P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Well-Known Member
Nice vid Nat, and once again amazing grow man.

This makes me laugh at Arjan, from the green house seed co.. During the HTCC he was running around with two what looked then to be nice ass buds. I decided to check it out one more time and Nat, you need to send these guys a video and get ur self a job as a grower or something man. I can imagine someone running around HTCC with spears like that.

Get your self that crown. Hope you drop by my journal sometime man, I'm going air basket it seems.

YouTube - The King of Cannabis 5 - Cannabis Cup Coverage - Trailer
Errr as much as i like the reference i don't think my plants are anywhere near as huge as arjans.
If i had arjans equipment and grow rooms then hehehe who knows though.

I was offered a job 1 year ago growing a 500 plant op for someone,great money,great job,i said no as he was a dealer though and i couldn't be doing with the hassle or worry,so instead i am skint yet still happy and stoned:mrgreen:

Having said that it may be a way to try to get my foot in the door over there.

Plant Shepard available:mrgreen:

Anyway dude thanks for your support i really appreciate it and thanks for watching the vid.
One day i will get a big light and some co2 and make a huge plant with it:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
" holy shit"

"what the hell"

"my god"

"damn those are fat"
"frickin huge"

are just some of the things i said aloud when i saw your pics


Well-Known Member
hey natmoon...I just watched your video and I am at a lose for words...WOW!
Hey bongspit thanks for watching man it is appreciated.
I will have a look into your journal in a bit,i haven't had much time lately so ive been slack.
Thanks again man:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
" holy shit"

"what the hell"

"my god"

"damn those are fat"
"frickin huge"

are just some of the things i said aloud when i saw your pics
Hey hippieman thanks for having a look through.
No reason why anyone cant grow big stuff if they follow my tips and tricks.
Heres a link to my video in case you didn't see it as there are a lot of pages in this journal now.
Thanks again for your kind comments:peace::joint:
Video of Logs - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Well-Known Member
I hear that Nat, I don't think it is worth the risk to get involved with a dealer or anything of the sort. But if it were legal man or if you were in dam it would be a nice sight to see what could be done. Having seen your tips and tricks, I'm going to shoot for something like that one day. Seems nice to just grow one tree for myself that could last me another one grow.



Well-Known Member
I hear that Nat, I don't think it is worth the risk to get involved with a dealer or anything of the sort. But if it were legal man or if you were in dam it would be a nice sight to see what could be done. Having seen your tips and tricks, I'm going to shoot for something like that one day. Seems nice to just grow one tree for myself that could last me another one grow.

Yeah man i still grow small plants as well but its nice to have a large stash to last a longer time:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
:-|wtf?:-? is there something your not telling us nat?:confused:

lol :mrgreen:

Nope just either the korean guy doesn't properly understand or its an old player from this site thinking he can wind me up lol.
I aint really bothered anyway,come see natalie,the 16stone fat hairy git and find out what happens hahahaha:twisted:


Well-Known Member
natalie moon or nat the fat hairy guy....either way your growing some amazing fat bud logs haha
Yeah i guess to you lot i could be anyone and with all the pot you guys smoke your fantasy engines are running at full power ahahahaha:mrgreen:
Its also actually possible that he does think that i am Natalie Moon the porno star,unfortunately for you lot i am a smelly man lol:mrgreen::peace::joint: