First try


I am growing indoors for the first time. In fact, I am trying to learn how to make it before ordering good seeds.
The box is 75x50x60 centimeters, covered with thin foil (will be replaced with panda when they are moved).

3x23Watt CFL lights, with a total of 4500 lumens, 2 cool white 1 warm.
This is only for the germination and first weeks.
I'll be adding more CFL's , a fan and a Co2 supply.

Temperature is between 23 and 28 C. , lights 16/8.

They are in peat moss now, and will be transferred to bigger containers with % 25perlite,
%75 peat mix. I'll also try some CocoPeat and wormcasts in different containers.
Yes this time will be experimental and I'll try to learn.

Would anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
Do they need more light ? More water ? Only some of them seem to be like this, but I 'm not sure what will happen tomorrow.

Your oppinions are appreciated.

Peace :leaf:



what is your watering schedule like?

peat moss i think retains a lot of water, since they're in straight peat moss and nothing else, it'd be my guess you're overwatering them a bit


Thanks for the reply.
I am trying to give them enough water once a day. Not much to drip from the bottom of cups, even less than that.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they may be too far away...stems look a little new to this though so I could be mistaken...opinions?


Looks like they may be too far away...stems look a little new to this though so I could be mistaken...opinions?
You're right about the stems but this weaky look started just like 10 hours a go and some other babies are on the way too now.
Any more suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong but seems like you need more light closer to the plants...there could be more going on though...blind leading the blind lol


Well-Known Member
when they are that small i only water once every 4 -6 days depending on when they need water. everyday is overkill. they dont drink enough yet to need that much.


when they are that small i only water once every 4 -6 days depending on when they need water. everyday is overkill. they dont drink enough yet to need that much.
My wife thinks the same way.
Makes sense, and I'll not be giving a drop of water for the next 48 hours from now on.

Thanks to everyone ,and more suggestions are welcome too.