Need curing advice

Hi All,
Thanks for taking the time to look.

I need a bit of help with curing/ moistening the buds.

A buddy and i grew blue dream (which came out fantastic!), and we believe that we let them dry for too long as they are very brittle. They have been curing in jars for approximately 1 week and they are super dried out.

Is there a way to fix this? Orange Peel? Wet Paper Towel? Wasn't sure if those suggestions were any good.

Does this affect the bud in any way? The smell and looks are there! I hope it just doesn't taste like leaves from being so brittle.

Thank You!


DQ Blizzard

Active Member
How'd things turn out?

What is your method for curing? I try to open my jars in the morning and at night for around 5 minutes, however I sometimes get stoned and don't remember for hours or even til the next day, but I don't see ill effect. I also leave the lid on for the first 24 hours to left the herb sweat a little, I find if the herb does get to dry (because I forgot to close the lids) I can go another 24 hours and it all get back to a good consistency, have never "over dried" though.

I'm just curious how long did you hang them buds out to dry? I typically hang mine from 6-10 days depending on strain (density of buds, amount of leaf left on buds, I do a very simple trim for the buds I plan to use for BHO or Budda). I look for 2 things, does the stem "snap" (Jorge Cerventes method for knowing when to jar em up) and of course I go by feel.

I've found there is a thin line between too wet and just right, I error on the side of too dry from experience. If you jar up buds that are not dry enough the curing process is fucked, the herb will not taste right, or smell right. I made the mistake once of jarring a plant too early, 4 days into cure I left it out on a tray for a day then back in the jars. The herb just turned funky, got about a zip off that plant which became my legal father in-laws herb :)


Active Member
I hung mine on stalks 3 days (in the dark), put them in jars over night , took them out of jars 12 hr later to air dry on a newspaper in the dark for 6 hrs (dry dark place with venlation,) and then back in jars again ,repeated this up till now(air dry time is way less now)7 days later im at the stage of just burping jars for 10 min a day, i keep a eye out for condensation in jars , its my first time and got this idea over a few posts i have read , i gota a hydrometer comming from ebay , so it will be interesting to see my r.h levels.
could any one tell me the best rh for smoking?
the post above A perfect cure every time
is gold! and Simon D , thanks for all your help !rep mate
P.S this is my first time, some may disagree , with what ive done , it seems to work for me ...:bigjoint:


Active Member
Having said that , i believe the air dry time after the first jar prehaps too long i too have a few that are brittle on the outside however the stalk inside is still quite wet, ...yes i cut into one wee nug ,could this type of thing still cure? i smoked some of the outer bud and it definatly gets me high having a good sleep patern for the last two nights!!! ,
So the potency is for sure great,after 2 cones( 1 every 2 hrs thereafter) yesterday i spent the WHOLE day gardening, normal weeding cutting lawns and cleaning the WHOLE fucking house,lol oh and i went to my butcher(meat market ) and got a 1kg of ribeye steak and me and my wife had a ball eatin cleaning cooking i guess the whole point is IF my weed is too dry to cure it sure does smoke well, next two plants are ready in two weeks or so , ive got enough from my last dry(one plant ) to last a month so i can really perfect my cure as i will have my hydrometer by then!I definatly believe in the cure! gota go peeps tummys a rumbling and bongs a waiting,