height problems with plant


Active Member
I'm growing some god bud and it is at week 5 flowering. my problem is that it is outgrowing its box. The top leaves are getting burnt and i'm worried about the bud being f-ed up. would it be alright if maybe I bent the plant to the side and tied it down cause there is no way to get more room unless I move it. my roommate and I are using a bloombox from bcnorthern lights which is supposed to hold 9 flowering plants and we have one in it and it has pretty much filled the entire chamber.

so my question is should I chop the top off or should I bend it over please help soon.


Well-Known Member
Don't chop it!!! You'll just stress the whole plant at this late stage and screw up your grow. Gently pull the plant to the side and tie her down over the next few days to buy yourself more growth room. Don't try to do it all in one day, go slow and work with her over at least 3 days. This will buy you space without stressing the stem and causing bending or breakage. GL HH


Well-Known Member
Don't chop it!!! You'll just stress the whole plant at this late stage and screw up your grow. Gently pull the plant to the side and tie her down over the next few days to buy yourself more growth room. Don't try to do it all in one day, go slow and work with her over at least 3 days. This will buy you space without stressing the stem and causing bending or breakage. GL HH
Ha ha Ha you said don't chop it. It will stress the plant. Ha Ha Ha Ha.


Active Member
not chop it down chop the top. But yeah thats what I've been doing is bending it away from the light slowly, thanks for your help guys. I'll post pics up here in a few weeks to show you how she's looking, there is going to be massive ammounts of but on this chica mmm mmm mmm


Well-Known Member
negative on the chop it redirects flowering hormones from the top and will stop resin production where you want it. Bending is the way to go it should stop vegatative growth soon anyways if you're at 5 weeks that pretty much the end of it. Pull that sucker down you don't wanna sacrifice your kolas thats like 1/4 of your harvest weight lol


Well-Known Member
Yea man pull her down little by little and in a few days you should have her under controll.