The UK Growers Thread!

who are you again?

whats ya address i got something good to send lol sorry m8 u was the easy target i still feel abit bad winding up a women lol saying that baka is prob some 20stone gay scot! it is the net after all...........

Lol! Winding up a women ye say? Gone gimme ur address m8 so I can call over and wind up a right hook and knock some manners into ye!
i still feel abit bad winding up a women lol saying that baka is prob some 20stone gay scot! it is the net after all...........

The ONLY reason I come here is to get wound up. I grew up with brothers, and it's comforting and familiar to smoke in the cyber-company of a bunch of foul-mouthed crooks who take the piss in exactly the same way... Like listening to a Zen meditation tape in the background.
*climbing onto table and removing top*

Sorry, it's the only way we ever learned to lighten the atmosphere.

While you say that, i'm not seeing any pictures.


And fuck you i ent no crook, i might not pay tax due to ethical reasons, but i'm a run of the mill goddie two shoes :p
Early start? Saturday? What evil is this controlling your mind???? you grab it by the throat and you tell it to fuck off saturday is hungover morning in bed watchig trailer park boys :D I'm near 10 stellas down, more to go and cider on top of that, and i've not even tarted my evening :p
While you say that, i'm not seeing any pictures.


And fuck you i ent no crook, i might not pay tax due to ethical reasons, but i'm a run of the mill goddie two shoes :p

:D "Crook" just sounded more complimentary than "junkie" or "loser".To be fair most of you just seem like perfectly normal businessmen and shit, but crook sounds more interesting. Let me have my fantasies, man :D
Well you have your fantasies now let us have our realities! I ent got no money to pay for a real life dancer :p

Now you have me vaguely remembering a babies story i used to get read about a pair of thieves, now i really want to know what it was. And can't. God damn you!
Well you have your fantasies now let us have our realities! I ent got no money to pay for a real life dancer :p

Now you have me vaguely remembering a babies story i used to get read about a pair of thieves, now i really want to know what it was. And can't. God damn you!

Oi how the fuck did you pin that one on me?! How could my table-top entertainment remind you of a bedtime story about thieves?

The only thing I remember was a long narrative poem about a pair of thieves who broke into the house of a stubborn elderly couple who'd just had an argument and refused to speak to each other.

Ask your mum what the story was.

When are you coming to claim your box?
How did i pin that on you? A sharp mind a a healthy upbringing by a lawyer and a vicar :D Table top dancing and bedtime stories are two different points, deal with one, then the other, you'll find it easier :p

Strong cider is good cider! I can't recall my childhood well other than the book "bye bye baby" but i do remmeber making paper aeroplanes at work and trying to fly them down the bosses daughters cleavage :lol:
Haha get it now,thot it was a bit of a random post lol... Can u post any pics baklawa lmao

Not wishing to dwell on my own triumph or anything but I am dead impressed that what worked as a teen works over a decade later. As for the pics - nah man, number one rule for females who smoke in the company of males is NEVER STRIP.
I never got a reply about my skunk question. Not even a snigger.

There is no difference :lol: You've been watching too much of the BBC no doubt, as a mother, the least you can do is cut that stuff from your life so as not to harm your young one :p

Skunk is a strain of weed, not something seperate, weed is cannabis, skunk, haze, kush, all just type of weed. Skunk won a few cups and gained a big reputation for it's strenght and smell, there's no denying, it stink to high heaven and has a great high, not unwordly, just better than most, and as such, people started selling it quite a lto. The government used it's propoganda machine to change skunk from eing a request for a good type of weed, to being a request for seemingly a different drug the way people make it out on television. But no, it is just a strain of cannabis, that the UK government has tried to take few words parents might have overheard, and try and blanket the whole affair with it. My father is one of the more important lawyers in the UK, and my mum a vicar, getting them to state things withouth them really belieiving or knowing specifically about it, it' a hard feat, but even they had been old into this cockamamy story of skunk being this magnificent 80% THC megaladon.

Free, um, thing, to whoever points out how many gramatical mistakes i made in that :D I spent £130 on this keyboard, i have no intention of replacing it funky keys be damned!
Nothing to do with BBC lol although come to think of it the person who always rants about the inferiority of skunk is a big fan of the Beeb =) He's my only real-life smoking buddy over here, so I'm picking up stuff through him and I just want to check that it's not all inaccurate. Took me nearly a year to learn all the terminology in a different language (the language spoken in the country I last lived in), and now I have to learn it all over again in English. Shame there aren't any well-paid jobs for people who know how to say "weed" in 13 different languages and distinguish between the different strains in 3 different languages. Unless you're a tourist guide in Amsterdam...
Your dad's a lawyer? Rats, I thought maybe you were a law student - vague memories of legal terminology in your posts, used in correct context etc - another hypothesis bites the dust.
wow i missed abit here didnt i. funny funny. surely peeps dont give out real address or name for internet posts do they?? not hard to use a false name and a mates address is it??
can understand peeps not wanting mailed stuff if ent got few address to use safely.
Your dad's a lawyer? Rats, I thought maybe you were a law student - vague memories of legal terminology in your posts, used in correct context etc - another hypothesis bites the dust.

Haha, sounds about right, half of my family is law focused so chances are i'd have brought it up before. My dad is one of the most prestigious lawyers in the country, used to be a bit of a pain but these days, i just shout dad down the phone an i have a worldclass lawyer for free, and just to sprinkle a bit of icing sugar on that cake my older brother is a Londond lawyer currently working on employment law, me and my boss....... Ha, sometimes it's good having a boring fart of a brother like that :) And i'm no law student, i am just bright dare i say it, while i opted out of law at school not wanting to end up like my father, rich but dead from stress, o read university law books in my lemon verbena scented bath :p

And MDB, no, they don't give out real names and addresses, but in PM's and emails and such, things are often taken in a slightly more relaxed fashion. Not everyone is growing on the scale where secrecy is so important.

Speaking of which, anyone else read that cague stuff about the new alw coming into effect end of febuary about a cloudy legalisation of cannabis under a certain quantity? I've only read obscure news stories about it so as per now, i'm not taking it entrely seriously, but it doesn't sound like a far off notion given the recent guidelines about 6kg or whatnot being a non-jailtime quantity
good good cos alot head cases out there ent that right supsilbilly and dave haha. jokes trying lighten the mood somewot.
yeah read couple things and couple things on drug mules. think it will b a trial period as alot other euro countrys r alot more chilled on drugs then us. we seem b slowly following suit. defo best c wot happens. b good see court case after feb drug related or cannabos growing related.