Long hair on men?


Well-Known Member
always have had long hair, except for the short while I shaved it, did colored mohawks, weird shit. now its all long again.


Pickle Queen
I used to have long hair... many times... I've always ended up cutting it off for females tho... :(

I'm stupid like that...
Why man, they ask u to cut it off? how long we talking?? Not every man can rock long locks, but they ones that can usualy look yummy, are u yummy? lol

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I've never had any complaints about my flavour... But I'm sure that's not the question...

Hair to the middle of my chest... I used to tie it back so it wouldn't tickle my nipples...

Black Uhuru

My hair was down to my stomach, i cut it when i as 20. It was the first time i went to the barber lol. Since then ive grown it back, Also if your sign is a Leo its your birthright to have long hair. :lol: