Vending in california?


Well-Known Member
Anyways i am a californian :joint: and recently just graduated highschool early :D and over the past year i was introduced to the marijuana community and have met quite a few interesting people and learned a few interesting things. Anyways i recently came into cash and decided it was time to start to grow on my own and hopefully produce some very nice (DANK) MMJ and i am not looking to profit from this but to cover my costs. I have already purchased some equipment of which i have mostly every thing covered when it comes to growing the plants. Anyways i have nickle and dimed my way to money to help support my mother and fund grows but i have been wondering how is the vending/donating/selling business of MMJ? I would be harvesting around late may/early june and was wondering since i am harvesting during most peoples start on an outdoor if this gives me a better chance of donating to make my power bill/initial investment back? I know it's all about genetics and wether or not your weed is fire.

If anyone has any tips for me or recommendations on what to do about having a better chance to donate some of my herb to a collective i would greatly appreciate it (but i understand growers keep things to themselves) thanks :D


Well-Known Member
people will be begging for good indoor in june july. other than that when the out door hits the market is trash. in this state at least


Well-Known Member
My only tips don't tell anybody about it and use good genetics from reputable breeders not just some brand name clones from a dispensery.


Well-Known Member
My only tips don't tell anybody about it and use good genetics from reputable breeders not just some brand name clones from a dispensery.
This is where i am skeptical about, i do not know of any good places to acquire clones, i was looking to possibly drive to Humboldt and pick up some clones there but i am not sure where to go as redding has the shittiest clones and i am located very far north and cannot just drive everywhere for these. Seeds are out of the question but if you know any decent locations for some very healthy, bug free, disease free, plants i would love to see them.


Well-Known Member
This is where i am skeptical about, i do not know of any good places to acquire clones, i was looking to possibly drive to Humboldt and pick up some clones there but i am not sure where to go as redding has the shittiest clones and i am located very far north and cannot just drive everywhere for these. Seeds are out of the question but if you know any decent locations for some very healthy, bug free, disease free, plants i would love to see them.
go to the coffee shop blue sky in oakland. run the kryptonite, Kandy kush, green kush , sour grape all strains i have grown from there heres a pic of the krypto