The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
now its very cold im getting drips off my air intake ducting in my rooms...just wanna know to stop it ;-)
What is needed is a vapor barrier outside the insulation. What I mean by that is some kind of waterproof/airproof layer completely surrounding the insulation.

The moisture in that warm air is drawn toward the cooler duct straight through the porous insulation. It still condenses just as much as it did without the insulation because the moisture-rich air goes right through it.

With a water and air proof layer completely surrounding the insulation (with no leaks - all seams taped), no condensation will occur as long as the insulation is adequate to ensure that the ouside of the duct is the same temp (or nearly so) as the surrounding air. Whew! There's a sentence for you!

It doesn't matter what you use for the outer layer as long as its waterproof. Plastic sheeting, tarp, etc. Maybe something reflective.


Well-Known Member
What is needed is a vapor barrier outside the insulation. What I mean by that is some kind of waterproof/airproof layer completely surrounding the insulation.

The moisture in that warm air is drawn toward the cooler duct straight through the porous insulation. It still condenses just as much as it did without the insulation because the moisture-rich air goes right through it.

With a water and air proof layer completely surrounding the insulation (with no leaks - all seams taped), no condensation will occur as long as the insulation is adequate to ensure that the ouside of the duct is the same temp (or nearly so) as the surrounding air. Whew! There's a sentence for you!

It doesn't matter what you use for the outer layer as long as its waterproof. Plastic sheeting, tarp, etc. Maybe something reflective.

spt on mate i like it, i will look in to getting it sorted and let you know how i get on...big thankyou ;-)


Well-Known Member
What is needed is a vapor barrier outside the insulation. What I mean by that is some kind of waterproof/airproof layer completely surrounding the insulation.

The moisture in that warm air is drawn toward the cooler duct straight through the porous insulation. It still condenses just as much as it did without the insulation because the moisture-rich air goes right through it.

With a water and air proof layer completely surrounding the insulation (with no leaks - all seams taped), no condensation will occur as long as the insulation is adequate to ensure that the ouside of the duct is the same temp (or nearly so) as the surrounding air. Whew! There's a sentence for you!

It doesn't matter what you use for the outer layer as long as its waterproof. Plastic sheeting, tarp, etc. Maybe something reflective.
Haha pal this girl has it down trust me she has it insulated and has a damp proof course already haha or she should have for 3k work on insulation lmfao

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol or to good as thats what you get when cold air hit warm air, its how rain is made lol :-/
i understand how it works, i'm making my assumption because your in a loft, i'm assuming your bringing air in from the house and venting back into the house somewhere else and if this is the case the air in your house wouldn't be cold enough, the outside air though???? is another story.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
seems delvite has nailed it down for you, did you not add a damp proof coursing?

B n Q do 1000 gauge damp proof coursing for £40 a roll


Well-Known Member
i understand how it works, i'm making my assumption because your in a loft, i'm assuming your bringing air in from the house and venting back into the house somewhere else and if this is the case the air in your house wouldn't be cold enough, the outside air though???? is another story.
yes its air from out side thats way i only get this problem in very cold times


Well-Known Member
seems delvite has nailed it down for you, did you not add a damp proof coursing?

B n Q do 1000 gauge damp proof coursing for £40 a roll
its got nothing to do with damp proofing my room its the cold air from out side hitting the warm air inside my grow room ;-)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i typed the second response straight after the first 1 you lot type to quick for me i'm a bit of a caveman and miss alot whilst typing.
do you have your lights on a seperate loop to the rest of your room? or is it the room intake having the probs?


Well-Known Member
i typed the second response straight after the first 1 you lot type to quick for me i'm a bit of a caveman and miss alot whilst typing.
do you have your lights on a seperate loop to the rest of your room? or is it the room intake having the probs?
i have soom lights in cool tubes but i cool them with air from the house but the other light just have reflectors on summer its all ok but in winter i get the drip drip lol


Well-Known Member
good, new blood and less clicky fuckers is good, now get back to your 4plants stinky bell
Haha nothin wrong with 4 plant grows imo but its not the way i roll im sure if you click through my journal you d realise this you mug not shit back down and learn alittle

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
well my first suggestion would be to change your intake and have the whole room as passive, which shouldn't be a problem with the amount of inline fans your running, how many filters are you running with how many fans?