Hows the weather been?


Well-Known Member
Wow is it ever windy, we are going to get gust of up to 90 km/h tonight or for you americans, 55 mph, lol. That shit can blow you right away if you are not steady on your feet. Crazy. :mrgreen::peace:
Nice and mild though!!. But fuck its windy!


Well-Known Member
I know! but thats on this Idont think we will be see any more of....snow. spring is here and I am getting stolked! Time to go scouting for summer plantin plots!!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hee hee, already done that, I got a new GPS and it works great, lol. Now just hoping for the nice weather to come. :mrgreen::peace:

I know! but thats on this Idont think we will be see any more of....snow. spring is here and I am getting stolked! Time to go scouting for summer plantin plots!!


Well-Known Member
I went up to my cottage on easter weekend to scout places out. Everythin was still frozen as you can imagin but thay made it easier to find places since I will have to travel through a shit load of swamp area. I just srapped on some snowshoes/ Cross country skiis and I found some killer sites!! I likes the CC skis better since I can cover more ground. It was a good time! since and sunny perfect day for a ski. I was tired as hell by the end of it


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Today was the perfect spring day, except for all the snow that still needs to melt, lol. I see signs of life in the gardens and the birds are chirping away. I luv it. :mrgreen::peace:

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
Next to the Colorado Rockies- Too cold to plant tomatoes+peppers outside. They need 4 more weeks minimum. I may get desperate and put them out soon anyway. Yesterdays high was in the low 60's. Today is beautiful and sunny with heavy snow still on the Front Range.


Well-Known Member
i just threw a bad seed outside in the dirt yesterday , wanted to see how bad the conditions can be and still grow, it was like 40 today don't know how cold during night but it's gettin a lot warmer


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Wow it is beautiful today, Sunny and 14 degrees celcius or for you Americans that is 57 degrees F. I luv it. :mrgreen::peace: