Pet etiquette??


Well-Known Member
Question, if someone has a weird/funny looking pet because the owner made the pet to look that way, is there an etiquette for not making fun of it?

We were visiting some friends of friends last weekend for a party at a couples apartment. The couple had this really fat cat whose belly was practically touching the floor. After we had some drinks, someone made fun of the cat being "so fat" and how the cat was getting over fed, and the woman who had the apartment got really mad at the guy who made the joke. I thought the woman was overreacting, but she said we need to show more "respect" to her animals! I was I had no idea there was a "pet etiquette".


Active Member
Whatever screw her, if her cat is fat then it's fat. She probably can't accept that it is her fault. I had this same thing happen but with a dog, jokingly said "aw you such a fat dog" my buddy's gf got mad. I straight up told her, sorry but it's true and the something you accept it the sooner you can do something about it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe try something like "hey hey hey" to the kitty, Fat Albert style. Then if she bitches you can play dumb like that's just how you talk to cats.


Well-Known Member
Some veiw their pets as "Family". So the best thing to do is just say
Hello Kitty.

You would not insult their fat kid would you?


Well-Known Member
Some veiw their pets as "Family". So the best thing to do is just say
Hello Kitty.

You would not insult their fat kid would you?
Are you comparing a child that has feelings to a cat that doesnt understand human language? Ok, I guess I will entertain the question...

If he was training to be a sumo wrestler like in that pic, then no. But if the parents are lazy, feed the kid garbage all the time and the kid is borderline from getting diabetes , then...maybe? Would depend on the situation and it wouldnt be a laugh, more like, "stop killing your kid". Plus the kid would probably be made fun of everyday in school.


Well-Known Member
vileplum, you have the same quote as me with William Wallace lol.

Some people treat their pets as if they were their children. You invite somebody over and they start calling your kids fat and then they tell you to stop feeding them so much, would you also get offended?