Runoff ph problem


Hi and congratulations for your work, i am sorry for my bad english you are gona watch. I have a 50-50 peat-perlite medium, i m in veg stage week 2, my medium says that its ph is 5.6-6.4 its conductivity is 80ms/m (-/+ 30%) and it had 1.5kg/m3 fert (14-15-24), i am watering at 5,6-5,8ph range but after 2 weeks i steel have 7.1-7.2ph on runoff. What sould i do i am like one week before transplan, strains are all autoflower i think they already have problems absorb chemicals that they need but i am on early stage. They acually till now are growing well but i m aware for the near future.


Active Member
pics tell whole story and be very helpfull it has to be ur nutes u mixed in soilless mix add 1cup domilte lime per m3 mix this will balance ph quit abit and keep it there or mix ph 6.0, 50%nutes add 35hydrogen peroxide 30ml/gal(prevents overwatering and supplys 02 at rootzone) nutes water n rinsce 4to1 to gal meduim used should be good to go but 80 ms/m 0r 8.0ms/m huge diff 8ms/m i believe u ment or 2800ppm roughly a little high too me in veg but each nute builder has diff formulas also the pen u r using as they all have diff converstion rates to go ms/m ec/ppm /us/ppt make would be usefull aswell


pics tell whole story and be very helpfull it has to be ur nutes u mixed in soilless mix add 1cup domilte lime per m3 mix this will balance ph quit abit and keep it there or mix ph 6.0, 50%nutes add 35hydrogen peroxide 30ml/gal(prevents overwatering and supplys 02 at rootzone) nutes water n rinsce 4to1 to gal meduim used should be good to go but 80 ms/m 0r 8.0ms/m huge diff 8ms/m i believe u ment or 2800ppm roughly a little high too me in veg but each nute builder has diff formulas also the pen u r using as they all have diff converstion rates to go ms/m ec/ppm /us/ppt make would be usefull aswell
Hi and thanks, the amount of ferts was already in, they told me its not to much. Till now i was only watering with 5.6-5.8ph and a small amount of maxicrop seaweed around 1-2ml max.
I added at day 11 0.2-0.3grams of miller ferts 18-18-18. The package of the mix is at greek ill try transelate as best as i can: Its black and blund peat(sphagnoum) aposythesis degree (h2-h4)-(h3-h5), organic substance 70-80% of its weight, humidity 40-60%, Ph: (h2O)5.6-6.4, conductivity 80ms/m3(+/-30%), ferts added 15kg/m3 pgmx 14 15 24. Those are the information they give about the mix.
I only added 50% perlite, i cant have a pic right now, so if i add dolomite lime ph is gona be ok? Is there any chance something wrong from the perlite? No right??


Active Member
u be fine 6-7 domalite lime teaspoons per gallon soil do the trick if ur worried try one in 1day will will start see improvements


I realy apreciate your help i will add tomorow, thanks a lot dude i hope you will have any help you need as quick as you did for me.