C02 enrichment


Been Looking Ways to improve yeild and etc etc. One thing im looking into is increasing the c02 within the tent. Ive heard of alot of ways but would like to hear suggestion that are not expensive and do not smell as bad as the yeast idea.

tent is a metre squared with four plants in.


Active Member
I noticed to smell from my yest method...
4 quart bottle, hole in lid
2 qt. warm water
1 cup sugar
1 pkg dry yeast
shake every day or so and replace every 5-7


Active Member
I dont smell anything, btw unless you have a sealed air growing room this will be a waste of time. If you are putting fresh air in with a fan or your room is open to house you just wont do any good.

Bud Grauer

New Member
Just use a 5 gallon bucket, swimming pool acid, and marble landscaping chips

5 gallon bucket - $2.89

Swimming pool acid - $8 for 2 gallons of 30% HCL; swimming pool supply shops call it Muriatic Acid (HD brand is only 14.5% and same price). Safeway (and Home Depot) sells Muriatic Acid also, but it is only 14% HCL

marble landscaping chips - 30 pounds at Home Depot for $5

CaCO3(s) + 2 HCl(aq)=> CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

put 5 pounds of chips in the bucket and fill it with water (filling it almost to the top keeps the co2 from accumulating in the bucket top)

add a quarter liter of the acid

this will dissolve about four ounces of marble chips and generate about a cubic foot of co2 in about 8 hours; if you use a whole half liter of HCL it will produce two cubic feet of co2 and it will bubble for 12 hours (90% of co2 generated in first two hours)

the by-product of the reaction is calcium chloride (road de-icing salt)-30 pounds of marble chips will yeild MORE THAN 30 pounds of calcium salt; no harm in pouring it down the toilet just like pee

with 30 pounds of marble chips and 16 gallons of 30% Muriatic Acid ($75 total) you can generate a cubic foot of safe, clean, odorless CO2 every day for four months. Broken marble flooring tiles work too.

Don't use naturally occuring limestone - it often has minute quanties of sulphur dioxide in it. it will make your grow room smell like rotten eggs. Don't use broken concrete chunks - they are only 10% CaCO3 (but you can if you want; the problem is that you get way heavy quants of sand and gravel. If you do this, keep the sand and gravel for making potting soil)

You absolutely must have a small fan to stir up the air in the gro room or else the co2 will sink to the floor in a layer 2 or 3 mm thick.

This method works really good for increasing growth
Got told by my supplier of seeds etc, that a c02 spray is a decent metthod. Just use carbonated water. I am a total new starter, but am giving it a go. So ask others first mate, because I am only on my first grow too. I also saw it on youtube. (I use a soda stream). Hope this helps mate

professor greenfist

Active Member
Got told by my supplier of seeds etc, that a c02 spray is a decent metthod. Just use carbonated water. I am a total new starter, but am giving it a go. So ask others first mate, because I am only on my first grow too. I also saw it on youtube. (I use a soda stream). Hope this helps mate
What about flowering when plants are much bigger u would need to see lots of selzer water and could leave risk of mold in flowers