Mixing Gnatrol with nutrients?


Active Member
Caught a bad case of the gnats and invested in some Gnatrol.. Does anyone have any tips or feedback for the product? Also, has anyone tried mixing it with nutrients?

beans davis

Well-Known Member
If you're infested i would use gognats it kills a lot quicker.
When they're bad i use gnatrol as a preventive in my rez
Fill cups half full with redwine vinegar and the flying 1s will go to these.

You can mix either one of these with nutes no problem.


Well-Known Member
I use azamax all the time. No need for nutes with it because it has it's own and it's 99% organic.

I had a huge problem with gnats but didn't want to use a high octane insecticide. I wanted to do a weekly treatment to get rid of them slowly but surely. If just one pregnant female escapes to another room and finds a good egg laying spot you are fucked. So I did a good soil wash on every plant in the house and treated them for the next 2 weeks. The gnats were gone within a month.

I now do a soil wash a week after planting my clones with azamax. If you wash the soil of your clones or sprouts when you plant them in fresh dirt you reduce the chance of re-introducing bugs into your environment by 90%. I have been using this method for 6 months now and it works great.

But for some reason these fuckers are resilient and can make a comeback. So I use another azamax soil wash 3 weeks into flower (5 weeks after the first azamax wash) and they never come back.

Azamax is like steroids for your plants. I notice my leaves stay green throughout the whole grow compared to just nutes alone. Just make sure all your soil is washed with azamax at the same time in case some of the critters escape and look for a new place to breed. It's a bit on the expensive side but it works like a charm if used right.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Do you think Gnatrol plus sticky fly traps will solve my problem?[/QUOTE

GoGnats is cedar oil i put it in my rez in hydro it gets rid of gnat larva in the roots in a couple days.It can also be used as a spray.
The Gnatrol is some kind of beenies that eat the larva and takes a lot longer thats why i only use it as a preventive.
Gnats are horrible were i live.
You can mix them with nutes and they can be used in soil.
Either 1 can be used in flower.