What do you guys do when you have no weed?


Well-Known Member
One thing repeated on the last 15 or so threads of this nature: GET A HOBBY!

Seriously. It'll make you feel good about yourself, too <3


Well-Known Member

I also have a video of going through all your empty sacks with alcohol, but I haven't posted it yet :D


well, it's been almost 2months now :(, so I just deal with it and drink more beer...

moral of the story, dont get too comfortable with just one dealer, no matter how reliable he is.... he's not above being busted.


Active Member
I'm actually not smoking for at least 45 days, for ye ole piss test. Corp America sucks balls and I want a new job so I will suffer until then. But that don't mean I will stop growing!


Well-Known Member
What!.... no weed?.... I don't understand. I don't get it. Is there a punchline im misssing??.....I'm lost.


Well-Known Member
i throw myself onto floor and have a tantrum. if this continues til midnight......i turn back into a pumpkin


Well-Known Member
I also have a video of going through all your empty sacks with alcohol, but I haven't posted it yet :D
Nice one grabbing some videos for him, Fin! +rep

I really should start a director for all these duplicate threads.

And I thought I was the only one who did that. A friend and I were bored and curious and wanted to see how much ISO hash we could get out of several months' worth of baggies and bottom-of-our-smoking-tin shake. I wasn't expecting it, but we got almightily fucked without having to touch our stashes at all that day.

Roach joints, ghetto hash and grinder-cleaning fun
