Best Prank You Have Played? Beat Mine!!


Well-Known Member
Dude, King, that was fucking FUNNY. Very nice. Rep to you.

Seamaiden, that was a good one you pulled with the knife. lol, I can't believe he left for two days...Rep to you as well.


Well-Known Member
Last year at a party we convinced our friend for a 50 bag, 6 pack and 10 euro each he had to go down to our local chinese and ask for Wang, when he got there and said it they said "No wang here f*** off" so he whipped off his trench coat and started dancing on the counter naked shouting at them, what he didn't know is we were video taping the whole thing accross the road and had called the cops in advance to say there's a nut dancing around naked in the chinese, they turn up and arrest him...we went down about an hour later and bailed him out lol.


Well-Known Member
Lads this is Ireland the cops aint gonna beat him or anything, the worst the guards will do is take you in to sober up, they were joking with us when we got there and my mate was fine he got his rewards jesus lighten up your only young once and he got us all back anyway.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Kinda harsh,
Well one night we were going to a party in a full ass car, so I road in the trunk, When we got to the party, and my pals opened the trunk, I pretended I was dead. My sister walked up and slapped me, and pinched my gutt really hard because she thought I was fakeing , but since I was so drunk I didnt move or nothing. My sis started screaming and crying and like 10 people ran over screaming, hahaha, ....then I just started fucking laughing so hard. It was sooo harsh but funny at the same time. good times good times.


There's treachery afoot
an unlocked back door to the indoor 12ft deep highschool pool.....$10.00
1000 boxes of cherry jello and 1 senior class........$226.00

30,000 gallons of scarlet chlorinated water and no swim
team practice for three weeks..................................................priceless

don't know what would happen if somebody tried this today this happened in Pa in 1984....and nobody ever got caught...awfully hard to find a box of cherry jello at the grocery store for the next few weeks


Active Member
In 7th grade I got my head of school really bad (he never found out it was me, thank god). It was april fools and I had put plastic wrap over the urinal (classic), and I had become a pro at this so it looked like literally nothing was there unless you really focused. He went in there to take a piss (which never happens, as it was the middle school bathroom, not the staff bathroom, so it was funny timing) and it bounced back at him, he came out all embarrassed with piss all over his shirt and pants, it was funny shit :)


Active Member
Last year at a party we convinced our friend for a 50 bag, 6 pack and 10 euro each he had to go down to our local chinese and ask for Wang, when he got there and said it they said "No wang here f*** off" so he whipped off his trench coat and started dancing on the counter naked shouting at them, what he didn't know is we were video taping the whole thing accross the road and had called the cops in advance to say there's a nut dancing around naked in the chinese, they turn up and arrest him...we went down about an hour later and bailed him out lol.
I'd fucking shoot my friends if they ever did that to me. I mean, I wouldn't kill them, but someone would be hospitalized. I don't have to worry about this though becuase my friends are actually friends.


Active Member
Forgot to mention a prank that a friend in college told me about, although I don't know if actually happened. He lived in a rural area and, with his friends help, was able to procure a full grown cow. As a senior prank, they got the cow into the school and made it walk up to the second story. Now if you don't know much about cows, they can go up stairs easily, but it is incredibly difficult to get them to go back down (though not impossible.) This cow was stubborn, or absolutely terrified of stairs. The cow remained on the second story of the school until, well... until it died.

Apparently this prank has happened before, but the faculty was able to carry the cow back down.