At this point, not legalizing is illogical.


Ursus marijanus
It did sound sixteenish though ... added authenticity. Trying to, uhh, secks them today is why there's Viagra and Clappers. Lights out :clap: cn


Well-Known Member
If it got as many supporters in an occupy type movement I doubt that national legalization would come through . People have been misinformed for so long it's going to be extremely difficult to change public opinion .
reefer madness put us behind and so did all the politicians that lied about it. the us is really close since the approval rate is now at like 49% last time i checked. but we have ron paul running and he approves of marijuana legalization. a couple other politicians do but not nearly enough. but the government sometimes continues to accuse marijuana of making people get lung cancer or putting their babies in an oven.
this nonsense needs to be put to rest but nobody looks into confronting the fake facts that fox news anchors say or cynical politicians. or those stupid commercials that make kids kill themselves with a shotgun after they take a hit of a doob. bullshit, i would have looked at that shotgun and been like "fuck that i dont wanna be in a room with a shotgun".
somebody needs to make commercials that make parodies of these ridiculous commercials, theyre endorsed by alcohol and tobacco companies. they should be showing videos of kids drinking alcohol and doing the horrible things a drunk person does. or kids smoking cigarettes and getting emphysema.
but they wont because these companies are supporting our economies. we need to come to facts and really confront why the government only legalizes drugs that kills people or gets them addicted. it keeps the people or consumers needy for drugs like alcohol and tobacco, or worse over the counter drugs. and they make money when these people have to go to the hospital, or even when they die from these narcotics.
all politicians know what they're saying about marijuana is false, but they cant afford to support it. the government doesn't want us to live happy and rely on a "drug" such as marijuana which cant kill you or get you addicted. they do however make money off of the munchies all of us stoners buy so i dont see why not legalize. if marijuana was legalized funions would make a killing though.