will somebody help me please

obviously all the seeds online attitude, nirvana, and sannies seeds are all small , how can i germ and plant with success with the small seeds please give me all the info you can or tell me how you guys plat and grow your seeds if you have had any small ones from a seedbank off line? put em in coco or organic soil or what should i wait n buy rockwool ... please any info will help thank you:!:


Active Member
Dude, all seeds are generally small.

As for germination, use the paper towel method. Take two paper towels, fold them, soak them in water and squeeze them so that they are not drenched but moist. Now put the towel in a plate, put your seed there and put another towel on top, cover with another plate and wait, it should germinate in 2 days, sometimes it can tkae up to a week depending on a lot of conditions.


Dude, all seeds are generally small.

As for germination, use the paper towel method. Take two paper towels, fold them, soak them in water and squeeze them so that they are not drenched but moist. Now put the towel in a plate, put your seed there and put another towel on top, cover with another plate and wait, it should germinate in 2 days, sometimes it can tkae up to a week depending on a lot of conditions.
Whats up bro!? I have purchased just about ALL of my seeds online! And just like Gun Runner stated, there all on a smallish side bro.. I have got a few that look
sum what larger, but just bc a seed is small, it surely doesn't mean that it will produce a small plant!! I had a real small batch of seeds one grow out doors and those particular one's produced over 7ft tall beauties!! So, it's not the size of seeds that count's really.. It's the genetics of a particular strain you have ordered you you have got out of bag seed!
And how I germinate is, I take a (1) damp paper towel, place the seed in the middle roll it over, and then place the paper towel inside of a zip lock baggie, not sealed up all the way,
then roll that up, and then place it under my grow lights.. It will get all warm in toasty in the zippy, and next thing you know, you have germinated a seed!! I have had a 95% germination rate with my method!! NO SHIT!! I hope this helps, and have fun growing bro... Later... D.


Well-Known Member
I put my seeds in jiffly pucks and then put the puck in a ziploc bag til it sprouts. Keep it wet and warm and it should sprout...you can't let it dry out though, and it can't be too wet, or too hot, or too cold...Find a pleasantly warm spot and put it there...lol
thank yall verry much i was putting them in paper towel then putting it on plate then on top of heating pad, but cook'd my first batch of seeds , then i did paper towel method and room temp in a butter boul the seeds would sprout the tail end pop'd out but wen i put it in soil it never grew should i germ untill i get a long tail pop'd out of the seeds ,,, because wen i use bagseeds thay are big seeds it germs and long tail pops out but not with the seeds i order offline , but i do order femail seeds so that could have something to do with it ... but thanks yall rock;-)


Active Member
Heating pads are not always suitable for germination man, if you have a heating pad, use in on the lowest output and put some buffer between it and your plate with the seeds, something like a beach towel or something. You want plants, not bean soup :P

I cooked 200$ worth of seeds with a heating pad one time.....


Active Member
Heating pads are not always suitable for germination man, if you have a heating pad, use in on the lowest output and put some buffer between it and your plate with the seeds, something like a beach towel or something. You want plants, not bean soup :P

I cooked 200$ worth of seeds with a heating pad one time.....
Ouch that sucks man.

I germ mine by putting them straight into soil. Cant get much easier than that, The soil method just requires patients!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I use a heating pad but put a wire rack over it so the bottom of the plate is an inch or so above the pad. I always do it in the cupboard over the fridge since that is a naturally warm place. I keep a themometer there and if it gets over 80 I turn the heating pad off. You gotta keep those heating pads damp! If in doubt, too wet is better than too dry.
Want to talk about a screw up....bought my seeds from attitude,put them in moist papertowels,put them in a dark closet WHERE the clothes dryer is Wife did wash.I checked the towel the next day its was dryed out and wrinkled!!! I remoisten it and all seed still germed.I was amazed.Plants are 1 month old and doing GREAT!


I would/and do wait myself till the "tap root" get at least a 1/2" to inch long bro... Then you will get one of those booger up 4 you!!
Just keep in mind/ and "make damn" sure that that tap root is pointed down, holding the little seed "gently" with a pair of tweezers is what
I use, and place that sucker in the hole you made in the center of container/medium, and you should have a little baby no later then 2 days..
Hell, I have planted one of my batches and they sprung up that same day!! Weird, I know.. And I ussally use either a mix, female, Auto, and regular,
in hopes to get me a male, so I can take him off to himself and collect his pollen, so i can cross pollinate with the females that I like the best,
one's with the best genetics and characteristics...


Well-Known Member
i done the paper towel method also then put them on top of my cable box, sproued by the next day.