New and need help with this stealth grow air circ,lighting vent, and any other tip

My dimensions are 3ft Hx3ft(but really six feet bc I have two cabinets together but jus thinking bout making the one for veg nd clone and one for flower or drying) but neway it's also 20in deep could make deeper if I knock dryway out the back behind the cabinets if anyone knows how to load pics from a phone to here i can show but I need some suggestions on lights and ventilation and if I should just caulk the seems in the box or inwas thinkin bout foam board insul. And any tips on smell proofing it and keeping airflow and temp good all help would be great I think I could do good with this space as I am also making a grow box out of an old water cooler like unsaid tips would b great and any info bout the pics too cya stay black


Active Member
Hi there mate and welcome to zee RIU :)

Sadly, I can't help you with uploading pics from your phone, but I can try and help you with the rest::)

The best way to odor proof the whole thing is to have perfect ventilation: First thing you need to do is to make sure there are no light leaks, cracks and fissures where air can come out, so go ahead and caulk any you find. This is because you want your smelly air coming out from one single point, that being the air extractor with the carbon filter mounted on it.

The dimensions of your cab are 3 x 3 x 1.6 (20 inches) = 14.4 Cubic feet. This is the baseline we will use for calculating the air extraction requirements. U need to be replacing 14.4 cubic feet of air every minute when the lights are off, and at least 3 times that much when they are on. The more light you have, the higher the temps will go, the more frequently you need to replace the air.

This means you need 50 CFM to change the air inside 3 times per minute. You also have to take into account that a carbon filter will reduce your venting efficiency by 35%. so add 35% up to the 50CFM, and you get up to 70CFM, that's your minimum.

for that space and that CFM you want to run, I'd suggest a 150W HPS at least, optimally a 250 watter, or 2 x 100w / 150w (for better light coverage)

Good luck, keep us updated, hope you figure out how to post pics :) :weed:
What kind of fans size or such do u this I should get and won't odor get out the output fan and I already have a 450 hps is that too much and what thing can I do to max my yeild and should I run two diff cabs or stealthily connect the two for more space anything I can do without running my electric up nd wut system should I use soil scog ect


Well-Known Member
Gun runner seems like he's got you covered pretty well, I'm a cfl guy, I'm also a bit of a techie, what type of phone do you have? Smart phone or dumb phone?
iPhone and I'm thinkin bout cfl or t5s in one box and the 450hps in the other My friend an electrician so I'm just tryna make the best design to max my yield


Well-Known Member
cfls are very versatile you can put them in places you cant put hid lights, even if you do use hid, you can still supplement with cfls on the sides and stuff, as far as pics, get a google+ account if you don't already, download the app, and upload them that way, I have mine set to instant upload, they won't go public unless you want them to, just save to your computer and delete them, I personally keep them there, google knows everything and they don't care, there's worse shit going on than someone growing a couple of trees.


Active Member
What kind of fans size or such do u this I should get and won't odor get out the output fan and I already have a 450 hps is that too much and what thing can I do to max my yeild and should I run two diff cabs or stealthily connect the two for more space anything I can do without running my electric up nd wut system should I use soil scog ect
Before I get to fans, I gotta say that 420 HPS is gonna be too much for that small space, you've only got 3 feet of vertical space if I understand correctly, minus half a foot for the reflector or bulb fitting and minus another half foot or up to a foot for the height of the pot, that leaves you with 2 feet or less for your plants.....that's too little, because you should keep a 450 hps at least 12 to 10 inches away from your plants (remember they can sometimes grow up to 2 inches per day), starting to see the picture here? You risk burning your plants. I suggest you step down from the 450 hps.

If you check my journal, I'm using CFLS in a 1 x 1 x 2 space, and either today or tomorrow i'm installing 105 w CFL light array that I built on my own, I'm also using a Screen of Green cropping method to take care of the vertical space limitation.

As for the fans, you have a lot of options here, you can use bathroom extractors, 120mm PC case fans, in that small space I don't think you can fit in any larger units, like say an small industrial blower, extractor, squirrel cage fans....All fans are rated by their CFM or CMH (cubic meter per hour).

Odor wont be going out, IF, you attach a carbon filter to the extractor.

Good luck!
Yea idk wut I can do with the doors and wut size carbon blower should I get and wut light should I used to get max yield without burning
send pics via pic message to your email instead of a phone number... then upload the pics to photobucket it will give you the url and htlm codes to copy and paste quick reply box it should show the pics.... there might be a easyier way but this is how iv been doing it for use i have a stupid prepay verizon flip phone....