In-Line fan help!!!


I have a 62-inch x 36-inch x 20-inch grow tent that is going to be here very soon. The tent has 4-inch vent holes.
How many fans do i need for my tent?
How many cfm's should the fan have?


Active Member
use an exhaust fan near the light, should be enough, if not get an intake fan at the bottom to bring cooler air in


Active Member
fan will probably always run unless you get a thermostat. it will still probably always run. those lamps are HOT and if youre running two...


I'm using the MH bulb for veg and HPS for flowering.
Also I'm using a hydroponic flow system to grow.
I'm just confused on how many fans I need for my small tent, and when I should turn my fan on and off.


Active Member
leave exhaust fan on 24/7 to keep air exchange going on inside the tent, plants lurve fresh air..

Should I put a small circulating fan in the tent as well?
When should I turn the exhaust fan on?
if you have an intake fan swell as an exhaust there should be enough air flow inside the tent to give your plant a breeze, if you have just an exhaust yeh you'll probably need an oscillating fan


Active Member
Just for a little perspective, I have several air cooled hoods, but 2 uncooled lights. I am able to cool those lights adequately with regular fans just blowing on them. One has a box fan hanging from the ceiling, and one has a normal 12 inch oscilating fan pointing at it. These Fans keep the reflectors cool to the touch. The purpose of the inline fan is the remove the hot air from the room, and bring in fresh CO2 for your plants to eat. In my sealed CO2 environment, I use 1 8" fan to cool 4x 1000w lights. If my temps get too high, then another fan kicks on to help cool the lights.

You fan should be plenty strong enough to keep the CO2 levels fresh in the room, you just may or may not have to add more fans to bring heat levels in check.


If I hook up an exhaust fan through each end of a cool tube for the light, will that ventilate the room?
Or will the oscilating fan keep the room cool enough?
Maybe just attach a duct to only one end of the cool tube?