The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Is that Nick Diaz guy Mexican? he used to street fight in garages and stuff? If it's the same guy I'm thinking of fuck me he's put some weight on, last time I saw him fight he was a skinny little dude of about 10-11 stone!


Well-Known Member
Is that Nick Diaz guy Mexican? he used to street fight in garages and stuff? If it's the same guy I'm thinking of fuck me he's put some weight on, last time I saw him fight he was a skinny little dude of about 10-11 stone!
yeh thez 2 bothers nick and nate diaz ther both frikin little animals and some of the look mean faces they pull are fukin well funny

just got ah heap of nicortte stuff in sealed boxes patches and inhilators going on ebay if anyone wants any lemmi know :P

got this neat little lcd tele 300 qiwd! who cares if its waterproof lmao for sailing aparantly and camping n shit...well it came of sum pikeys so its deffo caranvan ebaled lmao


Well-Known Member
I've had my eye on those for a while then thought they would just add a step I don't need. The party cups are only the little half pint jobs just to get a bit of a rootball (fortnight tops) on the go so I can transport them to The Lab safely and then veg them in their final 15L pts under the 400w MH, then under 1000w HPS for production.
I think some of those big 20L Airpots are going to be top of the shopping list for next time though and replace the standard pots that I've got now.
Mate you should see the amount of roots you get with the 1ltrs in 2 weeks its crazy, then they unrap easy as owt an are ready to go stright inyour final pots!
If youve been growin in standed 15Ls mate id say go for the 10L airpots will do the same job as the bigger pots, well even better an will grow bigger plants then a standed 20L easy.... I got 6oz of a BC in the 10L.


Well-Known Member
Mate you should see the amount of roots you get with the 1ltrs in 2 weeks its crazy, then they unrap easy as owt an are ready to go stright inyour final pots!
If youve been growin in standed 15Ls mate id say go for the 10L airpots will do the same job as the bigger pots, well even better an will grow bigger plants then a standed 20L easy.... I got 6oz of a BC in the 10L.
yeh im doing-10litre wilma pots VS 8 litre blag bag pots w/eva ther called VS couple 10 litre airpots
all same genitics conditions everything lets see hwat happens :)

cummon then guys whats the snow like up your end?

and NO thats not my front door or even my street or even near it im not that silyy......................i try not anyways


Well-Known Member
Not me mate.. One of the mods...
removed ...
priceless haha.
thats wot the uk thread about some well thought out humour. hahah made my morning that has. encore more more haha
dst that is lovely is that the smelly cheery or woteva name is from bb range? or diff cherry strain?
mantiszn where that message go??? crime to delete it[/QUOTE]

kevin murphy

New Member
i removed the posts cant have it both ways unlucky was sayin racists remarks and if people on ere dont agree with it then they wont agree with the quotes either..


Well-Known Member
I cant believe UKRG has the front to post. I sent him 20 bar for jeans and they never arrive. Pure fuckin brass neck. Im finished with this site


Well-Known Member
I cant believe UKRG has the front to post. I sent him 20 bar for jeans and they never arrive. Pure fuckin brass neck. Im finished with this site
u ahving a laugh i sent em recorded even showed u the reciept? ive not recieved anything of anyone mail wise either?from u or anyone?cash also,

cant belive uve just sed that mate :( ive pmd u like 50 times to make sure theyve arrived u havent repied whats your game m8?

i trust you with my bank details and you think im out to rip u of? lmao thats out of order man

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I cant believe UKRG has the front to post. I sent him 20 bar for jeans and they never arrive. Pure fuckin brass neck. Im finished with this site

can't ya take ya little friend woody out for a day trip and add the cost of the trip on lolol ya could look at it as an all expenses paid holiday lmao


Well-Known Member
your out of order silly man just got that of ther tracking website you shoulda just pmd me or sum shit

da ja vu comes to mind dont i feel sheepish about now :(


Well-Known Member
smokin some nice afgan haze
well BULLY for you lmao

issit nice?

i think i got sum variation of berrys deffo aint sprayed and does the trick so hmff

u think it makes the smoke better/worse knowing the strain how good/bad it is?


Active Member
i aint pissed off m8, but was just reading last nights events and its just annoying now, yeah it aint the most serious of threads but there a limit mdb and from the look of every1s replys i think its been passed.
Hiya, been off sick for a day or two, may as well start out by apologizing for the cat fight the other night, but I thought it would go unnoticed as everybody else was asleep and I was the only one left awake and I had to say something (or so I felt at the time). Sorry for lowering the tone of the thread etc. Won't happen again.


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate, I was downloading a movie. Lemme pause uTorrent for you.

LOL its ok he wil know ur not having no curtains and all

This stolen WiFi is taking the piss today!
i know until i sorted the virgin out otherday i was using the same and ffs i nrly went round a few times to tell him to get a better package!
get a external wifi arial man they look like tv ariels and pik up bloody eevrything onthe chimney!
i mount a smaller one in the centre of my unused sky dish pretty great!

stolen wifi!!:snoffle:


Well-Known Member
Hiya, been off sick for a day or two, may as well start out by apologizing for the cat fight the other night, but I thought it would go unnoticed as everybody else was asleep and I was the only one left awake and I had to say something (or so I felt at the time). Sorry for lowering the tone of the thread etc. Won't happen again.
dont be silly she was a troll, id say a kid or a very distured adult.

you didnt lower the tone tho and there was no need to say sorry.

people use this thread to have a laugh and theres also some good growers that give good advice in here just dont need all that sillyness from unlucky etc, i also agree that racist remarks n posts should be deletd theres no place for it in society and the uk thread......................

am feeling pretty mingled that post took me fucking ages to write lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
just started raining thank fuck, hopefully now my house won't be the only one in the street with no snow on the roof


Well-Known Member
just started raining thank fuck, hopefully now my house won't be the only one in the street with no snow on the roof
lol i just thought shit gotta hobble outside and check..................then realised nothing growing yet lol silly fucker i am