious to see how much longer it will take. with my old wet tissues technique they would usually pop within 48hrs or not at all. its been about 48 hrs now and i cant see any growth. but if there is one thing i have learned from my recent grow, is to just be patient. sit, wait, and enjoy ;)

maybe ill take try to make another clone or two as well, now that i have that clone dome. last one wasnt very successful at all. ive got some rooting hormones and everything setup now. only which plant to choose from. none of them are feminized and id rather not destroy too much more potential bud sites. maybe ill try the biggest one on the weekend.

expect new photos as well by then.

peace and until next time!


Active Member
so the next big devil seeds has popped is slowly straightening up in the jiffy cup outside on the balcony now.

in the meanwhile i manage to take a detailed close up of the current big devil bud. hope you enjoy. smells damn delicious for sure and cant complain about the resin amount :joint:


none of the other plants have started flowering yet. bummer there arent any more spanish growers on this board to compare to. oh well, just gotta stay patient. :peace:


Well-Known Member
hey Mive the big devil bud looks so delicious because of the rich resin :) im pretty sure it gonna be tasty when you smoke it :)


Active Member
quick update: im starting to see white little hairs on most of the plants now. or i am hopefully imagining things. :lol:

but yea, i dont expect to get frost until january, or even at all, so im still trying to be patient and let nature do its work. hopefully all of them will start showing bigger white hairs by the end of the week. im still suspecting at least 1 male among the 4.

in any case, some more pictures:


mhhhhh. maybe another week?


porch monkeys.


more porch monkeys :blsmoke:

Good stuff. I harvested my 2 big devils 2 weeks back or so. First plant 30g, second one was 20g. I was happy with that.

TBH not the most potent smoke. But does give me a good body stone for a while. Really smooth smoke too. Cured for a week. I think I harvested around day 75ish from seed when normally they're around 65 days (atleast says on the label but lots of seed companies underestimate the time). If I could've I would've went for another week but I was leaving somewhere so I had to harvest.


Active Member
Good stuff. I harvested my 2 big devils 2 weeks back or so. First plant 30g, second one was 20g. I was happy with that.

TBH not the most potent smoke. But does give me a good body stone for a while. Really smooth smoke too. Cured for a week. I think I harvested around day 75ish from seed when normally they're around 65 days (atleast says on the label but lots of seed companies underestimate the time). If I could've I would've went for another week but I was leaving somewhere so I had to harvest.
hey, thanks for info. i have cut my big devil as well now. gave it a good 90 days from seed, could have maybe used another week, considering some white hairs left, but yea, ive got another on going and got too impatient now. took me already a good amount of patience to let her go as long as she did. without having a scale, id guess about 5grams. not a whole lot but considering all circumstances i should be quite happy. the smell is very delicious. she has dried for a day now, another 6 to go, and then also a week of curing. will certainly let you know once ive tasted.

on another note, i had to cut 3 of the 4 big ones as they turned out to be a little too ballsy for my liking :( got one of the purps left now who is in 2nd week flowering. very sad outcome this year. seeds as well as weather. im not giving up though. ordered some more seeds and might try to build a cabinet or something soonish. im not that much of a practical person but what the hell. growing should be good motivation to get started to learn :D

so my next lineup will be:

G13 Labs White Widow
Dinafem Seeds Critical Jack
Barneys Farm LSD

and some goodies. all feminized this time to make sure i hopefully never have to see 4 months amount of work go wasted because of some balls ;)

ill show some update of the remaining purps once something is worthwhile. until then...



Active Member

quick update:

weather is still giving me crappy rain and thunderstorms so not much growth happening. i mainly keep them covered from all the rain and the small ones still inside. but... i did mention that i put one of the red horse seeds into 12/12 after reading some threads on here (micro grow and that stuff). turns out she is female. flowering for a good week now. the plant is about 8 cms tall but hey, im just happy she is female ;)

any speculations as to how little she will yield? :lol:
is that pic real