Well-Known Member
Hello 3MA Members, Visitors and Public alike.
First, the Administrators and Moderators would like to take a Moment to say Thank You. Thank You for your Time spent in defense of the Citizens of Michigan to utilize Their right to use Medical Cannabis to treat their illnesses, and for the compassion and help you all show other Patients and Caregivers. It is you folks that drive us here at the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association to work hard every day, standing up to the oppression we now face, and the tyranny that we are all currently surviving under.
It is for the sake of the All the Citizens of this Great State of Michigan, that we announce this call to arms.
If you were ever going to come out and speak up about your or anyones Inalienable Right to have the Freedom to choose Cannabis to treat many of todays health issues, this would be the time to do so...
The Legislative Committee that is in charge of deciphering the MMM Act of '08, are holding a public hearing on Feb 23, 2012 (one week from this coming Thursday). We have requested Time for presentation and direct communication with legislation. We have prepared a multitude of recent statistics that plainly show the Positive Social, Criminal, and Economic trends that go hand in hand with the passage of Medical Cannabis Laws throughout the United States, and more specifically, right here at home in Michigan. But lets take the rose colored glasses off and look at this with a clear vision. Until Legislation can put a face to the suffering, Until they can see Who is actually being victimized by the purposed changes and archaic way the Act has been Implemented by the State, it is likely they will not do what is right. Which is fully implement the Act as directed by the passage of the Peoples Initiative that created and passed the M.M.M. Act of 2008.
Through the last 3 years since our Michigan Medical Marihuana Act was Ratified, we have seen many changes. From simple things like how the 3MA website looks, navigates and operates, to other more severe changes (not the same as being severely conservative) to the general state of affairs in both the Government, and here in the Medical Cannabis Community concerning the Act. We have seen literally hundreds of situations where Law abiding citizens are turned into high profile criminals for following the law as outlined in the 2008 Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. 2/3rds (two-thirds) of the Voters passed the Act, making it an overwhelming statement by the Citizens of Michigan, to one's ability to make Personal Medical Choices. In doing so, the Citizens spoke by passing the '08 MMM Act, and have offered Protections from Prosecution, for those that have chose to use cannabis medically. Through an easily understood, Legally Accepted Petition Drive, and a Legally Binding, understandable Ballot Proposal, the Citizens of Michigan then, and are now, fully aware of what the '08 MMM Act would allow for, and voted to Pass the '08 MMM Act, making it Ratified Law in Michigan.
Yet, in the last 2 years, the Citizens of Michigan, specifically the Patients and Care Givers that chose to use this Natural Healing Herb, have been made to be criminal test samples for Government, the Judicial Branch, the State's Attorney General's Office, along with other State offices, Law Enforcement, Local Governments, and even many in Legislature which were voted in by the same 2/3rd (two-thirds) of the voters that passed the Act. Many of these Citizens have been fully abused by the very people put in charge of protecting them against the persecution and prosecution of those in position to act against the MMM Act, which was ratified to Law by the Will of the Voters.
Those in Legislation that are in charge of making things right where the 08 MMM Act is concerned, have heard from those that say they "SPEAK for the Community". They have heard from those that Want to "Make it all Better". They have heard from those that want to "Clear up the Swiss Cheese, and excise the Grey areas". They have heard from those that say we are all just criminals, getting away with breaking the Law. They have heard from Everybody. Everybody that is, except YOU!.
Therefore, the 3MA would like to submit Patient and Caregiver Testimonials in our upcoming meetings and presentations to Legislature here in Michigan. We would also like to hear from family members, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors, friends, and even your family physician. If someone is willing to write a letter to be submitted with our package, that outlines the gains in life, the medical benefits, and other benefits they have seen come to pass, when their loved one, or Patient made positive improvements with the use of medicinal cannabis. All are welcomed. Anyone that was previously against Medical Cannabis prior to the Act, and have sense changed their position because of what you have whitnessed, these folks can likely offer some very compelling statements. Those specifically stricken with an illness are also excellent candidates for legislation to see. Any beneficial letter that is Honest, has Integrity, and as much disclosure as one feels comfortable offering, would be a great indicator of what 'We the People' think and understand about the Medical Cannabis Laws we have....
These testimonials should be a bit self revealing of your condition, and how utilizing medical cannabis has been beneficial for you, or your Patients for you Caregivers and Medical Professionals.
The more Patients, Caregivers, Family and Physicians willing to step forward with testimonials that details the ability to lessen, or remove the need for narco Rx pills, or other prescription medications, as well as any gains in personal medical status from using cannabis, or how one's overall life has been improved, are encouraged to send us your letters.
