First time Ever Grow Hydro


Well-Known Member
For your next grow try using Humbolt County"Bushmaster" Nutes. it slow vertical growth and influences shorter bushier plants with more compact bud surfaces.
Sorry Oldluck I don't mean to Hijack your thread... but I can't send a PM... RIU is really starting to piss me off with that stupid "your inbox is full" nonsense...

Have you used bushmaster? Ive read alot about it burning the hell out of plants. I imagine you could get the good effects from it without burning the crap out of your plants if you used it in smaller doses over a longer period. Could you continue giving nutes if you were to lower the dose and spread it over a week instead of the recommended 3 days? Ive read it stops stretch instantly, that sounds a bit extreme, Id be more interested in just minimizing stretch and not burning the plants.
Have you used it?


Well-Known Member
When a plant becomes stunted will it ever start growing again once the problem is fixed?
I've been wondering that myself. I think the simple answer is no it will never grow properly again, but cuttings taken from it(if its still in veg) will grow normally.

But I don't know what constitutes "stunting", growth can be slowed by a number of things, and I wouldnt always consider it stunting, but in severe cases stunting occurs. As far as I know theres no clear line between what is slowed growth or what is stunting(or is there?), so its a bit confusing for me

I don't think your plants are stunted, is that what your thinking?


Well-Known Member
I hope they don't boot me off the board for posting the opposite of bud porn. I think I can limp them for another 2-3 weeks. I think I found a happy ppm they can live off of. I have learned a lot these last 2 weeks. Can't wait to start round 2, I have a better understanding of flower now. Sorry for all the sad pixs but they are looking better then last week. It looks like some came by and stuck a pin in each of my buds. They are not full and sturdy looking like 2 weeks ago, but I did learn my lesson.



Active Member
You havent switched the light cycle at all have you? the curled down leaves on the buds look like my last grow that i currently have revegging!


Active Member
haven't change them since going 12/12. what changes should I have made?
none that i know of. its just that my the new leaves growing off my left over buds for reveg look like that. after switching to 24/0. but your buds are nice and fat.


Well-Known Member
Naw, haven't even looked yet. Thought I would give them another week or before I check. The new leaves are coming off the burned cola. It is trying to heal a little I guess. Buds seemed to be fatter a couple of weeks ago.


Active Member
Naw, haven't even looked yet. Thought I would give them another week or before I check. The new leaves are coming off the burned cola. It is trying to heal a little I guess. Buds seemed to be fatter a couple of weeks ago.
May take a while for it to really heal itself and produce. checkout my grow journal i just updated on the bagseed i started. i think it may be an autoflower.

ma jigga

Well-Known Member
Subbed! Sweet grow! I'm kind of intimidated by hydro but I might try a trial run for 2 plants in April if I can get the right equipment. I'll have to do some research on that... Is it hard to maintain? And props on going straight to hydro for your first grow. You've got balls dude.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ma!! Since I have nothing to compare to it seems fairly easy. I like how I'm learning to read my res like I'm learning how to read my plants. It is pretty automated once you get a feeding schedule down that you are familiar with controlling. Very clean at all times in hydro, easier to check roots probably, can go a week easily and never not once touch your plants for anything. Looking forward to learning soil, so it can share same light as my hydro. Mite be easier in long run to keep moms in soil, but I really don't know yet. Its all one big learning curve, we just jumped in at different angles. Once you get one down, it will definitely help you when you try the other. Up until I messed up the feeding schedule I was thinking this is way to easy. Now since reality hit me, you have to take it a lot more serious if you want what you see all over the net. Big beautiful buds is a work of art. Learning that art is not easy in soil or hydro. Just my 2 cents.:bigjoint:

ma jigga

Well-Known Member
Thanks ma!! Since I have nothing to compare to it seems fairly easy. I like how I'm learning to read my res like I'm learning how to read my plants. It is pretty automated once you get a feeding schedule down that you are familiar with controlling. Very clean at all times in hydro, easier to check roots probably, can go a week easily and never not once touch your plants for anything. Looking forward to learning soil, so it can share same light as my hydro. Mite be easier in long run to keep moms in soil, but I really don't know yet. Its all one big learning curve, we just jumped in at different angles. Once you get one down, it will definitely help you when you try the other. Up until I messed up the feeding schedule I was thinking this is way to easy. Now since reality hit me, you have to take it a lot more serious if you want what you see all over the net. Big beautiful buds is a work of art. Learning that art is not easy in soil or hydro. Just my 2 cents.:bigjoint:
Right on. Learning that art is not easy period.. lol. It all required responsibility and commitment. Can't take care of a plant, can't take care of a baby. That should be a guideline for new parents lol. I feel like maybe one day if the power goes out long enough while I'm doing hydro, the plant will die. Idk. It's just in the back of my head for some reason. I read a bit on DWC and aeroponics. It seems like a lot of work. All I want is a reservoir big enough for 2 plants (full grow cycle) and I read somewhere that you need 5 gallons per plant or something? What's your take on that?


Well-Known Member
OldLuck have you narrowed down exactly what mistakes you made? was too much nitrogen the only cause of the damage?
I did more damage trying to fix taken N out then I did giving to much. I didn't utilize my base nutes, instead I tried to make my base nutes with supplements that I should have used with my base nutes. Another good reason to use bag seed on my first grow. Learned a lot of don'ts this grow so looking forward to grow with not a lot of don'ts. Also learned a lot I can't put into words yet, but as I get a better understanding of exactly what I am doing I will be able to explain it a lot better.


Well-Known Member
In hydro if the power goes out you can just fill up your tray manually like soil, no big deal. What is the lot of work you are talking about? Have to mix nutes like in soil, have to top off res every few days like you just water soil. Don't have to worry about run off or what the ppm is of run off. Not sure about dwc or aeroponics, you could be right. I really don't see it being any easier then hydro to me, but I am just a nub with no experience. I have a 10 gallon res and I started with 7 plants all threw veg so depending on your tray set up 5 gallons should be fine for 2 plants.

Right on. Learning that art is not easy period.. lol. It all required responsibility and commitment. Can't take care of a plant, can't take care of a baby. That should be a guideline for new parents lol. I feel like maybe one day if the power goes out long enough while I'm doing hydro, the plant will die. Idk. It's just in the back of my head for some reason. I read a bit on DWC and aeroponics. It seems like a lot of work. All I want is a reservoir big enough for 2 plants (full grow cycle) and I read somewhere that you need 5 gallons per plant or something? What's your take on that?


Well-Known Member
In hydro if the power goes out you can just fill up your tray manually like soil, no big deal. What is the lot of work you are talking about? Have to mix nutes like in soil, have to top off res every few days like you just water soil. Don't have to worry about run off or what the ppm is of run off. Not sure about dwc or aeroponics, you could be right. I really don't see it being any easier then hydro to me, but I am just a nub with no experience. I have a 10 gallon res and I started with 7 plants all threw veg so depending on your tray set up 5 gallons should be fine for 2 plants.
only complaint about tables... washing hydroton! lol and conditioning rockwool. I would loooooove to have a mediumless setup. I'm spending 100-150 dollars per round on hydroton/rockwool chunks and washing 100L of ton in your tub sucks ass haha

but yeah once you get your hydro setup and get a good drain/fill plan down with a hose and a pump, it's a lot less work then soil. A timer waters my plants...basically hydro can be more automated, but you could do top drip soil to so there's 100 ways to skin a cat.