On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... well I always figure you to be a complete and total asshole ...who can do nothing but parrot ... and I was right ...

...just keep trying to project your shortcoming on to others ... it's the only thing you got ...

Polly what a cracker? ... here ya go ...
I am not a "complete and total asshole". I have not unleashed much on you, because I pity you. I just figure you to be the village idiot. Otherwise, if you had an once of sense, I would say more.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are ... and what ever you can do to make you feel important ... that's fine with me ... I never need the pity of a Nazi bushparrot like you ... the only thing I need from you is to continue to show your stupidity to our home viewing audience ...

... the reason you can't say more ... is because there nothing you can parrot to dispute the facts I post ... so ... what else is new ... :roll:

... here ... I pity you too .... NOT ... here another cracker ... there ... now don't you feel better?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are ... and what ever you can do to make you feel important ... that's fine with me ... I never need the pity of a Nazi bushparrot like you ... the only thing I need from you is to continue to show your stupidity to our home viewing audience ...

... the reason you can't say more ... is because there nothing you can parrot to dispute the facts I post ... so ... what else is new ... :roll:

... here ... I pity you too .... NOT ... here another cracker ... there ... now don't you feel better?:mrgreen:
Fool, you do not understand the meanings of common words. Facts, allegations, and innuendos all have separate meanings. All you have shown, as far as I can see, is web sites featuring innuendo.

You love to throw around the word parrot. Which is a noun not a verb. And it is also a word you do not understand. In fact, all you have provided is a rehash of old ideas. You have not yet shown an original thought. So I pity you, because all you are capable of is name calling and regurgitation of trash.

So wipe the moss from you eyes, you vegetating sloth. It will be spring soon. Look into the sun and search for a new perspective.


New Member
Fool, you do not understand the meanings of common words. Facts, allegations, and innuendos all have separate meanings. All you have shown, as far as I can see, is web sites featuring innuendo.

You love to throw around the word parrot. Which is a noun not a verb. And it is also a word you do not understand. In fact, all you have provided is a rehash of old ideas. You have not yet shown an original thought. So I pity you, because all you are capable of is name calling and regurgitation of trash.

So wipe the moss from you eyes, you vegetating sloth. It will be spring soon. Look into the sun and search for a new perspective.
Actually mr Mocker, you have a certain panache about you. I'm not recalling many outright attacks by you, but you must realize your positions are wrong. I will try and be more tolerant of you and try and present arguements with substance, but please allow me a rant now and again~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Actually mr Mocker, you have a certain panache about you. I'm not recalling many outright attacks by you, but you must realize your positions are wrong. I will try and be more tolerant of you and try and present arguements with substance, but please allow me a rant now and again~LOL~.
Thank you. I have never tried to just go out and bash someone. I made a New Years resolution to be more civil to others. I find it offensive when people yell obscenities and do not exchange perspectives. I understand that people do not always agree with me. I just want to have a little fun, not throw mud.


Well-Known Member
Fool, you do not understand the meanings of common words. Facts, allegations, and innuendos all have separate meanings. All you have shown, as far as I can see, is web sites featuring innuendo.

You love to throw around the word parrot. Which is a noun not a verb. And it is also a word you do not understand. In fact, all you have provided is a rehash of old ideas. You have not yet shown an original thought. So I pity you, because all you are capable of is name calling and regurgitation of trash.

So wipe the moss from you eyes, you vegetating sloth. It will be spring soon. Look into the sun and search for a new perspective.
The famous bushparrot rant ....

arg arg ... you're a fool, you're a fool arg (whistles) I pity you ... I pity you ... arg ... because I can't back up my statements ... so I pity you ... arg (whistles) .... you're a vegetating sloth ...you're a vegetating sloth ... arg ... that's all I can say ... that's all I can say ... arg arg ... can't dispute the facts ... I'll just claim it's innuendo ... innuendo ... without proving it ... without proving it ... so you're a sloth ... arg (whistles) ... this is the best I can do ... this is the best I can do ... arg (whistles)

