My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
your post made me say whaT?
I was very confused by your big words, and small difficult words with the little french accent marks.
and than I said wait a tick, hes a knowm, their only like 1 foot tall, maybe sligtly taller, and I'm 6 ish... so I put two and two together and decided, your pissing me off!!!!
haha!!!... perhaps you misunderstood me, I said HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and its not so much as a reaction as it is an... instinct?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
HI tck,

I apologize for not understanding your.. so please bare with me...

Are you saying...

That you read my post. And after reading my post did not understand it, because of the vocabulary I used and the punctuation I used?

And then, instead of staying focused and trying to understand what I wrote you lashed out at me.... and told yourself a story.... a story that went something like

"That short shot is pissing me off"

and then you posted...

is this correct?



Well-Known Member
Wow... I started out thinking I'd watch the first part and get bored. I ended up watching all the way up until episode 11 and still wanting more. Good video! :)


Well-Known Member
HI tck,

I apologize for not understanding your.. so please bare with me...

Are you saying...

That you read my post. And after reading my post did not understand it, because of the vocabulary I used and the punctuation I used?

And then, instead of staying focused and trying to understand what I wrote you lashed out at me.... and told yourself a story.... a story that went something like

"That short shot is pissing me off"

and then you posted...

is this correct?


well, my memory isn't what it used to be, but that sounds like its just about the jist of it. and than I rememeberd that you said you wanted to be an african coal miner, and that really pissed me off, I mean I was PISSED!!! note the big letters and the thre not 2 not 1 but three explanation points... thats how pissed I was.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
LOL.... I said I wanted to be an African coal minor? ummmmm NO... i never said that...

I think you misunderstood... or maybe I should clarify..

I was referring to an "African Well Digger" as being a HUMAN being that is phenomenal shape.. ya see, I have spent a lot of time in Africa.. especially the poor regions of Mozambique, Kenya and Malawi... I have been a around many wells being dug.... people in these regions are on a constant search for water... water is scarce and people must dig wells....and or walk may many miles in search of water..

In the United States.... I am considered a kak diesel mo fo (that means I am in great physical shape with incredible power and stamina)... I can easily carry a 100 lb bag of cement 10 miles up hill on a sunny day, with no food or water... YES I CAN

BUT in Africa... where I have seen men dig 1000 foot wells with all MAN power and I have seen men climb 80 feet down a hole with no machines.. and dig wells by hand... I am just a mortal amongst men... these guys who dig these wells are HARD core and solid freaking muscle... with incredible stamina, resilience and the ability to work with very very little food and water..

I am sorry if this upset you... I have no idea why my admiration for these men could, would or should upset you... I can only recommend that you let your anger go... just breath it away... and when you are finally relaxed... take a trip t Africa.. it is an unforgettable, eye opening adventure..



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
My mom said theres alot of black people in Africa.

Diamond miner, Coal miner same difference.

AND, I never said anything about black people... white people or anything about the color of peoples skin... I was referring to a persons occupation and the effect HARD LABOR had on peoples bodies...

Are you still angry? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
ive went to africa twice.kenya and nigeria.kenya was awesome,safari,resorts.nigeria is a fucking nightmare.disease and hatredand of course oil hungry rich people.very rich or very poor no in between...its amazing what human beings can endure.ethnic cleansing in youre face is very eye opening,,,,peace:peace:
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