World of Seeds - Strawberry Blue


Well-Known Member
:-PHey there. Figured I would get this journal started now that my little seedling is "Up and at them".

Grow set up as follows:

Seed: World of Seeds - Strawberry Blue

Growing Medium: Soil grow with my own personal add-ins. All natural and home-made.

Lighting: Compact Florescent (If you don't like it, I don't want to hear about it. It's what I have and it's what I'm gonna use)

Grow Space: 33"w x 23"d x 54"h cupboard/closet

Grow Technique: LST and SCROG

Just did an add up of the total output of my bulbs combined and am quite happy with the result.

20,600 Lumens which are being delivered to my plant in the correct PAR range
The combined wattage is 300 watts when all lamps are running.
During veg I won't be running the 125 watt red spectrum bulb to save on energy costs but once flowering begins, it's no holds barred.

Seeds arrived. Put one in my dirt mix in a 3 inch pot. Watered in. Covered in plastic wrap and placed on a shelf above my hot water tank. Surrounded by sheets and placed a ceramic floor tile a couple of inches above it. Let sit for 36 hours. Well look there, It's cracked.
Placed back on shelf for another 16 hours and checked again. Starting to push up out of the soil so I helped the seed coat off at this point. Placed under a 125 watt red spectrum floro(I dropped my 85 true-watt blue spectrum :-(and now await replacements(1. 65 true-watt, 1. 45 true-watt), and put a scrap piece of mylar reflective side down on top of the plastic wrap to dim the light hitting the young seedling to avoid too much stress for it. Now as of this morning the plastic wrap is off and she's getting all the light she needs for the moment.

I plan on vegging for a bit longer than you normally would to help offset the fact that I am using floro's. That's also why I'm going to be using the SCROG technique. I know that using cfl's the lower level buds won't get as much light if I just let the plant grow vertically, so by using the SCROG method I can ensure a good amount of light over the entire plant.

Anyways, I'll probably be doing updates once a week or so for this journal and I'm already looking forward to smoking a perfectly cured bowl of this enticing looking specimen especially since I don't know anyone to buy any buds from where I live and I'll probably only get to smoke 2 or 3 times before my own harvest.

So that's it. The start of my journal. Here's a couple of pics to start us off and remember folks, feel free to comment all you like and I would love for you to share your own pics.


The 2 beer cans contain Trinidad Scorpion Butch T seeds. The hottest peppers on earth!:fire:

And let's keep the harshness to a minimum. I can't believe how much negativity I see in the threads here sometimes. Isn't this a stoner's site? Much love. Peace.:peace:


Well-Known Member
As an update to this previously written start, the first of my blue spectrum bulbs (65 true-watt) has arrived and been installed next to a red one of the same wattage. I'll be adding the 45 as soon as it arrives. The little lady is looking lovely and I can't wait to see her progress after I get home (I'll be away from tomorrow evening until next Tuesday). :leaf:


Was this a freebie from attitude?
I'm also using some cfl's to grow.
Will check in on your progress, good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Was this a freebie from attitude?
I'm also using some cfl's to grow.
Will check in on your progress, good luck man!
Thaks for the luck. :bigjoint:
No. I was looking for a strain that would hopefully not be to skunky during flowering and from the researching I did these were amongst my top 3 choices. I'm a big fan of fruit strains and the other two were just supposed to be low odor so I decided to go with this. They were cheap too. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Day 12 today since the seed first popped. Charging my camera right now but I'll post pics in an hour or two. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Okay. As promised, here are some update pics. The second pic shows the stem splitting that I asked about in a different thread. I was going to leave the plant along for 5 days so I went ahead and transplanted it so that I wouldn't have to worry about it drying up in that time. When I got home and checked it out, I noticed that the stem had split like this. I searched for reasons on RIU and Google'ed the fuck out of it to no avail but here's my theory.
I think that by transplanting it early, the taproot/root system was able to go hog wild with growing room which lead to a growth spurt of sorts in the stem, thus resulting in the split you see here.
Anyways, I'm picking up some cloning/rooting hormone gel tomorrow and I am going to give the split area a light treatment to encourage roots to develop there. I know that given enough time, the plant would do this on it's own but I'm just going to try and give it a jump start.

In the other pics you will see my Trinidad Scorpion seedlings after having been transplanted into their final pot.

In a small pot, there is a bag seed that I picked up from a friend when I as on vacation. I'm going to let it grow indoors for now but I'll probably transplant it to a safe place outdoors in a month or so. If it turns out female, great, but if it turns out male, I don't care that I don't know the genetics, I will be taking some pollen to pollinate one or two buds on my Strawberry Blue female so that I have some seeds for next time. THAT SAID! As an alternative, I may take a clone from the SB and use the colloidal silver technique to produce some pollen and make myself some feminized seeds. We'll see.

