P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Well-Known Member
Looking spectacular Nat! Nice problem to have....oh no......my buds are too big and i need to tie it up more....lol...may we all have such problems.......great work!
Yeah lol.
As much as i like them fat they fall all over the place:evil:,next time i will get a tomato frame:mrgreen:
Thanks for looking in and your kind comments:blsmoke:

that is fantastic marijuana cultivation
i want to acheive that kind of potential
but i am limited to the nutrients i can obtain here in south korea.
no hydro shops or of that sort.
so i end up making or mixing no namers.
how many watts are u using?
what kind nute?
feeding schedule?
did u lollipop method or prune to get one large cola like that.
take care
Hi jason thanks for looking in and commenting it is appreciated.
I grew for many years using nothing but miracle grow and tomato food,works just fine for some personal stash,obviously your results will be better if you use expensive grow products.

This nute that i am currently using was only 10 quid a bottle(1ltr) and is highly concentrated and i only use 3ml per litre of water,so its nothing special or expensive really all though it is designed for cannabis use in all reality.

I use a 5 foot 58 watt cool blue tube,a 40 watt 3 foot tube and a 400 watt grolux dual spectrum hps.
If you go through the journal you can see that i have fimmed and trimmed to achieve this kind of growth.
The extra size is imo from the airbasket as my plants roots can always breathe.

Most stunting occurs imo from plants roots not being able to breathe well or at all during flowering as after the veg period soil can suffer from compression from top watering.

I will take a look into your journal later:peace::joint:

So are you Korean or did you move there? Just curious because your English is great and if you are Korean I really respect that. I see alot of americans on here talking like like complete idiots ( example: yo dawg Y U dun diz shiz) hahahahaha.

Looking good Nat. I see those calyxes are really swelling now....MMMMmmmmm
How tall do you think she is?
The calyxes are starting to swell up now but i don't think they will ever swell as fat as my mostly indicas.
The plant is about 34" tall on the biggest stem from the top of the soil that is not including the pot.
Thanks for looking in dude,i will pop into your journal later and see how your doing:blsmoke:

Oh damn... I read this whole thing and I still don't know the ending.

Nat.... I think you just inspired me to go soil. I'm awe struck by what you have been able to do and think you are onto something here just from all my reading.

Kudos man and thanks again for a nice and pleasing thread.

Please let us know your yeild on the 32" tree, It has to be amazing to watch and guess so I'm thinking avg 7.oz per bat?
Hey man no worries,hope you liked the info and pics.
I only have basic cooking scales but i can give you a basic weight when they are done.
It wont be 7oz per stem though lol,i wish it was.
Best of luck with whatever you decide to do and thanks for looking in:blsmoke:

awsome natmoon those buds look huge
They are fairly big now for the space and light i have given them.
Not to bad for a small light in a cupboard:mrgreen:
Thanks for looking in bwinn:blsmoke:

just finished reading...:hump:

your plants love you nat :D

i still cant believe those are grown under a 400 watter!!!!!!!:clap:

i cant wait till i hear the final yield.... i wonder how many grams/watt your going to get... its going to be up there anyways.

great idea with the air basket, im sure you have inspired lots of ppl to try this great technique.

your taking some of the best photos on RIU IMHO.

good job, and thanks for sharing bro.

Hey dude thanks for all of your support.
I am glad you liked the pics,i do work hard on them.:joint:
Who knows what it will yield,hopefully it will swell up a lot more yet.

The airbasket is not a single product,anyone can make one for themselves so hopefully people will give it a try.
Ask yourself this,can i hurt my plant with better drainage,less soil compression and great aeration?
Better make one then lol.
Thanks again for looking in dude:blsmoke:

nice buds dude. i was wondering what size pots are you using with those other plants on the outter sides? your pictures are bad ass. cant wait to find out what the yield is.
All other plants in my cupboard are what i call my eighths,only one plant gets the best lit area and i just basically leave the others floating around as the light is on may as well use it.