We can not stress enough, the need for Honesty and Truth here. Fiction does nobody any good in this Matter. That does not mean you can not remain anonymous, but the more disclosure you offer, the more credence your testimonial will carry. We have 80 years of Fiction to fight, so we need facts, factual statements and unadulterated honesty. Legislation needs to understand the Real Beneficial and Personally Gainful Impacts Patients are having with the use of medical cannabis. They need to realize, making a Patient a criminal, is exactly the Opposite of what the People voted for. And making them criminals is not what they, Legislation, was voted in to do. We would ask all Testimonials, Letters, and any accompanying information you wish to submit, be done so in MS Word, or compatible format, and/or PDF format for ease of collection, storage, sorting, preparation. This will be needed to process everything and get it in order in the very limited time we have available, which is 9 days and counting.
Please, use a word editor to ensure proper spelling and punctuation. It is important to be as professional as possible in this matter, in all aspects of it...It is ok to be Passionate, so long as one doesn't become overzealous with passion in doing so....with such limited time, we will not have time to proof read these for grammar or punctuation. Please try your best prior to sending your testimonial
Out of the Testimonials we receive, we want to select a handful of people willing to step forward to speak directly to the Legislation, basically giving full disclosure to your personal situation. While these are Legislative Meetings, they are public, so all info shared in the context of these legislative gatherings would be in a public forum, so please bare that in mind when writing your testimonial. More so if you choose to step forward and personally share your story with legislation.
Send all Testimonials and any supporting documents as an attachment to :
In the Subject line please state:
My Story for Legislation
If you are willing to speak to Legislation, please follow the phrase with the word; speak.
I.E... My Story for Legislation speak
We will choose as many as we can to fill any time we have available to get these stories directly in front of the legislators.
Push has come to Shove folks. We have 9 Days from today until the meeting. So here we are. If you have Ever wanted to do your part, now is the time. It has become Use it or Lose it. We want to continue to Use it, so we need as many of you out there willing to speak up, ever thought about speaking up, have been afraid about speaking up, to utilize your voice. Speak in Harmony, as one voice. The Voice of the People that gives Power to the Government, not relinquishes it to them.
Send your Testimonials Today. Time is of the Essence now more than ever before.
Thank You
3MA Admin and Staff
First, the Administrators and Moderators would like to take a Moment to say Thank You. Thank You for your Time spent in defense of the Citizens of Michigan to utilize Their right to use Medical Cannabis to treat their illnesses, and for the compassion and help you all show other Patients and Caregivers. It is you folks that drive us here at the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association to work hard every day, standing up to the oppression we now face, and the tyranny that we are all currently surviving under.
It is for the sake of the All the Citizens of this Great State of Michigan, that we announce this call to arms.
If you were ever going to come out and speak up about your or anyones Inalienable Right to have the Freedom to choose Cannabis to treat many of todays health issues, this would be the time to do so...
The Legislative Committee that is in charge of deciphering the MMM Act of '08, are holding a public hearing on Feb 23, 2012 (one week from this coming Thursday). We have requested Time for presentation and direct communication with legislation. We have prepared a multitude of recent statistics that plainly show the Positive Social, Criminal, and Economic trends that go hand in hand with the passage of Medical Cannabis Laws throughout the United States, and more specifically, right here at home in Michigan. But lets take the rose colored glasses off and look at this with a clear vision. Until Legislation can put a face to the suffering, Until they can see Who is actually being victimized by the purposed changes and archaic way the Act has been Implemented by the State, it is likely they will not do what is right. Which is fully implement the Act as directed by the passage of the Peoples Initiative that created and passed the M.M.M. Act of 2008.
Through the last 3 years since our Michigan Medical Marihuana Act was Ratified, we have seen many changes. From simple things like how the 3MA website looks, navigates and operates, to other more severe changes (not the same as being severely conservative) to the general state of affairs in both the Government, and here in the Medical Cannabis Community concerning the Act. We have seen literally hundreds of situations where Law abiding citizens are turned into high profile criminals for following the law as outlined in the 2008 Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. 2/3rds (two-thirds) of the Voters passed the Act, making it an overwhelming statement by the Citizens of Michigan, to one's ability to make Personal Medical Choices. In doing so, the Citizens spoke by passing the '08 MMM Act, and have offered Protections from Prosecution, for those that have chose to use cannabis medically. Through an easily understood, Legally Accepted Petition Drive, and a Legally Binding, understandable Ballot Proposal, the Citizens of Michigan then, and are now, fully aware of what the '08 MMM Act would allow for, and voted to Pass the '08 MMM Act, making it Ratified Law in Michigan.