So here you go. Day 12 since popping up. Last pics were from the evening of day 1. I'm stoked and will continue to be so as long as things go smoothly. Keep it green folks. Peace.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for joining the journey.
Well I couldn't wait so I just went out and picked up some rooting powder from the garden center. Got home and exposed the part of the stem with the problem. Good news and bad.:?
The bad first - The problem is worse(the pic of the stem I posted is from Wednesday). The splitting has extended in both directions.
The good news - The stem has DOUBLED in thickness since then and that can't be a bad thing.

Anyways. I went ahead and roughed up the exposed area with a clean razor blade, wet it with a bit of water, put a light coating of rooting powder on, covered it back up with dirt, and lightly watered to get the soil moist.

Fingers crossed and wish this little lady luck. I'll keep this thread updated with all new developments. PEACE. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well it really sucks that my posts went the way of the DODO but what can you do? I'll re-post what I had posted before and come in with an added update tonight. I went ahead and put everything into flower over the past week and the big plant is showing her sexy parts. I went from 18/6 down to 16/8 for 2 days. Then down to 14/10 for 3 days before finally moving into 12/12. That's just how I do it and the plants seem to respond well. Instead of taking 2 weeks or so to show the first pistils, it only took 6 days. That could be genetics though so don't look at this as the "right" way to do it. Anyways. Re-posts and an update to come later this evening. Peace. :)


Well-Known Member
Okay well. Here's a re-post: This is from when I built my new CFL Hood so I'll just go ahead and post that up as well. I don't feel like doing a complete rewrite so this will be the quick version.

I saw these out back of a grocery store and instantly saw potential. I didn't know what for at the time but that's what I have a room full of random crap for. These are trays used for bread I believe and there were a shitload of them back there so I figured snagging a few wouldn't kill anyone. When it came time to actually make a new hood I just went into my room'o'junk and there they were. Beautiful. Here's what they look like front/back/separated.

03diyhoody baseapart.jpg01diyhoody base1.jpg02diyhoody base2.jpg

Find your center line. Measure the width of your bulbs. Make sure the top will be wide enough for them.

04diyhoody lining.jpg

Score the particle board enough so that it bends but doesn't separate.

5diyhoody slice.jpg

Measure the depth of your cabinet and get your board angled to accommodate it.

6diyhoody depth.jpg

Now we will use the bracing to create.........bracing. :)

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Here's a size comparison with the old hood.

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Now a bit more bracing.

10diyhoody brace.jpg

Next the vent/fan hole.

12diyhoody holecut2.jpg11diyhoody holecut.jpg

And using some double sided tape, we'll give it a mylar wrap. We'll use tacks on the inside so that we don't have to worry about adhesive failing under high temps.

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Then it's just a matter of adding the fan and some hooks to hold the cables and lights.

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And here's how it looks installed. Fantastic. Notice that there isn't a lot of light being wasted above the hood.

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So that's that. Here's the plants.

20diyhoody landscape.jpg

If you get a boo-boo. Make some art.

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Well-Known Member
And here's an update from day 20 or 21. I removed some sun leaves to help with getting light to the lower branches because the sun leaves are HUGE on this plant which you'll see in the post after next.



Well-Known Member
And finally, I have a new update coming later. The bagseed plant that I have right now is showing male. I'm considering keeping it as he has a fairly sweet/berry sort of smell coming off of him but I'm not sure yet.

I'd like to make some seeds but I may do the "colloidal silver" technique instead with my 2 SB's to produce feminized seeds. That's probably the route I'll go and just toss the bagseed. Deciding in the next few days.

The peppers are doing great. If you rub the leaves it smells like hot fucking peppers so that's good. The other new plant I have going is from my friends seed collection. It could be any number of things but it's good genetics for sure.

Pics later. Peace.


Active Member
I've had the exact same thing happen to the stem of my SB, and it's only 13 days old (ungermmed seed = day 0). Just transplanted, so I'm just burying it and hoping for the best. Hopefully it should pull through like yours, problem free.


Well-Known Member
Nnth.. I bet she sets some new roots with zero issues or problems and she sure doesn't seem bothered by her blemish. Dang I would like a taste of sumpin called Strawberry Blue. Sounds so sweet. I would even be happy with a few grains of pollen. Still think someone should sell pollen. It's an untapped market!

I think it says right on those bread trays "theft punishable by fine or jail". At least I know thats what it says on all my milk crates. Don't be calling me to bail you out.haha.

Thanks for the ride bud and I like it that your using your own homemade soil. You and I both know you can't buy better than you can make!:peace:

Damm you wern't kidding!! Those sure are broad fan leaves!! Without the bottle for scale I would never have guessed.