The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
unlucky ---------> do u have your intake to the floor? ( cold air bottom - hot air extraction at the top )


Well-Known Member
5 t0 6 plants wtf, the last time i had 5/6 plants on the go was like over 5/6 years ago you need to get your head out your ass and stop trying to pick on me as your defo not getting to me and im not the one who says shit then deletes it as your full of crap......silly fucker....bring it on
Haha so your callin yourself out jog on u muppet and read wot u write u silly little girl haha and who deletes wot u faggot full of crap lmfao thats why peeps on here have seen my work and have seen how i roll u mug and fuck me who are u to call any cunt a wannabe lmfao jeez u should b on jezza in the mornin !!


Well-Known Member
well my first suggestion would be to change your intake and have the whole room as passive, which shouldn't be a problem with the amount of inline fans your running, how many filters are you running with how many fans?
i carb filter per room, i will try re rooting my air intake from the house instead of getting it from outside, i take the air from outside in summer as the room temp can get a tad high ;-)


Well-Known Member
i have soom lights in cool tubes but i cool them with air from the house but the other light just have reflectors on summer its all ok but in winter i get the drip drip lol
Hahahahaha wot a fuckin mug lmfao lol shit the lads are lovin this for sure !!


Well-Known Member
i carb filter per room, i will try re rooting my air intake from the house instead of getting it from outside, i take the air from outside in summer as the room temp can get a tad high ;-)
Wtf are u for real lmfao if i were u id go back to newbie central and fix up you obviously av no clue about wot the fuck your doin im sorry but im sure u aint foolin no cunt any more lmfao


Well-Known Member
no think if i get the air from the house it might be ok then,but will have to keep my eye on the temp..thanks mate ;-)


Well-Known Member
well my first suggestion would be to change your intake and have the whole room as passive, which shouldn't be a problem with the amount of inline fans your running, how many filters are you running with how many fans?
She uses 1x6inch to 8x600s lmfao

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
you should be fine, running passively in this weather will be alot easier with temp control rather than drawing in freezing cold temps. what size fans do you run?


Well-Known Member
you should be fine, running passively in this weather will be alot easier with temp control rather than drawing in freezing cold temps. what size fans do you run?
ye was thinking this my self,just trying to get out of some work lol..or well looks like i will be in there with the tool box..thankyou ;-)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
easy dragon u up and about now and on top the grow? going alright?
yeah much better now cheers mate, you?
the grows still ticking mate but still gonna be a shit 1 i can't wait to get it down n out of the way and crack on with the next, but lessons learned on this 1 will mean the new room won't have any more surprises for me, still haven't found any mites yet but found another line from my light to my plant and couldn't see anything so fuck know's, maybe there waiting to ambush me lol


Well-Known Member
you should be fine, running passively in this weather will be alot easier with temp control rather than drawing in freezing cold temps. what size fans do you run?
12 inch on the carbon outlets and 6/8 on lights and 12 on fresh air in to the room

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha yeah do ya for ya weed. chav borgs haha
good u on it. yeah am good thanks looking forward to my next run to. looking good line up for sure

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
haha yeah do ya for ya weed. chav borgs haha
good u on it. yeah am good thanks looking forward to my next run to. looking good line up for sure
lol chav borgs, what you running on ya next round mate? i'm not to sure on mine yet it depends on how many clones i can take and if i'll be better running the clones or the small mothers