Long hair on men?


Well-Known Member
Long hair is not only accepted on women it is somewhat expected...people tend to assume you are a lesbian if you are have short hair...so...it is equally unfair for both sexes...


Ursus marijanus
I cannot find a pic of a ponytail like mine to save my life! Try this ... without the facial fur and with lots more length ... and a distinguished maturity to my profile, oh lol. cn


Well-Known Member
I think long hair is beautiful. Because of the maintenance it requires, the fact you managed to keep the hair reasonably clean, healthy and hydrated to get to a great length has other connotations regarding general upkeep and attitude towards life. Short hairstyles can be really cute and interesting but I'm only saying long as a general rule. I don't like crew cuts, especially if the man has an ugly-shaped head...


Well-Known Member
My husbands head has a really weird shape...lol. He refuses to have an actual hairstyle..and he has been using clippers so long his thisck straight hair grows straight out all around his head so he would look like a doofus if he tried to grow it out...I tell him to wear a hat for a few weeks...it grows fast, but alas more clippers. I like long hair on a man if it is well kept, and not too long. I myself have long hair and really like the idea or getting to run my fingers through someone else's hair...


Active Member
long hairs the shit,during a long winter ill just toss on my bulls hat and my long hair and fascial hair keeps me warm and keeps me looking good.


Well-Known Member
I had hair down to the middle of my back in college. This hippy chick I was dating even did some crazy hemp braid in it......I had to cut the damn thing out. I actually have the ponytail in a ziplock bag. No idea why, but it suprised the hell out of my kids when they saw how their dad looked back in the day LOL.

I wish it was more acceptable for men to have facial hair in the professional business world. Most companies have policies that say no facial hair at all. Every time I get a job interview, I have to keep shaving off my beard, and I really like it. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
I think women much prefer men with long dicks over men with long hair although I'm sure a long haired man with a long dick would be well liked by the ladies but for some reason women aren't into men with long dick hair- women go figure


Well-Known Member
hate it on a guy. seriously. men with short hair and facial hair... yum... but for some reason long hair is a turn off on guys

Agreed. It's one of those things where I can go "Oh his hair looks nice. But...i'd so never do him."


Well-Known Member
I think women much prefer men with long dicks over men with long hair although I'm sure a long haired man with a long dick would be well liked by the ladies but for some reason women aren't into men with long dick hair- women go figure
I don't get any dicks so I'm looking at the hair. I like it.



Well-Known Member

Is your theory that only teenage girls like boys with long hair and real women like men with short hair? I hear that alot. I don't really care.


Weed Modifier
*bumped for Lime*
lol finally .....well i have long hair :) use to be down to my waist but i donated it...since i don't dye it and put a bunch of crap in it like women do.... it was perfect for kids with cancer :)

now its growing back again and it getting long again :)

women get jealous of my hair all the time ...haha


Well-Known Member

Is your theory that only teenage girls like boys with long hair and real women like men with short hair? I hear that alot. I don't really care.
No, lol, I don't care either. I was just asking because of the whole no dicks yet thing. Was seeing if you were too young for me lol.