Yet, in the last 2 years, the Citizens of Michigan, specifically the Patients and Care Givers that chose to use this Natural Healing Herb, have been made to be criminal test samples for Government, the Judicial Branch, the State's Attorney General's Office, along with other State offices, Law Enforcement, Local Governments, and even many in Legislature which were voted in by the same 2/3rd (two-thirds) of the voters that passed the Act. Many of these Citizens have been fully abused by the very people put in charge of protecting them against the persecution and prosecution of those in position to act against the MMM Act, which was ratified to Law by the Will of the Voters.
Those in Legislation that are in charge of making things right where the 08 MMM Act is concerned, have heard from those that say they "SPEAK for the Community". They have heard from those that Want to "Make it all Better". They have heard from those that want to "Clear up the Swiss Cheese, and excise the Grey areas". They have heard from those that say we are all just criminals, getting away with breaking the Law. They have heard from Everybody. Everybody that is, except YOU!.
Therefore, the 3MA would like to submit Patient and Caregiver Testimonials in our upcoming meetings and presentations to Legislature here in Michigan. We would also like to hear from family members, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors, friends, and even your family physician. If someone is willing to write a letter to be submitted with our package, that outlines the gains in life, the medical benefits, and other benefits they have seen come to pass, when their loved one, or Patient made positive improvements with the use of medicinal cannabis. All are welcomed. Anyone that was previously against Medical Cannabis prior to the Act, and have sense changed their position because of what you have whitnessed, these folks can likely offer some very compelling statements. Those specifically stricken with an illness are also excellent candidates for legislation to see. Any beneficial letter that is Honest, has Integrity, and as much disclosure as one feels comfortable offering, would be a great indicator of what 'We the People' think and understand about the Medical Cannabis Laws we have....
These testimonials should be a bit self revealing of your condition, and how utilizing medical cannabis has been beneficial for you, or your Patients for you Caregivers and Medical Professionals.
The more Patients, Caregivers, Family and Physicians willing to step forward with testimonials that details the ability to lessen, or remove the need for narco Rx pills, or other prescription medications, as well as any gains in personal medical status from using cannabis, or how one's overall life has been improved, are encouraged to send us your letters.
We can not stress enough, the need for Honesty and Truth here. Fiction does nobody any good in this Matter. That does not mean you can not remain anonymous, but the more disclosure you offer, the more credence your testimonial will carry. We have 80 years of Fiction to fight, so we need facts, factual statements and unadulterated honesty. Legislation needs to understand the Real Beneficial and Personally Gainful Impacts Patients are having with the use of medical cannabis. They need to realize, making a Patient a criminal, is exactly the Opposite of what the People voted for. And making them criminals is not what they, Legislation, was voted in to do. We would ask all Testimonials, Letters, and any accompanying information you wish to submit, be done so in MS Word, or compatible format, and/or PDF format for ease of collection, storage, sorting, preparation. This will be needed to process everything and get it in order in the very limited time we have available, which is 9 days and counting.
Please, use a word editor to ensure proper spelling and punctuation. It is important to be as professional as possible in this matter, in all aspects of it...It is ok to be Passionate, so long as one doesn't become overzealous with passion in doing so....with such limited time, we will not have time to proof read these for grammar or punctuation. Please try your best prior to sending your testimonial
Out of the Testimonials we receive, we want to select a handful of people willing to step forward to speak directly to the Legislation, basically giving full disclosure to your personal situation. While these are Legislative Meetings, they are public, so all info shared in the context of these legislative gatherings would be in a public forum, so please bare that in mind when writing your testimonial. More so if you choose to step forward and personally share your story with legislation.
Send all Testimonials and any supporting documents as an attachment to :
In the Subject line please state:
My Story for Legislation
If you are willing to speak to Legislation, please follow the phrase with the word; speak.
I.E... My Story for Legislation speak
We will choose as many as we can to fill any time we have available to get these stories directly in front of the legislators.
Push has come to Shove folks. We have 9 Days from today until the meeting. So here we are. If you have Ever wanted to do your part, now is the time. It has become Use it or Lose it. We want to continue to Use it, so we need as many of you out there willing to speak up, ever thought about speaking up, have been afraid about speaking up, to utilize your voice. Speak in Harmony, as one voice. The Voice of the People that gives Power to the Government, not relinquishes it to them.
Send your Testimonials Today. Time is of the Essence now more than ever before.
Thank You
3MA Admin and Staff