I will agree with some of your point,but why would I waste my money on nutes,that my friends have been sold,that they used once and then gave away etc as it wasnt good?,seriously that would be pure silliness, the growers I know are all on top of things too,I don't smoke crap so don't hang with people that produce crap.
Also,microsoft is highly flawed,nike are just shoes they are no better than any other shoes,they just make people think they are by having their symbol every where,thats my point,there is a big difference between quality of products and people thinking something is good as they see it every where,its called manipulation,make some one think your product is better as you advertise it more,while I agree its horses for courses,they whole advertising thing is all about manipulating new customers into buying your product,not keeping existing customers,all they want is your money then to run,as they can replace you with another person due to their advertising convincing people its good,just like greenhouse do,people assume as arjan says he is the king of cannabis and cus he blankets the market in GHS b/s marketing products that they are better than say serious seeds who are less active in advertisement but are still going strong 20 years on,.