Here polly ... have another cracker ... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The famous bushparrot rant ....

arg arg ... you're a fool, you're a fool arg (whistles) I pity you ... I pity you ... arg ... because I can't back up my statements ... so I pity you ... arg (whistles) .... you're a vegetating sloth ...you're a vegetating sloth ... arg ... that's all I can say ... that's all I can say ... arg arg ... can't dispute the facts ... I'll just claim it's innuendo ... innuendo ... without proving it ... without proving it ... so you're a sloth ... arg (whistles) ... this is the best I can do ... this is the best I can do ... arg (whistles)

Here polly ... have another cracker ... :mrgreen:
Hey sloth, guess what?

George Walker Bush

will still be President on 20 Jan 2009 at 11:59 a.m.

Get over it.


Well-Known Member
Hey polly ... guess what? .... The illegitimate bush is still illegitimate and still a war criminal ... and he will always be ... get over that .... so go back and continue to service his member ... that's what you are best at ...

... here polly ... before you go ... some pretty pictures for you ... since you like them so much ...

... and I know how bushparrots love things that move .... just click on the pretty pictures below ...

... and guess what else polly ... he's always going to be thought of this way ... deal with it ... :spew:



Well-Known Member
Damn. Don't say that, bro. I just got chills run down my spine.
Hey Blaze, it may not warm the cockles of your heart, but it is a fact. Dubya is here for one more year. Dennis the Menace Kucinich is not going to fly in on Superman's cap and save the sloth.

The dumb sloth has not said anything new in months. Sloth has not learned how to write a sentence. Most of the sloth dumps are just personal opinions without any facts. Sometimes the sloth "facts" are just plain trash. So, I was offering some tuff love to the offensive creature. They have bad habits, like urinating on their own fur. So I was just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... and the nazi bushparrot has done NOTHING to dispute any of the facts posted other than parrot his masters talking points which don't mean shit ... and why ... because polly is incapable of doing anything put parrot ....

Definitely a dumbass bushparrot .... and will alway be that way:spew:

no cracker for you this time polly ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... and the nazi bushparrot has done NOTHING to dispute any of the facts posted other than parrot his masters talking points which don't mean shit ... and why ... because polly is incapable of doing anything put parrot ....
Definitely a dumbass bushparrot .... and will alway be that way:spew:
no cracker for you this time polly ...
Sloth, you are urinating on your fur again. Stop cursing at people you pathetic moss covered tree dweller. Oh, by the way, why are you using a grass green font on some of your posts now? I doubt that will impress medicineman man much. In fact, he should sue you for a copyright infringement.

This maybe thread hijacking but its a good place for it, my mate jsut sent me a link. Its a web site that publishes leaked certified goverment documents. Its fantastic here's a link to the main page http://wikileaks.be/wiki/Wikileaks
- scroll down to the Hot Documents section.

Here's one about Camp Delta Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure - Wikileaks

Guess what its operating out of multiple countries and the US government is trying to shut them all down - obviously.

There's so much material on here it's untrue!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sloth, you are urinating on your fur again. Stop cursing at people you pathetic moss covered tree dweller. Oh, by the way, why are you using a grass green font on some of your posts now? I doubt that will impress medicineman man much. In fact, he should sue you for a copyright infringement.

No polly .... I'm pissing on you .... but you're so use to it you don't notice ... that's how stupid you are ... you just think it's raining ... :roll:

... and I'll use any color I wish ... go back to your cage and think up more idiot talking points ... since you can't dispute the facts ... keep pretending you know what you are talking about ... most of us know you don't have a clue ... but it's fun to watch ... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... and you know even less ... come back when you can stop parroting how much we don't know and start disputing the facts I post ... until then ... you're nothing more than a know nothing can't dispute the facts, but good at telling us how fucking smart you are without backing up a got damn thing ... bushparrot ... just because other bushdummies fall for that shit don't mean the rest of us will ...

no cracker for you polly ...:mrgreen: