I never got a reply about my skunk question. Not even a snigger.
There is no difference

You've been watching too much of the BBC no doubt, as a mother, the least you can do is cut that stuff from your life so as not to harm your young one
Skunk is a strain of weed, not something seperate, weed is cannabis, skunk, haze, kush, all just type of weed. Skunk won a few cups and gained a big reputation for it's strenght and smell, there's no denying, it stink to high heaven and has a great high, not unwordly, just better than most, and as such, people started selling it quite a lto. The government used it's propoganda machine to change skunk from eing a request for a good type of weed, to being a request for seemingly a different drug the way people make it out on television. But no, it is just a strain of cannabis, that the UK government has tried to take few words parents might have overheard, and try and blanket the whole affair with it. My father is one of the more important lawyers in the UK, and my mum a vicar, getting them to state things withouth them really belieiving or knowing specifically about it, it' a hard feat, but even they had been old into this cockamamy story of skunk being this magnificent 80% THC megaladon.
Free, um, thing, to whoever points out how many gramatical mistakes i made in that

I spent £130 on this keyboard, i have no intention of replacing it funky keys be damned!