Lace and Frills <3

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm still captivated by that gentleman's suit. I must possess it! I've got my tailored linen suit for when i feel like looking a twat while smoking a joint, but that suit, Vuitton has nothing on it!


Well-Known Member
Here is more pix for RIU's most popular date xK, just an observation but this has become a bit of a lounge, kind of like a Pub with xK running the joint, I guess that's why it's all over the place, kind of like trying to keep a bunch of 4 year olds in one spot, every now and then someone wanders away, I like my big green leather wingback with bold brass trim right here by the fire

The shoe is called Red Dragon, they would look soooo nice on you, dam they might even look ok on me LOL

The red frilly, what can you say Yum

I don't know if I could undo a corsett I'd just use my knife and keep spair laces on hand, that would be so exciting, here let be get that for you my dear, whips out the knife and with one movement, it falls away to reveal more fucking clothes ROTFLMAO

Have a great weekend got to go ice the brownies

Listening to the Stray Cats "Rock This Town"


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RIU Bulldog
And now for a short musical interlude [video=youtube;r4OhIU-PmB8][/video]


RIU Bulldog
Someone said Pinup

Makes me wanna play 52 pick up! lol Damn you're sexy Kuroi-chan, but the part of you I'm most attracted to doesn't photo well. Your brain....oh yeah...
It's pretty easy for a girl to throw on something skimpy and prance around, but a girl who's smart; that's the whole package. If only you were a little older and lived half way across the world.... ;)

Btw, I saw the pictures again today and thought to myself how good you'd look as a rocker chic. It's your hair. It's beautiful. Something short and tousled, with some red leather pants and high heels. A short shirt that's a little too big for you and hangs off the shoulder. And make up would be a mix of glam and heroine chic. Dark, smokey eyes and some kind of cool lipstick. I couldn't find any picks of the type of look I'm talking about but it's a mix of rocker chick, grunge, heroine chic, punk, 80's glam rock and 50's pin up. I took these as some of the hair styles I like on a woman.



Well-Known Member
Well when a guy says that it's
1 your ugly
2 he knows he don't stand a chance
3 or he's drunk
4 just being nice LOL
5 too old ROTFLOL (just for you Matt & April)


RIU Bulldog
Yeah but in this case she's actually smart :lol:
I like that. If you were from Vegas you'd understand why that's a turn-on. I think we have the second to highest drop out rate in the country or something? lol Terrible.
Give me a smart woman over big tits anyday.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but in this case she's actually smart :lol:
I like that. If you were from Vegas you'd understand why that's a turn-on. I think we have the second to highest drop out rate in the country or something? lol Terrible.
Give me a smart woman over big tits anyday.
you're from vegas???


Well-Known Member
Well when a guy says that it's
1 your ugly
2 he knows he don't stand a chance
3 or he's drunk
4 just being nice LOL
5 too old ROTFLOL (just for you Matt & April)
I thought you'd said something similar before. By your logic, were you lying to me and

1) Saying I'm ugly?
2) So quick to offer rejection?
3) You only compliment me when you're intoxicated?
4) You're just being nice
5) You are too old?

Relax :3

The answer is you are a little too old for me but also very nice. You failed in following suit with the general tone of cynicism synonymous with many RIU males 3 points into 5. You are a nice person, so is Beansly.

If anyone one else adheres to the conclusion points 1-3 you outlined for saying he likes a girl's brain, then all the more fortune, affection and prosperity to you, Beansly and others like you in your sincerity.

I like the fact that in between me posting photos, you two (and a few others x) have consistently paid attention to what I am thinking, feeling, trying to say or analyze- and for that, I am truly thankful, sir <3

PS: Pardon the increased incidences of sibilance xxx