When they are done i get between 5-15 grams off each outside area plant,so its worth doing it for some extra smoke if you have plenty of seed like i do.
Pots they are in are not huge but not tiny,probably 2-3 litre pots,don't know to be honest:mrgreen:
Thanks for having a look dude it is appreciated:blsmoke:

hey nat...plants are big and fat like usual. can i ask what exactly is so special about this air basket?? i've read alot about it on here but i don't quite understand it. is it hydro or soil?
Its soil with an artificial lung basically to maintain oxygen to the roots all the way through flowering regardless of soil compression.
It also increases drainage capabilities and the basket itself being full of holes even without the pump being on helps to oxygenate the soil.
Thanks for looking in dude:blsmoke:

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions instead of soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel or mineral wool. A variety of techniques exist.

hydro is basically its growing plants without soil. if there is ANY soil in the growing medium its not considered hydroponics..

nats, ingenious and novel(?), air basket with augmented pumped oxygen into the soil is just that- its a soil garden fortified with extra pumped oxygen delivered to the roots for faster growth. :hump:

i know your question was directed towards natmoon, but he said he has been busy lately and i figured i could answer your question. :mrgreen:

Yeah man no worries,i have hardly been here lately.
Not because i don't want to be but because i have no free time lately.
Thanks for helping out it is appreciated:blsmoke:

Nat Moon= Rollitup's best grower?
Natmoon=stoned nutter with a few good ideas:mrgreen:
Thanks for your vote of confidence though:blsmoke:


why not?:blsmoke:

:hump::hump::hump:Yes NatMoon the King of RIU He has my vote!:hump::hump::hump:
Looking Great Nat! Hope there not working you to death Nat! Have a good one!:peace:peace man:peace:
Dudes enough lol:mrgreen:
Thanks for looking in and your support.
I don't work for anyone else i am self employed so i am working myself to death,i should be punished:mrgreen:

Just shows what you can accomplish for your self since he isn't doing this for profit at all and that's his personals.

I've never done it, but from the looks of that one tree seems to have a couple of SOG beat in production.
Yeah man i have nothing to sell.
I do hope to one day make my seed available to sell but this is not why i do this,i do it because i love it.
I currently have so much seed just sitting in boxes doing nothing,seems wrong really.
Thanks for bigging me up dude it is appreciated:blsmoke:

Wow. Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Those things are huge!! Is it just me, or are there basically no fan leaves on them. Keep up the good work!
Yeah man no leaf.
All cut off by me as the thing went along to get maximum light exposure to the bud.
They only need me to look after them,leaves are for outdoor grows and veg time:mrgreen:
Thanks for looking in dude it is appreciated:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info about the air basket, i might have to try that out next grow. the idea of roots getting more oxygen and the soil not being compressed sounds fantastic to me. i think my seedlings stunt a little because of soil compression so this is definitly a thought.

also, you said you cut off all the fan leaves as they are only for veg and outdoor growing. so would it hurt my 2 plants to cut off all those big fan leaves?? i have probably 4 or 5 bud sites that aren't getting enough light because of the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info about the air basket, i might have to try that out next grow. the idea of roots getting more oxygen and the soil not being compressed sounds fantastic to me. i think my seedlings stunt a little because of soil compression so this is definitly a thought.

also, you said you cut off all the fan leaves as they are only for veg and outdoor growing. so would it hurt my 2 plants to cut off all those big fan leaves?? i have probably 4 or 5 bud sites that aren't getting enough light because of the fan leaves.
Well to be honest i checked into your grow journal and your using diy store cfls so i cant and don't guarantee that your plants will respond well to this procedure as you have only a small amount of low penetrating light.

I would however recommend minimal leaf removal on leafs that are blocking obvious bud sites only.
I only recommend large leaf removal to be done over the entire cycle of the plants life time and never done all at once and i am skeptical that it will work well unless you have some kind of hid lighting system or a bunch of professional cfls:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok bought a 1gig card for the camera and thought i would try out its video capability's on my plants.
Just a quick look at the plant really as i am to stoned to make any good videos lol:mrgreen:
Click on the pic to watch the vid:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hi natmoon hows things going i havent seen you in a couple days. awsome grow cant wate to so those babys dry and ready to smoke. its been fun watching them grow and when can i buy some seeds lolj/k


Well-Known Member
right on cool vid. not that i am focused on dry yeild. i was wondering how much you think the air basket plant will yeild?


Well-Known Member
wonderful plants and very cool vid i saw very little of it due to my dial up connection...... and very little patients, but that was neat i liked seeing your plants from another perspective. Cant wait to see the end results of these plants nat


Well-Known Member
Ok bought a 1gig card for the camera and thought i would try out its video capability's on my plants.
Just a quick look at the plant really as i am to stoned to make any good videos lol:mrgreen:
Click on the pic to watch the vid:blsmoke:
Lookin nice man those need to be on this page too!!


