How much Plants/Room.


I'll be having a 600W HPS lamp in a 150x150x200cm room.
How much plants that will have yields around 500gram ea will be able to grow in that space?


Well-Known Member
500? unrealistic. your room would have to be 12 feet come on're shooting for set yields on your first grow? grow 6 plants, leave a nice amount of room to move around, and have a good time, and LEARN.


Active Member
OP, the way I see it, if you have to ask anything at all, from lighting type to soil, then expecting or wanting anything over an ounce per plant, is a stretch. To get 500g per plant, you will need to know all the tricks of the trade from fimming, topping, scrog, super cropping... Etc etc. aim low for expectations and hope for better. The better you get and more you learn, the better your odds of achieving your goal.


500? unrealistic. your room would have to be 12 feet come on're shooting for set yields on your first grow? grow 6 plants, leave a nice amount of room to move around, and have a good time, and LEARN.
what are you saying? [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]150x150x200cm = 5feet² and the tallness for every tent is 200cm= 6.5 feet tall.
Dumbass Americans again...


Well-Known Member
???? no need to pull that, sonny. or.....should i say....Mr. Tony Montana? wanna be a king-pin, huh? good luck with it. i know metric, too.


Well-Known Member
if it wasn't for "dumbass Americans," you'd be eating weinerschnitzel and singing "Deutschland Uber Ales."


Active Member
don t even get me started on the war america ha. i found you need about 1foot bye1fooot per plant the more yeild and hieght you aim for the more room per a plant