How do people get the power too maintain all this without being booked?


Well-Known Member
its like a laugh a minute over here.... too bad I'm going to lunch, shit this thread is gonna reach 10 pages by the time I'm back to see it lol


Too many brownies
So please explain how you fit 100 plants in a tupperware bin.....with 0 stretching under a couple 23 watt cfl's :mrgreen::roll:

If you can pull this off then holy shit Im gonna grow 100,000 plants under my 600w hps.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
ComE oN you think I don't no how too guerilla grow,

Ummmm ... NOPE I don't think you do.

ONLY my 2 partners know and thats because you cannot do something of this magnitude on your own, and these guys are both really smart they did a grow last year of 25 plants but it had got ripped off. Because " THEY TOLD TO MANY PEOPLE" lol but yea it was not no prank call none of the people I talk to do such things that are so childish and stupid.. soo yea it was not my friends I know that for a fact I would never tell anyone but my partner about the operation and I have smart partners one working his way up in a high class data management company and one in university for accounting and doing a Realist course on the side which i will be starting soon aswell

So let me get this straight... your partners are brilliant... real up and comers.... yet you got ripped off in your last monster grow of 25 whole plants because they ran their mouths? Yeah... they sound like real geniuses ... just the kind of people you should be partnering up with. :roll:

Lastly... as to you going off to University??? Well I seriously doubt that either. You can't even construct a single coherent sentence; you just run a bunch of thoughts together into one big long rambling paragraph.

University??? I doubt it... I'd guess 9th grade.


Active Member

Ummmm ... NOPE I don't think you do.

So let me get this straight... your partners are brilliant... real up and comers.... yet you got ripped off in your last monster grow of 25 whole plants because they ran their mouths? Yeah... they sound like real geniuses ... just the kind of people you should be partnering up with. :roll:

Lastly... as to you going off to University??? Well I seriously doubt that either. You can't even construct a single coherent sentence; you just run a bunch of thoughts together into one big long rambling paragraph.

University??? I doubt it... I'd guess 9th grade.
na thats not how it happened first of all they didn't run there mouths too a hundred guys were talking child hood friends here.. there was about 5 of them on the grow.. we know which one took it but we just can't prove it other then them no1 ever knew about the grow so now this year its the two main guys of last years and me that is all and no1 ever talks about it unless were alone they have learned from there mistakes they trusted to many childhood friends and got fucked but just us 3 we should have a nice crop


Active Member

Ummmm ... NOPE I don't think you do.

So let me get this straight... your partners are brilliant... real up and comers.... yet you got ripped off in your last monster grow of 25 whole plants because they ran their mouths? Yeah... they sound like real geniuses ... just the kind of people you should be partnering up with. :roll:

Lastly... as to you going off to University??? Well I seriously doubt that either. You can't even construct a single coherent sentence; you just run a bunch of thoughts together into one big long rambling paragraph.

University??? I doubt it... I'd guess 9th grade.
and i ain't tryin to use proper grammer you tard im just typing real quick too get my msg out damn fool wants me to proof read my shit n everything haha


Too many brownies

Ummmm ... NOPE I don't think you do.

So let me get this straight... your partners are brilliant... real up and comers.... yet you got ripped off in your last monster grow of 25 whole plants because they ran their mouths? Yeah... they sound like real geniuses ... just the kind of people you should be partnering up with. :roll:

Lastly... as to you going off to University??? Well I seriously doubt that either. You can't even construct a single coherent sentence; you just run a bunch of thoughts together into one big long rambling paragraph.

University??? I doubt it... I'd guess 9th grade.
exactly. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Too many brownies
and i ain't tryin to use proper grammer you tard im just typing real quick too get my msg out damn fool wants me to proof read my shit n everything haha
Start practicing for your big highschool debut (mommy and daddy are so proud)....Oh oops sorry did you say highschool I meant college? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Bro who said i ever paid for it ;) LOl
YOU DID..........
and it wasn't 1000$ worth of nutes i just said that to round the number it was about 700 too 850 or so.. oo and I will also take some pics of the nutrients incase you guys can help me sort everything out and use it properly..Theres just so many things i wouldn't know where too start i've never used nutrients before only proper soil and water thats it never had nutrients like this in my life..



Active Member
So please explain how you fit 100 plants in a tupperware bin.....with 0 stretching under a couple 23 watt cfl's :mrgreen::roll:

If you can pull this off then holy shit Im gonna grow 100,000 plants under my 600w hps.
never said i have 100 plants i said i have roughly between 45 and 50, 5 of them are reallyy slow they might die not sure but yea its possible because its going on right now as we speak my friend is doing the other 50 in his setup thats how we have 100.. so yea when i get the digi cam i will take all the pics u guys want to see.. for now there in the box and growing and oo yea about 15 20 of them were stretching alittle but i moved the lights closer n there we go.. the box set up i have is just amazing i probably won't share that technique because my friend wants to keep it for us only or sum shit so w.e im not gonna share the setup but will show what is inside the setup