Alyssa Bustamante 15 year old kills 9 year old neighbor. Sentencing going on now.


Well-Known Member
So this crazy 15 year old girl (18 now) strangles and stabs her 9 year old neighbor a couple years ago, said she wanted to see what it felt like.
She entered a guilty plea for second degree murder and can get the minimum ten years or life in prison.

Her drug addict mom that abandoned her wants the judge to give her the maximum... I think that's a little fucked up personally. Only because I could never imagine my own mother saying something like that to a judge if I was ever in that situation, that's just some straight up cold-hearted shit regardless of the crime.

I don't know but the story seems interesting so here's the article. I'm really into this justice shit these days, people are so fucking crazy.

Oh shit, and she has youtube videos up. And with videos comes hilarious youtube comments! Fun stuff.



Well-Known Member
Check out some other articles, there are better ones that go into detail about her suicide attempts and cutting and being in psychiatric hospitals and being on prozac.

They're using the fact that she had her prozac dose increased a couple weeks before she killed the girl as there defense.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Source your news from someplace that at least attempts to tell the truth. Not Fox.
Yeah she's seen enough of life for at least 25 years.


Well-Known Member
It's a criminal trial, not a political discussion... It says the same shit on every news source.

What do you want? Cnn? Time? I don't know what news you people watch.


Active Member
I'll be surprised if she gets over five in being a minor with the insanity plea and probably a first offender.


Well-Known Member
It's a criminal trial, not a political discussion... It says the same shit on every news source.

What do you want? Cnn? Time? I don't know what news you people watch.
Just one that doesn't blatantly attempt to Debo mind control my ass is all. So pretty much anyone besides Fox.


Well-Known Member
Total fucking mess. I'm not so sure giving hormonal 7th-8th grade girls drugs like Prozac is good for anyone except the company selling it. Also useless to lock someone up for 50 or more years to see if they rehab. They might as well kill her too.


Well-Known Member
I'd say the Huff made her look even worse than Fox did. How is that better news?
They just don't tend to lie to or con their users. I understand how idiots who like Fox don't get that, tho. Once in awhile they use something similar to other outlets. Back on topic, we beat this horse eh?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Kill. I dislike that word let's use... 'Releasing of her spirit' and do it in any type of service or lack of if she'd prefer.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, Ms. Huff has a politics in her veins ask her ex husband. They are both biased. Now, back on topic.
They just don't tend to lie to or con their users. I understand how idiots who like Fox don't get that, tho. Once in awhile they use something similar to other outlets. Back on topic, we beat this horse eh?