Well-Known Member
hi natmoon hows things going i havent seen you in a couple days. awsome grow cant wate to so those babys dry and ready to smoke. its been fun watching them grow and when can i buy some seeds lolj/k
Yeah man i haven't had much free time of late.
I still try to pop in a couple of times a day even if its only for 5 minutes.
Thanks for looking through again.
As soon as they are ready to toke i will make a tokeing video lol:mrgreen::joint:
The seeds will be available if a major seed bank ever makes me an offer for a load of them or for exclusive rights to the genetics etc.
Seems that this wont happen so you will have to wait until i move to amsterdam:mrgreen::peace::joint:

right on cool vid. not that i am focused on dry yeild. i was wondering how much you think the air basket plant will yeild?
Hey man thanks for checking in again.
Glad you liked the vid.:mrgreen:

I dunno really because i grow all the time i basically never run out and when you never run out and you don't sell it weights lose their meaning.
I saw a casual friend that doesn't know i grow the other day who was buzzing as he had just paid 20 quid for an eighth of bud.
When he showed me i had to stop myself from grinning as to me an eighth just looks like a poxy amount.
I smoke about an eighth a night on average some nights i smoke a hell of a lot more than that:mrgreen::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::-?:-?:confused::-?:cry::mrgreen::spew:

I would figure i have a fair bit of weight as these buds and the leaf are very oily as well as tric covered.
When its ready i will shove it on the cooking scales and let you know according to how inaccurate those kind of cheap cooking scales are anyway:peace::joint:

You sound really damn stoned in that video hahahaha

I enjoyed it.
Hey man thanks for watching.
I is definitely stoned lol:mrgreen:
Glad you enjoyed it man:peace::joint:

Logs man..fuckin Logs.....nice video....LOL! I should make a vid too..never thought of it!
Yeah logs hahaha.
Couldnt think of a better name lol.
Thanks for watching man and glad you liked it:peace::joint:

sup natmoon

good vid indeed and great lookin buds bro.................:joint:

-Str8 L.A-
Hey man thanks for taking a look,glad you enjoyed it:peace::joint:

quite the spears right theres
Hey ian thanks for taking a look dude it is appreciated:peace::joint:

wonderful plants and very cool vid i saw very little of it due to my dial up connection...... and very little patients, but that was neat i liked seeing your plants from another perspective. Cant wait to see the end results of these plants nat
Hi kaya hows it going.
I will have to pop into your journal again soon just haven't had as much time lately.
I already compressed the original video from 204 meg to 59 or something,i will attempt to make a low quality version for you and others that are on dial up.
Thanks for looking in and your kind comments:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the response and for your insight on my situation natmoon! i plan on adding a few more CFL's in a few days but i see your point. i think large leaf removal may be my best bet right now, only the ones that are covering bud sites.


Well-Known Member
Hey nat...just stopping by to say hey. Not been round for a while. Your shit's looking fucking good bro! Nice one! :blsmoke:

Cool vid!......'no advanced nutirents or any of that malarky!' hahaha...LOL! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Nice vid Nat, and once again amazing grow man.

This makes me laugh at Arjan, from the green house seed co.. During the HTCC he was running around with two what looked then to be nice ass buds. I decided to check it out one more time and Nat, you need to send these guys a video and get ur self a job as a grower or something man. I can imagine someone running around HTCC with spears like that.

Get your self that crown. Hope you drop by my journal sometime man, I'm going air basket it seems.

YouTube - The King of Cannabis 5 - Cannabis Cup Coverage - Trailer


Well-Known Member
Hey nat...just stopping by to say hey. Not been round for a while. Your shit's looking fucking good bro! Nice one! :blsmoke:

Cool vid!......'no advanced nutirents or any of that malarky!' hahaha...LOL! :mrgreen:
Hey dude haven't seen you about for a while,have a spliff:joint::mrgreen:
Thanks for looking in snowy,i just need the calyxes to swell up now,they wont swell up as much as some as theres a lot of sativa in there but they should still swell up,i hope:mrgreen:

67 days have gone by now so hopefully 77+ days will be enough to swell them,i will add some molasses tonight i think,i wasn't going to,but it will help them along i think.

Thanks for watching the video,yeah man i was wasted making that,felt a bit weird talking to my camera hahaha.
My point was just that if you buy the cool advanced products you can get great results but you can still get some good smoke even without any expensive nutes or expensive lights if your careful.

Didn't want people thinkng that my plant was packed full of expensive products to make it large.
I wish i could afford to try some of these advanced products but i am up to and over the limit of my credit line for the next year:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Anyway thanks for dropping in snowy,good to have you back here:peace::joint: